Bengali Word ওয়াশিল, ওয়াসিলEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) realization (of dues)
Bengali Word ওয়াহিদ, ওয়াহেদEnglish definition [Arabic] (adjective) one; alone
Bengali Word ওয়ালাEnglish definition denoting: a trader, a seller, a practitioner, an owner, one in possession of or endowed with etc., -er, -or, ist. fem. ওয়ালি, উলি।
, -er, -or, ist. fem. ওয়ালি, উলি।
Bengali Word ক্লেদEnglish definition(noun) (1) liquid filthy foul water.
(2) filth; discharge from within one’s body, eg pus, sweat, saliva, etc.
(3) humidity; moisture.
(4) (figurative) mental pain or discontent excited by another’s success/ superiority; envy; malice: মনের ক্লেদ.
কেদাক্ত (adjective) besmeared with filthy matter; soiled; dirty.
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