- Bengali Word উনচল্লিশEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) thirty-nine.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
- Bengali Word আটচল্লিশEnglish definition (adjective) (noun) forty-eight
- Bengali Word ঊনচল্লিশEnglish definition = উনচল্লিশ
- Bengali Word একচত্বারিংশ, একচত্বারিংশৎ, একচল্লিশEnglish definition (noun) the number forty-one.(adjective) forty-first.
- Bengali Word চল্লিশEnglish definition (noun), (adjective) the number forty.চল্লিশা (noun) (1) weakness of the eyesight caused when one attains the age of forty. (2) obsequies of a Muslim deceased performed on the fortieth day after his death.
- Bengali Word চুয়াল্লিশEnglish definition (noun), (adjective) four and forty; forty four
- Bengali Word ছেচল্লিশEnglish definition (noun), (adjective) six and forty; forty-six
- Bengali Word তেতাল্লিশEnglish definition (noun), (adjective) three and forty; forty-three
- Bengali Word পঁয়তাল্লিশEnglish definition (noun), (adjective) forty-five
- Bengali Word বিয়াল্লিশEnglish definition (noun), (adjective) forty-two
- Bengali Word বেয়াল্লিশEnglish definition (colloquial) = বিয়াল্লিশ