Bengali Word ইনসানEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun)
human being.
ইনসানিয়াত (noun) humanity.
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Bengali Word ইনসাফEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) justice; equity.
ইনসাফ করা (verb transitive) do justice to; treat with justice.
Bengali Word ইনস্যুরেন্স, ইনসিওরেন্স, ইনশিওরেন্সEnglish definition(noun) [English] undertaking by a company to pay under specified conditions a sum of money in case of accident, damage, loss, injury or death in return for a stipulated premium; insurance
Bengali Word অবসানEnglish definition(noun) termination; conclusion; end.
অবসান হওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) terminate; come to an end; conclude.
Bengali Word পর্যবসানEnglish definition(noun) end; termination; close; conclusion; result; issue.
পর্যবসান হওয়া (verb intransitive) end in; amount to terminate; result in; perish; be lost; decline; conclude; be reduced to.
Bengali Word প্রত্যবসানEnglish definition(noun) eating; consuming.
প্রত্যবসিত (adjective)
(1) eaten; consumed.
(2) relapsed into the old (bad) way of life.
Bengali Word ফাঁসানো, ফাঁসানEnglish definition(verb transitive) (1) tear; rend; detach; cause to come away.
(2) let down; foil.
(3) implicate in; get one into a scrape.
(4) divulge; bring to light.
Bengali Word বলাসান, বেলসানEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) beIsam
Bengali Word বসানো, বসানEnglish definition(verb transitive) (causative of বসা) (1) cause to sit; seat; place; put.
(2) settle: প্রজা বসানো.
(3) set up; establish; found: কারখানা বসানো.
(4) give (a blow, etc) implant; deal: ছেলেটার পিঠে ঘা কতক বসিয়ে দিয়েছে.
(5) congeal; freeze: দইটা বসাও.
(6) put; place: উনুনে হাঁড়ি বসিয়ে দাও.
(7) set/stud with; inlay: আংটিতে পাথর বসানো.
(8) allow to be soaked (in): গায়ে জল বসানো.
(9) plant; fix; drive into: খুঁটিটা এখানে বসাও.
(10) impose levy: কর বসানো.
(11) imprint: দাগ বসানো.
(12) apply closely: কাজে মন বসানো.
(13) drive into; enter: পেরেক বসানো.
(14) pierce with: ছুরি বসানো.
(15) organize: সভা বসানো.
(16) cause to stay/settle: ভাড়াটে বসানো.
(17) engage: কাজে বসানো.
একেবারে বাপের/মায়ের মুখ বসানো be the image of one’s father/mother.
Bengali Word ভাসানEnglish definition(noun) (1) floating.
(2) immersion (as an image of a deity).
(3) (also ভাসানগান) kind of folk-song celebrating activities of some deities.
Bengali Word মায়াবসানEnglish definition(noun) end/expulsion of ignorance
Bengali Word রসানEnglish definition(noun) (1) act of steeping in juice.
(2) wetting; moistening.
(3) act of polishing gold, etc.
(4) a polishing substance (containing alum, sulphur, nitre, etc).
(5) a stone rubbing against which gold, etc are polished; polishing stone.
(6) spicy/ piquant remark added to give flavor to speech; mockery; derision; cutting remark.
Bengali Word লোকসানEnglish definition(noun) loss; damage; harm; detriment.
লোকসান করা (verb intransitive) cause/suffer a loss; damage; harm;
লোকসান দেওয়া (verb transitive) suffer/incur a loss; lose.