Bengali Word আফতাব ১English definition[Persian] (noun)
the sun.
Bengali Word আফতাব ২, আফতাবাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun)
ewer; jug with a spout.
Bengali Word আফতাবাEnglish definition(noun)
ewer; jug with a spout.
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Bengali Word কিতাব, কেতাবEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) a book.
কিতাব কোনার (noun) religious scriptures, evidential documents, etc.
কেতাবি (adjective) (1) books; bookish: কেতাবি বিদ্যা.
(2) (people) professing revealed religious, ie the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims.
Bengali Word খেতাবEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) appellation of honour awarded by authority; title.
খেতাবধারী (adjective) having a title of honour.
খেতাবি, খেতাবী (adjective) holding a title of honour.
Bengali Word প্রস্তাবEnglish definition(noun) (1) proposal; suggestion.
(2) motion.
(3) subject for/under discussion; topic.
(4) context; discourse.
(5) (of a book) chapter; section.
প্রস্তাব করা (verb intransitive) (1) propose; put forward for consideration; suggest; put forward a proposal.
(2) propose somebody for something; propose somebody as something; সভাপতির পদে নাম প্রস্তাব করা.
(3) propose/move a motion.
প্রস্তাব তোলা (verb intransitive) raise a topic; propose;propose/move a motion.
প্রস্তাবক (noun) proposer; mover (of a motion).
প্রস্তাবনা (noun) (1) proposal.
(2) introduction; beginning; commencement; preface.
(3) dramatic prologue.
Bengali Word মহতাব, মাহতাবEnglish definition(noun) (1) moon.
(2) moonlight.
(3) a kind of fireworks.
Bengali Word মাহতাব, মাহাতাবEnglish definition [Persian] (noun(s) the moon
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