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  • Bengali Word আদর্শEnglish definition(noun) one who or that which is to be followed as an ideal/model/specimen. আদর্শ চরিত্র (noun) exemplary character.(adjective) having an exemplary character. আদর্শ পুস্তক (noun) model book. আদর্শ স্ত্রী (noun) ideal wife. আদর্শলিপি (noun) copy-book. আদর্শ স্থানীয় (adjective) exemplary; ideal.

Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ

  • Bengali Word আদরEnglish definition (noun) (1) caress; fondness; love; affection.
    (2) respect; reverence; honour. আদর করা (verb transitive) fondle; caress. (3) show respect/honour. আদর-অভ্যর্থনা/আপ্যায়ন (noun) cordial reception and entertainment to guests; warm welcome.
  • Bengali Word আদরিণী, আদরীEnglish definition (adjective), (feminine) beloved enjoying too much indulgence; favourite
  • Bengali Word অতলস্পর্শEnglish definition (adjective) extremely deep; having a bottom that cannot be touched or reached
  • Bengali Word অর্শEnglish definition (noun) disease of the rectum; piles; hemorrhoids
  • Bengali Word কুপরামর্শEnglish definition (noun) evil counsel; an advice given for something harmful
  • Bengali Word চতুষ্পার্শEnglish definition [চতুঃ + পার্শ্ব] (noun) four sides; all sides.
    চতুষ্পার্শ্বে (adverb) on all sides.
  • Bengali Word ত্র্যহষ্পর্শEnglish definition (noun) a conjunction of three lunar days on one calendar day
  • Bengali Word দুঃস্পর্শEnglish definition (adjective) difficult to be touched; unpleasant to the touch
  • Bengali Word দুর্দর্শEnglish definition (adjective) difficult to be seen/met with
  • Bengali Word নিদর্শEnglish definition (noun) (printed or typed) form
  • Bengali Word পরামর্শEnglish definition (noun) counsel; consultation; conference; advice.
    পরামর্শ করা (verb intransitive) consult (somebody); hold/ take counsel with somebody; take counsel together; confer with somebody. পরামর্শ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) advise; counsel; give a piece of advice. পরামর্শ নেওয়া (verb intransitive) take somebody’s advice; take/ hold counsel with somebody; consult somebody. পরামর্শদাতা (noun) (1) adviser; counsellor. (2) (legal) counsel. পরামর্শ সভা (noun) council; conference.
  • Bengali Word পরিদর্শEnglish definition = পরিদর্শন
  • Bengali Word বিমর্শEnglish definition (noun) (1) special consideration; deliberation.
    (2) critical test; examination; trial. (3) reasoning; discussion; debate. (4) impatience; fidgetiness. dissatisfaction; displeasure; discontent.
  • Bengali Word সংস্পর্শEnglish definition (noun) close/ mutual contact; touch; connection; association; concern; conjunction.
    সংস্পর্শে আসা (verb intransitive) come in/ into contact with; come into close relation with; get in touch with; come upon. সংস্পর্শে থাকা (verb intransitive) have connection with; associate with; keep in touch with; keep company with; consort with.
  • Bengali Word সুস্পর্শEnglish definition (adjective) very pleasant to the touch; very soft/ tender
  • Bengali Word স্পর্শEnglish definition (noun) touch; sense of touch; contact.
    স্পর্শ করা (verb transitive) touch; feel with the hand; lay the hand on; stroke; come into contact. স্পর্শক (adjective) touching; feeling.  (noun) (geometry) tangent. স্পর্শকাতর (adjective) sensitive; touchy. স্পর্শকাতরতা (noun) sensitivity. স্পর্শকোণ (noun) angle of contact. স্পর্শক্রামক, স্পর্শক্রামী adjective(s) contagious. স্পর্শক্ষম (adjective) capable of touch; tangible. স্পর্শজ্যা (geometry) tangent. স্পর্শতন্মাত্র (noun) subtle element of tangibility (or of air). স্পর্শন (noun) touching; handling; contact. স্পর্শনীয় (adjective) to be touched / felt / perceived. স্পর্শনেন্দ্রিয় (noun) = স্পর্শেন্দ্রিয় . স্পর্শবর্ণ (noun) any one of the twenty five consonants from ক্ to ম্; stop. স্পর্শবিন্দু (noun) point of contact. স্পর্শমণি (noun) touchstone; kind of philosopher’s stone (supposed to turn everything it touches to gold). স্পর্শরেখা (noun) tangent; touch-line. স্পর্শলজ্জা (noun) the sensitive plant, Mimosa pudica. স্পর্শসুখ (noun) pleasure of touch. (adjective) pleasant to the touch. স্পর্শানুভূতি (noun) sense of touch; tactual perception. স্পর্শাসহ, স্পর্শাসহিষ্ণু (noun) sensitive to/intolerant of touch. স্পর্শাসহত্ব (noun) sensitivity to touch.