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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word চটাসEnglish definition(interjection) suggesting sound of slapping.
  • Bengali Word চটি ১English definition(noun) kind of slippers open at the heels (also চটি জুতা).
  • Bengali Word চটি ২English definition(adjective) thin, not fat: চটি বই.
  • Bengali Word চটুলEnglish definition(adjective) 1 quick, light, and neat in movement; quick-moving; nimble. 2 never quiet; always moving about; restless: চটুল স্বভাব. 3 not serious; tight: চটুল রচনা. 4 fascinating; captivating: চটুল নয়না.
  • Bengali Word চট্টোপাধ্যায়English definition(চট্ট + উপাধ্যায়) (noun) title of certain Bengali-speaking Brahmin families (also, চাটুয্যে).
  • Bengali Word চণ্ডEnglish definition(adjective) 1 furious in an uncontrolled way; very angry. 2 fierce; ferocious; severe: চণ্ডনীতি. (noun) (mythology) name of a furious demon. চণ্ডী, চণ্ডা (feminine) = চণ্ড.
  • Bengali Word চণ্ডালEnglish definition(noun) the lowest caste according to Hindu mythology; a member of this caste. 2 (figurative) very cruel person. চণ্ডালিনী, চণ্ডালী (feminine) = চণ্ডাল.
  • Bengali Word চণ্ডিকাEnglish definition(noun) Hindu goddess Durga.
  • Bengali Word চণ্ডীEnglish definition(noun) 1 a manifestation of goddess Durga. 2 a part of the Hindu Purana (Markandeya) narrating the activities and glory of goddess Chandi.3 (figurative) art irritable or wrathful woman. চণ্ডীপাঠ (noun) recital of the Chandi. চণ্ডীপাঠ থেকে জুতা সেলাই পর্যন্ত all activities irrespective of high and low, great and small. চণ্ডীমঙ্গল (noun) eulogistic literature about goddess Chandi. চণ্ডীমণ্ডপ (noun) shrine for the worship and glorification of Chandi. উগ্রচণ্ডী (noun) (feminine) a noisy quarrelsome woman. মঙ্গলচণ্ডী (noun) the benignant form of goddess Chandi. রণচণ্ডী (noun) 1 goddess Chandi in the state of fighting the demons.2 (figurative) a violent and bad-tempered woman.
  • Bengali Word চণ্ডুEnglish definition[Hindi] a kind of narcotic drug prepared from poppy seeds. চণ্ডু সেবন করা (verb intransitive) smoke opium. চণ্ডুখানা (noun) place where opium smokers can obtain and use this drug; opium-den.
  • Bengali Word চতুঃEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) the number 4. চতুঃশালা (noun) a homestead with (noun) four houses around the courtyard. চতুঃসীমা (noun) outer boundary on four sides of a closed figure.
  • Bengali Word চতুরEnglish definition(adjective) having a quick, effective and able mind; clever; intelligent; cunning; sly. চতুরতা (noun) the quality of being clever; cleverness; artfulness; skill; dexterity. চতুরা (feminine) = চতুর.
  • Bengali Word চতুরংশEnglish definition[চতুঃ + অংশ] (noun) four shares or parts. (adjective) divided into four parts or shares, Quadripartite. চতুরংশিত (adjective) 1 divided into four parts.2 (of a sheet of paper) folded twice so as to give four leaves or eight pages; quarto.
  • Bengali Word চতুরঙ্গEnglish definition[চতুঃ + অঙ্গ] (adjective) 1 (of an ancient army) comprising four parts, namely, elephants, cavalry, chariots and infantry: চতুরঙ্গ সেনা. 2 having four limbs/ all the limbs. (noun) 1 an army complete in 4 parts. 2 a form of music. 3 the game of chess.
  • Bengali Word চতুরালিEnglish definition[চতুর + B আলি] (noun) 1 the use of tricks to deceive or cheat; trickery; deception. 2 acting playfully or jokingly; playing tricks for fun; joke; banter. চতুরালি করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) 1 cause somebody to accept as true or good what is false or bad; cheat; deceive. 2 make fun of.
  • Bengali Word চতুরাশ্রমEnglish definition(noun) the four stages of life as prescribed by Vedic theology, eg. the celibate student life (Brahmacharya), the life of a house-holder (garhasthya) the life of a hermit (Banaprasthya) and the life of an ascetic (sannyasha).
  • Bengali Word চতুর্গুণEnglish definition(adjective) four times greater; fourfold. চতুর্গুণ করা (verb transitive) multiply (a number or amount) by 4; quadruple. চতুর্গুণ বাড়া (verb intransitive) increase fourfold.
  • Bengali Word চতুর্থEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) the last of four; fourth.
  • Bengali Word চতুর্থীEnglish definition(noun) 1 (astrology) the fourth day of a lunar fortnight. 2 (grammar) the fourth case-ending. 3 a Hindu rite performed by a married daughter on the fourth day of the death of either of her parents.
  • Bengali Word চতুর্দশEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) four and ten; fourteen. (adjective) fourteenth. চতুর্দশপদী (adjective) (of a poem) consisting of fourteen lines. চতুর্দশপদী কবিতা (noun) a poem containing 14 lines with formal pattern of rhymes; a sonnet. চতুর্দশী (noun) (feminine). 1 the fourteenth day of a lunar fortnight. 2 a girl of fourteen years. (adjective) fourteen years old.
  • Bengali Word চতুর্দিকEnglish definition[চতুঃ + দিক] the four quarters of a compass, namely, north, south, east and west; all the four sides. চতুর্দিকে (adverb) on all sides; in all directions.
  • Bengali Word চতুর্ধাEnglish definition[চতুঃ + ধা] (adverb) in four ways/ parts; on four sides; four times.
  • Bengali Word চতুর্বেদEnglish definition(noun) the four Vedas, namely, the Rik, the Yajus, the Sama and the Atharva. চতুর্বেদী (adjective) versed in all the four Vedas.
  • Bengali Word চতুর্ভুজEnglish definition(adjective) having four arms. (noun) 1 (geometry) a rectilineal or quadrilateral figure. 2 an appellation of Narayan or Vishnu.
  • Bengali Word চতুষ্কEnglish definition(noun) 1 a square or rectangular courtyard or portico. 2 a platform with four pillars at the four corners.
  • Bengali Word চতুষ্কোণEnglish definition(adjective) having four corners; having the shape of a quadrangle; quadrangular.
  • Bengali Word চতুষ্টয়English definition(adjective) having four forms/ divisions; of four kinds. (noun) an aggregate of four; quartet.
  • Bengali Word চতুষ্পদEnglish definition(noun) a four-footed animal; a quadruped; a beast. (adjective) 1 four-footed. 2 (figurative) as foolish as a beast. চতুষ্পদী (adjective) (feminine) four-footed. (noun) verse of four lines; a quatrain.
  • Bengali Word চতুষ্পাঠীEnglish definition[চতুঃ + পাঠী] (noun) Sanskrit school for teaching the four Vedas, grammar, poetry and philosophy.
  • Bengali Word চতুষ্পার্শEnglish definition[চতুঃ + পার্শ্ব] (noun) four sides; all sides. চতুষ্পার্শ্বে (adverb) on all sides.