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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word চৌধুরীEnglish definition(noun) 1 a title of honour. 2 a feudatory prince. 3 a village head man. 4 the chief merchant of a city or entrepot of trade. চৌধুরানী (feminine) = চৌধুরী.
  • Bengali Word চৌবাচ্চাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) a water reservoir; a storage tank (of water); a cistern. চৌম্বক (adjective) pertaining to the magnet; possessing the properties of the magnet; magnetic.
  • Bengali Word চৌরEnglish definition(noun) a thief.
  • Bengali Word চৌরসEnglish definition(adjective) 1 bread; wide; spacious. 2 level; plain, even; smooth. 3 four-cornered; square; rectangular.
  • Bengali Word চৌর্যEnglish definition(noun) act of stealing; theft. চৌর্যবৃত্তি (noun) the practice of stealing.
  • Bengali Word চৌষট্টিEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) four and sixty; sixty-four.
  • Bengali Word চৌহদ্দি, চৌহুদ্দিEnglish definition(noun) boundary lines on four sides; the limits of an area. চৌহদ্দি করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) mark the boundary of; delimit.
  • Bengali Word চৌহানEnglish definition(noun) a branch of the Rajputs.
  • Bengali Word চ্যান্সেলারEnglish definition[English] (noun) 1 the titular head of a university in some countries. 2 the chief minister of Germany; Chancellor. ভাইস চ্যান্সেলার (noun) the administrative chief of a university.
  • Bengali Word চ্যাবনEnglish definition(noun) a sage of ancient India. চ্যাবন প্রাশ (noun) a famous Ayurvedic medicine for cough or other bronchial troubles.
  • Bengali Word চ্যালেঞ্জEnglish definition[English] (noun) summons to fight; challenge. চ্যালেঞ্জ করা (verb transitive) summon to fight. চ্যালেঞ্জ দেওয়া (verb transitive) throw a challenge.
  • Bengali Word চ্যুতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 what has fallen down or dropped:. বৃন্ত চ্যুত 2 dismissed; discharged; removed:. পদচ্যুত 3 strayed; deviated:. পথচ্যুত, কক্ষচ্যুত 4 ousted; expelled; detached: ধর্মচ্যুত.
  • Bengali Word চ্যুতিEnglish definition(noun) 1 detachment; dislodgement; dismissal; expulsion: পদচ্যুতি, ধর্ম চ্যুতি. 2 loss; destruction; ruin; disappearance: ধৈর্য চ্যুতি.
  • Bengali Word চড়English definition(noun) a quick blow with the palm; a slap. চড় খাওয়া (verb intransitive) be slapped. চড় মারা (verb transitive) slap on the face.
  • Bengali Word চড়কEnglish definition(noun) Hindu festival on the last day of the Bengali year connected with the worship of Shiva. চড়ক গাছ (noun) a tall pole from which a worshipper of Shiva swings as a part of this festive. চক্ষু চড়ক গাছ হওয়া চক্ষু.
  • Bengali Word চড়চড়, চচ্চড়English definition(interjection) onomatopoeic word suggestive of certain sound.
  • Bengali Word চড়া ১English definition(verb transitive) 1 get on/ climb/ mount/ ascend: গাড়ীতে চড়া, গাছে চড়া, চড়া ঘোড়ার. 2 rise in amount or number; go up; increase: দাম চড়া.
  • Bengali Word চড়া ২English definition(adjective) 1 haughty, arrogant: চড়া মেজাজ. 2 strong; severe: চড়া রোদ. 3 excessive; exorbitant: চড়া সুদ. 4 rising far upwards, high: চড়া সুর, চড়া গলা.
  • Bengali Word চড়া ৩, চরাEnglish definition(noun) sandy or silted land mass rising out of a river-bed. চড়ায় ঠেকা (of a boat/ steamer) be blocked in the shallow waters of a newly arisen island on a river course.
  • Bengali Word চড়াই ১English definition[Hindi] (noun) 1 a way up; upward slope; attitude. 2 act of ascending/ climbing/ mounting. চড়াই উৎরাই (noun) acclivity and declivity; upward and downward movement.
  • Bengali Word চড়াই ২, চড়ই/ চড়ুইEnglish definition= চটক ১
  • Bengali Word চড়াইভাতি, চড়ুইভাতিEnglish definition(noun) pleasure trip by a group of people in which food is taken with or cooked on the spot in the country side.
  • Bengali Word চড়াওEnglish definition(noun) act of violence (on an enemy) intended to harm or defeat; a sudden attack, an assault, a raid; (adjective) one who has fallen upon (an enemy). চড়াও হওয়া (verb transitive) make an attack upon/ fall upon (an enemy).
  • Bengali Word চড়ানো ১English definition(verb transitive) 1 place somebody on something; cause to mount/ride/board. 2 make higher in amount ; raise, increase: দাম চড়ানো. 3 make louder: গলা চড়ানো. 4 put on, wear: গায়ে জামা চড়ানো. 5 (of cooking utensils) place on the oven: হাড়ি চড়ানো.
  • Bengali Word চড়াৎEnglish definition(interjection) denoting the onomatopoeic sound of cracking, bursting or splitting.
  • Bengali Word চয়English definition(noun) 1 (used as a suffix) a collection; an assemblage; a heap (অরাতিচয় ). 2 act of collecting or gathering.
  • Bengali Word চয়নEnglish definition(noun) 1 act of plucking or collecting: পুষ্প চয়ন. 2 act of cutting or selecting for compilation: কবিতা চয়ন. চয়ন করা (verb transitive) collect, gather or select. চয়নিকা (noun) (feminine) a collection of poems or other literary works; an anthology.