হ পৃষ্ঠা ৩
- Bengali Word হবনীEnglish definition(noun) sacrificial ladle; hole made in the ground for the sacrificial fire. হপ্তায় (adjective) to be offered with fire; sacrificial. (noun) oblation; clarified butter.
- Bengali Word হবাEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) = হাওয়া
- Bengali Word হবিEnglish definition(noun) = হবিঃ. হবিস্য, হবিষ্যি (colloquial) noun(s) sunned rice boiled in clarified butter for oblation. হবিষ্য/ হবিষ্যি করা (verb intransitive) eat (nothing but) boiled sunned rice and clarified butter. হবিষ্যান্ন = হবিষ্য. হবিষ্যালী (adjective) eating sacrificial food/ rice boiled in clarified butter.
- Bengali Word হবিঃEnglish definition(noun) oblation; burnt offering; anything offered as an oblation with fire.
- Bengali Word হবুEnglish definition(adjective) would-be; to-be; future.
- Bengali Word হবুচন্দ্রEnglish definition(noun) name of an utterly stupid king of folk tales. হবুচন্দ্র রাজার গবুচন্দ্র মন্ত্রী 1 a king and his minister, both utterly stupid. 2 (figurative) a stupid person and his equally stupid companion.
- Bengali Word হব্যEnglish definition(noun) = হবিঃ. (adjective) to be offered as an oblation; sacrificial; fit to be offered as an oblation.
- Bengali Word হম্বাEnglish definition(noun) = হাম্বা
- Bengali Word হম্মামEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) hot bath; Turkish bath; bagnio; hammam.
- Bengali Word হযরতEnglish definition= হজরত
- Bengali Word হর ১English definition(noun) 1 (mythology) Shiva, the destroyer. 2 (arithmetic) denominator; divisor. (adjective) taking away; carrying (off); removing; destroying; ravishing; captivating; allaying; killing; robbing: দুঃখ হর. হরা (adjective) (feminine) = হর. হর গৌরী (noun) form of Shiva and Parvati conjoined. হর চূড়ামণি (noun) Shiva’s crest-gem; moon. হরণ (noun) 1 robbing; plunder; pilferage; stealing. 2 abduction; taking away; carrying off. 3 removing; allaying; removal; elimination; destruction. 4 (arithmetic) division. হরণ করা (verb transitive) 1 rob; plunder; pilfer; lift; steal. 2 take away; carry off; abduct; seize; deprive of. 3 remove; allay; destroy; dispel; frustrate; annihilate. 4 conquer; win(over). 5 outdo; eclipse; surpass. 6 enrapture; charm; fascinate: মন হর করা. 7 protract; delay: কাল হর করা, gain time. 8 (arithmetic) divide. হরণ-পূরণ (noun) division and multiplication. হর-হর বমবম (interjection) (mythology) a sound uttered in honour of Shiva.
- Bengali Word হর ২English definition[Persian] (adjective) every; each; any; all. হর ওকত (adverb) = হরবকৎ. হর করা (noun) running footman; messenger; courier; emissary; peon; runner; postal messenger; postman. হরবিসম (noun) all/ various kinds. হর ঘড়ি (adverb) every hour; always; every now and then; often. হরতরফ (noun) all/ various directions. হরদম (adverb) every moment; always; non-stop; often; incessantly; continuously; every now and then. হরবোলা (noun) one who mimicks or is capable of mimicking every voice/ sound/ note; mimic.
- Bengali Word হরকত, হরকৎEnglish definition[Arabic] noun(s) 1 hindrance; interruption; obstacle; impediment; obstruction. 2 fault; misdemeanour. 3 motion; gesture; action. হরকৎ করা (verb intransitive) act unproperly; do an improper thing.
- Bengali Word হরগিজ, হরগেজEnglish definition[Persian] (adverb) ever; on any account.
- Bengali Word হরণEnglish definition(noun) 1 robbing; plunder; pilferage; stealing. 2 abduction; taking away; carrying off. 3 removing; allaying; removal; elimination; destruction. 4 (arithmetic) division. হরণ করা (verb transitive) 1 rob; plunder; pilfer; lift; steal. 2 take away; carry off; abduct; seize; deprive of. 3 remove; allay; destroy; dispel; frustrate; annihilate. 4 conquer; win(over). 5 outdo; eclipse; surpass. 6 enrapture; charm; fascinate: মন হর করা. 7 protract; delay: কাল হর করা, gain time. 8 (arithmetic) divide. হরণ-পূরণ (noun) division and multiplication.
- Bengali Word হরতনEnglish definition[Dutch] (noun) hearts (of playing-cards).
- Bengali Word হরতালEnglish definition(noun) stoppage of all works in protest throughout wide area; hartal; general strike.
- Bengali Word হরদমEnglish definition= হর ২. (adverb) every moment; always; non-stop; often; incessantly; continuously; every now and then.
- Bengali Word হরপ, হরফEnglish definition[Arabic] noun(s) 1 a letter of the alphabet. 2 speech; talk. 3 character; type. হরফ-ঢালাই (noun) type-casting. হরফ-ঢালাইয়ের কারখানা (noun) type-foundry.
- Bengali Word হরবকৎ, হরবখতEnglish definition[Arabic] adverb(s) every time; always.
- Bengali Word হরবোলাEnglish definition(noun) one who mimicks or is capable of mimicking every voice/ sound/ note; mimic. = হর ২
- Bengali Word হররাEnglish definition(noun) noisy outburst; gales; roars; screams; shrieks: হাসির হররা.
- Bengali Word হরষEnglish definition(noun) (poetic) = হর্ষ
- Bengali Word হরষিতEnglish definition(adjective) (poetic) = হর্ষিত
- Bengali Word হরা ১English definition(adjective) (feminine) = হর ১
- Bengali Word হরা ২English definition(verb transitive) = হরণ করা. হর ১
- Bengali Word হরিEnglish definition(noun) 1 (mythology) name of Sri Krishna/ Narayana/ Vishnu/ Shiva. 2 sun. 3 moon. (adjective) fawn-coloured; yellow; reddish brown; tawny; pale yellow; fallow; bay (applied to horses). হরি গুণ (noun) = হরি নাম. হরি গুণগান (noun) act of singing the glory of Hari. হরি ঘোষের গোয়াল (noun) 1 cowhouse of Hari Ghosh (ie the guest-house of a famous wealthy man of Calcutta-which used to be always packed with idlers who were fed by him out of charity). 2 (figurative) topsy-turvydom; Pandemonium; shambles. হরি চন্দন (noun) yellow sandal. হরি জন (noun) 1 (literally) Hari’s people/ flock; Hindu untouchable; Hariyan. হরি দাস (noun) slave/ worshipper of Hari. হরি ধ্বনি (noun) loud shouting of the name of Hari. হরি নাম (noun) name of Hart. হরি নাম করা (verb intransitive) utter/sing the name of Hart. হরি নামের ঝুলি/ ঝোলা (noun) bag to hold the rosary used in keeping count of singing the name of Hari. হরি নামের মালা (noun) rosary for keeping count of singing the name of Hari. হরি প্রিয় (adjective) liked/ loved by Hari. হরি প্রিয়া (feminine). (noun) Lakshmi. হরি প্রেম (noun) devotion to/ love of Hari. হরি বর্ষ (noun) (mythology) one of the 9 divisions of the Jambu-dvip (জম্বুদ্বীপ). হরি বাসর (noun) 1 any eleventh lunar day, which is a day of fast. 2 (facetious) fasting. হরি বাসর করা (verb intransitive) (facetious) go without food; fast. হরি বোল (noun), (interjection) loud shouting of the name of Hari; shout the name of Hari. হরি ভক্ত (adjective) devoted to/ worshipping Hari. (noun) devotee/ worshipper of Hari. হরি ভক্তি (noun) devotion to/ worship of Vishnu. হরি ভক্তি উবে যাওয়া (verb intransitive) (facetious) have one’s high esteem/ confidence lost. হরিরলুট, হরিলুট noun(s) scattering of batasha (বাতাসা) in honour of Hari for the congregation of devotees to pick up. হরি সঙ্কীর্তন, হরি সংকীর্তন (noun) act of pronouncing/ repeating the name of Hari; singing in chorus in praise of Hari. হরি সভা (noun) assembly to sing the glory of Hari. হরিহর (noun) 1 Hari and Shiva conjoined. 2 form of deity consisting of Vishnu and Shiva. হরি হর মূর্তি = হরি হর (2). হরি হরাত্মা (adjective) (of two friends, etc) inseparably united; intimate; bosom. হরি হরি (interjection) O Hari! O Hari! (uttered to express disgust, amagement, etc).
- Bengali Word হরিণEnglish definition(noun) deer; antelope; fawn; stag; buck; gazelle. হরিণী (feminine) female deer; doe. হরিণ ছানা, হরিণ শাবক, হরিণ শিশু (noun(s)) fawn. হরিণ নয়না, হরিণ লোচনা, হরিণাক্ষী adjective(s) gazelle-eyed; deer-marked. (noun) moon. হরিণ মাংস (noun) venison. হরিণ শৃঙ্গ (noun) stag’s horn; antler.
- Bengali Word হরিণ-বাড়িEnglish definition(noun) 1 presidency gaol of Calcutta. 2 house of correction; gaol; jail.
- Bengali Word হরিতEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) = হরিৎ. হরিতক (adjective) greenish. হরিতাশ্ম (noun) 1 emerald; turquoise. 2 sulphate of c0pper; blue vitriol.