স পৃষ্ঠা ৫৫
- Bengali Word সুইচEnglish definition[English] (noun) switch.
- Bengali Word সুইপারEnglish definition[English] (noun) sweeper.
- Bengali Word সুকঠিনEnglish definition(adjective) very difficult/tough/hard/stiff.
- Bengali Word সুকণ্ঠEnglish definition(adjective) sweet-voiced; having a melodious voice. সুকণ্ঠী (feminine).
- Bengali Word সুকতলাEnglish definition= সুখতলা
- Bengali Word সুকন্দকEnglish definition(noun) onion.
- Bengali Word সুকন্যাEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) beautiful/virtuous girl; good daughter.
- Bengali Word সুকরEnglish definition(adjective) easy to be done; easy for. সুকরতা (noun) easiness; feasibleness.
- Bengali Word সুকর্মEnglish definition(noun) good work. সুকর্মা (adjective) performing good works; virtuous. (noun) good/expert artificer/ artist/ architect.
- Bengali Word সুকল্পিতEnglish definition(adjective) well-planned; well-thought out.
- Bengali Word সুকানি, সুকানীEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) steerman/quartermaster of a steamer.
- Bengali Word সুকান্তEnglish definition(adjective) very handsome.
- Bengali Word সুকান্তিEnglish definition(noun) handsome appearance.
- Bengali Word সুকীর্তিEnglish definition(noun) good praise; wide fame/renown.
- Bengali Word সুকুমারEnglish definition(adjective) 1 very tender/delicate/ soft/young: সুকুমারমতি বালক. 2 very beautiful/graceful; fine. (noun) delicate youth সুকুমারী (feminine) = সুকুমার. সুকুমার কলা, সুকুমার বিদ্যা, সুকুমার শিল্প noun(s) fine arts. সুকুমারত্ব (noun) delicacy; tenderness; fineness. সুকুমার বৃত্তি (noun) tender/fine sensibility; artistic bent of mind. সুকুমার মতি (adjective) tender-hearted; innocent as a child; pure in heart; of tender age. সুকুমার শিল্পী (noun) artist; artiste.
- Bengali Word সুকৃতEnglish definition(noun) 1 good/righteous deed; meritorious act; virtue; moral merit. 2 benefit; bounty; friendly aid; favour. 3 fortune; auspiciousness; reward; recompense. (adjective) well done/ made/ formed/ executed; well arranged; adorned; made good; well-conducted; virtuous; fortunate. সুকৃত কর্ম (noun) good/ meritorious act. (adjective) doing good deeds; virtuous.
- Bengali Word সুকৃতিEnglish definition(noun) good/correct conduct; kindness; virtue; practice of religious austerities; good luck; piety; welfare; weal.
- Bengali Word সুকৃতী English definition(adjective) 1 doing good actions; virtuous; generous. 2 prosperous; fortunate.
- Bengali Word সুকৃত্যEnglish definition(noun) good/clever/righteous act; right/ virtuous action.
- Bengali Word সুকৃৎEnglish definition(adjective) doing good; benevolent; virtuous; pious.
- Bengali Word সুকেশEnglish definition(adjective) having beautiful hair. সুকেশা, সুকেশী, সুকেশিনী (feminine) = সুকেশ.
- Bengali Word সুকোমলEnglish definition(adjective) very soft/tender.
- Bengali Word সুকৌশলEnglish definition(noun) good contrivance/ device/ artifice/ stratagem; cleverness; ingenuity; cunning; trickery; skilfulness. সুকৌশলে (adverb) cleverly; artfully; skilfully; cunningly; adroitly.
- Bengali Word সুকৌশলীEnglish definition(adjective) clever; artful; skilful; deft; ingenious; cute; crafty; cunning; shrewd.
- Bengali Word সুক্তEnglish definition(noun) (colloquial) = সুক্তা
- Bengali Word সুক্তা, সুক্তানি, সুক্তোEnglish definitionnoun(s) dish of bitter vegetables.
- Bengali Word সুখEnglish definition(noun) 1 ease; easiness; comfort; prosperity. 2 pleasure; joy; bliss; happiness; delight; contentment. সুখকর, সুখজনক, সুখদ, সুখদায়ক, সুখপ্রদ (adjective) causing or giving pleasure/ happiness/ delight; comfortable; happy; pleasant; delightful; easeful; blissful; pleasurable; joyful. সুখদা, সুখদায়িকা, সুখদাত্রী (feminine) = সুখদ, সুখদায়ক. সুখচর (adjective) going / moving easily. সুখজ, সুখজাত (adjective) born/produced easily; pleasure-born. সুখ দুঃখ (noun) pleasure and pain; joy and sorrow; weal and woe. সুখ দুঃখময় (adjective) consisting of pleasure and pain. সুখ দৃশ্য (adjective) pleasant to see; beautiful to look at. সুখধাম (noun) abode of joy; heaven. সুখপর (adjective) fond of ease/ comfort; intent on enjoyment. সুখপাঠ্য (adjective) readable at ease. সুখপ্রশ্ন (noun) inquiry as to welfare. সুখবাদ (noun) Epicureanism. সুখবাদী (adjective), (noun) Epicurean সুখ বাস. সুখবাসর noun(s) pleasant/ comfortable abode. সুখ বিধান করা (verb intransitive) provide for ease and comfort/ happiness. সুখবেদন (noun) consciousness of pleasure. সুখবুভুক্ষু (noun) pleasure-hungry; pleasure-seeking. সুখবোধ (noun) feeling of comfort/ happiness. সুখবোধ করা (verb transitive) feel comfortable/ happy. সুখভাক, সুখভাগী (adjective(s)) possessing/ sharing happiness; happy; fortunate. সুখভাগিনী (feminine) = সুখভাগী. সুখভোগ (noun) enjoyment of pleasure. সুখভোগ করা (verb transitive) enjoy happiness/ joy/bliss; enjoy ease and comfort. সুখভোগী (adjective) enjoying pleasure/ joy/ happiness/ bliss; enjoying ease and comfort; blissful; happy. সুখভোগ্য (adjective) easy to be enjoyed/ disposed. সুখময় (adjective) full of joy and pleasure; delightful; full of ease. সুখরবি (noun) sun of joy/happiness. সুখরাত্রি (noun) 1 quiet, comfortable night. 2 night of new moon (when there is a festival in honour of Lakshmi). সুখলেশ (noun) little pleasure; trace/ bit/ jot of easel comfort/ happiness. সুখশয়ন, সুখশয্যা noun(s) placid rest/ sleep; comfortable bed/ couch; bed of pleasure; bed of roses. সুখশায়িত (adjective) sleeping/ lying comfortably (on). সুখশায়ী (adjective) sleeping/ resting pleasantly. সুখ শান্তি (noun) happiness and peace. সুখশ্রাব্য, সুখশ্রুতি (adjective) agreeable/ pleasing to the ear; pleasant to hear; melodious/sweet to the ear. সুখ সংবাদ (noun) ‘a piece of happy news’. সুখ সমুদ্র, সুখ সাগর, সুখ সিন্ধু noun(s) ocean of pleasure; endless happiness/ bliss. সুখ সমৃদ্ধি (noun) happiness and prosperity. সুখ সম্পদ, সুখ সম্পৎ (noun) happiness and riches; milk and honey. সুখসাধ্য (adjective) easy to be accomplished/ attained. সুখসুপ্ত (adjective) comfortably asleep; resting well; sweetly sleeping. সুখ সুপ্তি (noun) placid/quiet sleep. সুখ সূর্য = সুখ রবি. সুখ সেবা (noun) pleasure seeking; hedonism; dissipation. সুখসেবী (adjective) pleasure-seeking; hedonism; dissipated; sensuous. (noun) pleasure seeker; hedonist; sensualist. সুখসেব্য (adjective) easy of access. সুখ সৌভাগ্য (noun) happiness and riches. সুখস্পর্শ (adjective) agreeable to the touch; pleasant to the feelings. সুখ স্বপ্ন (noun) happy/pleasant dream; dream of happiness. সুখ স্মৃতি (noun) happy memory/ recollection. (adjective) full of happy memories. সুখ স্বচ্ছন্দতা, সুখ স্বাচ্ছন্দ্য noun(s) happiness and ease; milk and honey; easy circumstances. সুখ স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যে (adverb) in comfort and happiness; in easy/flourishing circumstances. সুখানুভব, সুখানুভূতি = সুখবোধ. সুখান্ত (noun) end of happiness. (adjective) ending in happiness. সুখান্বেষণ (noun) search/ quest for pleasure/ comfort/ happiness. সুখান্বেষী (adjective) searching for/ seeking pleasure/ comfort/ happiness; pleasure-seeking. সুখাপন্ন (adjective) one who has attained/ gained happiness; happy; delighted. সুখাবহ (adjective) bringing/ conferring pleasure; delightful; pleasurable. সুখভিলাষ (noun) desire of pleasure. সুখরোহণ (adjective) easy to be ascended. সুখার্ত (adjective) affected by joy. সুখার্থ (adjective) for the sake of ease/pleasure. সুখার্থী (adjective) seeking/ wishing for pleasure/ happiness. সুখাশা (noun) hope of pleasure/ enjoyment. সুখাসন (noun) comfortable seat. সুখাসীন (adjective) comfortably seated. সুখে (adverb) with at ease; comfortably; happily; gladly; contentedly; blissfully; in bliss. সুখে থাকতে ভূতে কিলায় (figurative) act of inviting unnecessary troubles. সুখের কাঁটা (noun) (figurative) obstacle to happiness. সুখের পায়রা (noun) (figurative) fairweather friend; person of happy-go-lucky temperament.
- Bengali Word সুখতলাEnglish definition(adjective) piece of soft leather placed inside a shoe, insole (of leather.)
- Bengali Word সুখীEnglish definition(adjective) happy; glad; delighted; comfortable; content; satisfied; blessed; given to luxury. সুখিনী (feminine) = সুখী.
- Bengali Word সুখেচ্ছাEnglish definition(noun) hope/desire of happiness.