স পৃষ্ঠা ১৭
- Bengali Word সন্ত্রস্তEnglish definition(adjective) frightened; alarmed; trembling with fear; panic-stricken; awed; afraid of; terrified; greatly perturbed.
- Bengali Word সন্ত্রাসEnglish definition(noun) terror; great fear/alarm; terrorism. সন্ত্রাসক(adjective) terrorizing. (noun) terrorist. সন্ত্রাসবাদ (noun) terrorism. সন্ত্রাসবাদী (adjective) (noun) terrorist. সন্ত্রাসের রাজত্ব (noun) reign of terror.
- Bengali Word সন্ত্রাসিতEnglish definition(adjective) frightened; alarmed; terrorized; terrified; panic-stricken.
- Bengali Word সন্ত্রাসীEnglish definition(adjective), (noun) terrorist.
- Bengali Word সন্দংশ, সন্দংশিকা, সন্দংশীEnglish definitionnoun(s) pair of tongs/ pincers/ nippers; forceps; pliers; small shears.
- Bengali Word সন্দর্ভEnglish definition(noun) dissertation; treatise; essay; musical/ literary composition; book; collection.
- Bengali Word সন্দর্শনEnglish definition(noun) 1 act of looking steadfastly; gazing; viewing; seeing; beholding. 3 inspection; surveying; careful/minute observation; consideration. সন্দর্শন করা (verb transitive) behold; view; consider; supervise; inspect; observe (minutely/ carefully).
- Bengali Word সন্দষ্টEnglish definition(adjective) bitten; pressed closely together; pinched; ripped.
- Bengali Word সন্দিগ্ধEnglish definition(adjective) full of suspicion/ doubt; inclined to suspect; suspicious; dubious; doubtful; suspected; uncertain. সন্দিগ্ধচিত্ত, সন্দিগ্ধচেতা,সন্দিগ্ধমনা (adjective) having a suspicious/ doubtful mind; suspicious; sceptical distrustful. সন্দিগ্ধতা (noun) dubiousness; distrust; dubiety; unbelievingness; suspicion; uncertainty.
- Bengali Word সন্দিষ্টEnglish definition(adjective) pointed out; assigned; stipulated; promised.
- Bengali Word সন্দিহানEnglish definition(adjective) = সন্দিগ্ধ
- Bengali Word সন্দীপকEnglish definition(adjective) inflaming; exciting; kindling; arousing.
- Bengali Word সন্দীপনEnglish definition(noun) kindling; exciting; inspiring; excitation; inflaming; arousing; arousal; incitation. (adjective) = সন্দীপক
- Bengali Word সন্দীপনীEnglish definition(adjective) (feminine) = সন্দীপক
- Bengali Word সন্দীপিত, সন্দীপ্তEnglish definitionadjective(s) lighted up; kindled; inflamed; excited; flaming; burning; enkindled; incited; roused.
- Bengali Word সন্দেশEnglish definition(noun) 1 communication of intelligence; message; information; errand; news; tidings; report. 2 order; command; direction. 3 present; gift. 4 kind of dry sweets made of posset. সন্দেশওয়ালা (noun) manufacturer/ seller of the aforesaid sweetmeat. সন্দেশবহ, সন্দেশহর noun(s) messenger; envoy.
- Bengali Word সন্দেহEnglish definition(noun) 1 doubt; suspicion; uncertainty. 2 (rhetorical) a figure of speech expressing doubt. সন্দেহ করা (verb transitive) doubt; suspect. সন্দেহজনক (adjective) causing doubt/ suspicion; suspicious; doubtful; dubious; suspect. সন্দেহজনক ভাবে (adverb) suspiciously. সন্দেহ দোলা (noun) vacillation; wavering; hesitation. সন্দেহ দোলায় দোলা (verb intransitive) vacillate; waver; float in sea of doubt; have misgivings. সন্দেহ নেই there is no doubt; without doubt; no doubt; doubtlessly. সন্দেহবাই (noun) suspicious nature; propensity to suspect foul play, conspiracy, etc. সন্দেহবাদ (noun) scepticism. সন্দেহবাদী (noun) sceptic. সন্দেহভঞ্জন (noun) removal of doubt/ misgivings/ suspicion; resolution of doubt. সন্দেহ ভঞ্জন করা / সন্দেহ নিরসন করা (verb intransitive) remove resolve a doubt/ misgiving. সন্দেহস্থলে (adverb) in case of doubt/ uncertainty. সন্দেহাকুল (adjective) perturbed by doubt. সন্দেহের অতীত beyond doubt; above suspicion. সন্দেহের পাত্র suspect. সন্দেহের বিষয় matter of doubt. সন্দেহের লেশ (noun) shadow of of doubt; faint trace of doubt.
- Bengali Word সন্ধানEnglish definition(noun) 1 search; quest; pursuit; discovery; research. 2 trace: তার কোনো সন্ধান পাওয়া গেল? 3 mystery. 4 secret entrance. 5 planning; fixing on: শর সন্ধান. 6 joint; point of contact; joining; uniting. 7 (chemistry) fermentation; manufacture of fermented liquors.. সন্ধান করা (verb transitive) 1 search (for); look for; (try to) trace; research; hunt (for); seek; go in quest for; chase after; pursue. 2 fix on; plant; place; join. 3 discover. 4 ferment. সন্ধান নেওয়া (verb intransitive) inquire about/ concerning. সন্ধান পাওয়া (verb intransitive) find/ get a trace (of); find out; locate; trace; detect. সন্ধান হওয়া (verb intransitive) be searched/ traced; be found out/ detected/ located/ spotted/ discovered. সন্ধান পুস্তক (noun) book of reference. সন্ধান সুলুক (noun) 1 information; trace; news. 2 inquiry; exploration; investigation. 3 secrets; contrivance. সন্ধান সূত্র (noun) clue.
- Bengali Word সন্ধানিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 searched; looked for; pursued. 2 bound together; joined; fixed; placed; planted.
- Bengali Word সন্ধানী, সন্ধায়ীEnglish definition(adjective) engaged in searching; searching; investigative; sharp; piercing; penetrating; keen; inquisitive; curious. সন্ধানী আলো (noun) search-light. সন্ধানী দুরবিন (noun) collimating telescope.
- Bengali Word সন্ধিEnglish definition(noun) 1 junction; connection; combination; union (with); unification. 2 association; intercourse (with). 3 agreement; compact; alliance; league; reconciliation; compromise; peace between/ with; making a treaty of peace; negotiating alliance. 4 (grammar) euphonic junction of final and initial letters; sandhi. 5 (anatomy) joint; articulation. 6 contrivance; management. 7 place/ point of connection or contact; juncture; hinge; boundary; boundary line. 8 critical juncture; crisis; opportune moment. 9 interstice; crevice; interval. 10 interval between day and night; twilight. 11 wall; cavity/ hole/ breach in wall made by a housebreaker. 12 seam; fold. 13 period at the expiration of each Yuga or age. 14 space between heaven and earth; horizon. 15 juncture/ division of a drama. 16 secret; mystery: যে জানে স্বপ্নের সন্ধি. 17 reasoning; argument. সন্ধি করা 1 conclude a treaty; make a compact; sign (a) peace; enter into an alliance; heal the breach; compromise. সন্ধি কাষ্ঠ (noun) wood below the top of a gable. সন্ধিক্ষণ (noun) juncture of two ages/ moments/ periods. সন্ধি চৌর (noun) burglar. সন্ধিত (adjective) 1 joined/ fastened together; put to/on; fixed; united with; 2 allied; covenanted; concluded (as an alliance); 3 prepared; mixed together; fermented. সন্ধিত পদ (adjective) (zoology) jointed leg. সন্ধি পদ (adjective) (zoology) arthropod. সন্ধি পত্র (noun) written covenant; written agreement of peace. সন্ধি পূজা (noun) worship of Durga in autumn at the juncture of the eighth and the ninth lunar day. সন্ধি প্রদাহ (noun) arthritis. সন্ধিবদ্ধ (adjective) united; joined; bound by a treaty/an agreement; covenanted. সন্ধিবন্ধ (noun) ligaments/sinews of the joints. সন্ধিবন্ধন (noun) ligament; tendon. সন্ধিবন্ধনী (noun) ligament. সন্ধিবাত (noun) gout; rheumatism. সন্ধিবিগ্রহ (noun) peace and war. সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ (noun) (grammar) disjoining of sandhi. সন্ধি বেলা (noun) twilight; evening. সন্ধি-ভঙ্গ (noun) 1 joint-fracture; dislocation of a joint; 2 violation of a treaty/covenant; disruption of alliance. সন্ধিমুক্ত (adjective) dislocated. সন্ধিযুক্ত (adjective) articulated. সন্ধিস্থল (noun) juncture. সন্ধি হারক = সন্ধি চৌর. কপাট-সন্ধি (noun) hinge-joint. বিসর্গ সন্ধি (noun) (grammar) euphonic junction of a বিসর্গ with a vowel or consonantal sound, or of a consonantal sound with a vowel sound. স্বর-সন্ধি (noun) (grammar) euphonic junction of two vowel sounds.
- Bengali Word সন্ধিৎসাEnglish definition(noun) 1 desire to know/inquire; inquisitiveness; curiosity. 2 wish to make peace/form an alliance with.
- Bengali Word সন্ধিৎসুEnglish definition(adjective) 1 inquisitive; curious. 2 wishing to make peace/form an alliance with.
- Bengali Word সন্ধুক্ষিতEnglish definition(adjective) kindled; inflamed.
- Bengali Word সন্ধেয়English definition(adjective) to be joined/united/connected with; to be reconciled/made peace or alliance with.
- Bengali Word সন্ধ্যাEnglish definition(noun) 1 juncture of day and night; twilight; evening; dusk; nightfall. 2 religious acts performed at the three divisions of the day; evening prayer. 3 period which proceeds a Yuga or age of the world; transition period. 4 time (of performance): দু সন্ধ্যা খাওয়া. 5 beginning: কলির সন্ধ্যা. 6 close; closing period: জীবন সন্ধ্যা; সন্ধ্যা করা (verb intransitive) 1 be late in the evening; be overtaken by evening: সন্ধ্যা করে বাড়ি ফিরো না. 2 perform evening rites; say one’s prayer (at the three divisions of the day). সন্ধ্যা-আহ্নিক (noun) rites performed in the evening and during the day. সন্ধ্যা-উপাসনা (noun) worship performed in the evening/at the three divisions of the day. সন্ধ্যাংশ (noun) period at the end of each Yuga. সন্ধ্যাকাল (noun) evening-time; twilight-time. সন্ধ্যাকালিক, সন্ধ্যাকালীন adjective(s) belonging to evening-time/twilight-time; vesper-time; evening. সন্ধ্যাকালে (adverb) in the evening. সন্ধ্যাকৃত্য (noun) evening rites. সন্ধ্যা-গোধূলি (noun) evening twilight; dusk. সন্ধ্যাতারা (noun) evening star; Vesper. সন্ধ্যাত্রয় = তিনসন্ধ্যা. সন্ধ্যাদীপ (noun) evening lamp. সন্ধ্যাবন্দনা (noun) morning and evening hymns and acts of worship. সন্ধ্যা ভাষা (noun) esoteric/hermetic language. সন্ধ্যারাগ, সন্ধ্যালোক noun(s) red glow of twilight; twilight-ray. সন্ধ্যাশঙ্খ (noun) evening conch-shell. সন্ধ্যাসময় = সন্ধ্যাকাল. তিনসন্ধ্যা, ত্রিসন্ধ্যা noun(s) three divisions/periods of the day (morning, noon and evening).
- Bengali Word সন্নতEnglish definition(adjective) curved; inclined; stooping/bowing to; bent; bowed before; revered; deepened; sunk in; depressed; bent down through sorrow; dispirited.
- Bengali Word সন্নদ্ধEnglish definition(adjective) 1 bound/fastened/tied together; bound; girt. 2 armed; mailed; armoured; equipped; accoutred. 3 harnessed. 4 prepared; ready. 5 arrayed; aligned; lined-up. 6 ready to discharge water (said of a cloud). 7 wearing amulets; provided with charms. 8 sticking/clinging/adhering to; adjoining; bordering; near.
- Bengali Word সন্নাEnglish definition(noun) small pincers or forceps.
- Bengali Word সন্নাতEnglish definition(noun) bending down; stooping; lowness; depression; inclination; leaning towards; submission; humility toward.