ল পৃষ্ঠা ১৫
- Bengali Word লেলিহ, লেলিহানEnglish definition(adjective) 1 frequently; licking/ darting out the tongue. 2 blazing; flashing; fiery: লেলিহান শিখা.
- Bengali Word লেশEnglish definition(noun) small part/portion; particle; atom/little bit/slight trace of; shadow of. লেশমাত্র (adjective) (used chiefly in the negative) even the faintest trace/ shadow of; even an iota/bit of.
- Bengali Word লেসEnglish definition[English] (noun) lace. লেসপরানো/বসানো (verb transitive) trim/ decorate with a lace: lace; enlace.
- Bengali Word লেহEnglish definition= লেহন. লেহনীয় (adjective) to be licked; lickable; to be lapped/licked up/eaten by licking.
- Bengali Word লেহনEnglish definition(noun) licking; tasting/lapping with the tongue. লেহনকরা (verb transitive) lick; lap; lick at; taste; sip; take any food by licking/lapping. লেহনকারী (adjective) licking/ lapping. (noun) licker.
- Bengali Word লেহাজEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 respect; regard; honour; deference. 2 courtesy; good manners; modesty; shame.
- Bengali Word লেহীEnglish definition(adjective) = লেহনকারী. (noun) licker.
- Bengali Word লেহ্যEnglish definition(adjective) = লেহনীয়. (noun) sipped food.
- Bengali Word লেড়কাEnglish definition(dialect) (noun) boy; child; youngster; babe; son.
- Bengali Word লৈখিকEnglish definition(adjective) 1 relating to/used in writing; written (not oral). 2 (algebra) graphical. 3 literary.
- Bengali Word লৈঙ্গ,লৈঙ্গিকEnglish definition(adjective) 1 relating to penis or gender. 2 sexual.
- Bengali Word লোEnglish definition= লা২
- Bengali Word লোকEnglish definition(noun) 1 wide space or world; the universe; any division of the universe; sphere; region; tract: ত্রিলোক. 2 the earth; world of human beings. 3 inhabitants of the world; mankind; folk; people; public; men. 4 person; human being. 5 company; community. 6 ordinary life; worldly affairs. 7 common practice/usage. 8 servant; porter: সঙ্গে লোক আছে? না থাকে একজন ডাকো. 9 caste : তারা কী লোক? লোক হাসানো (verb intransitive) be the object of public ridicule; make oneself a laughing-stock; make oneself the butt of the (town, etc). লোকে বলে they/people say; it is said. লোককথা, লোককাহিনী (noun(s) popular tale/legend; folktale; folklore. লোককান্ত (adjective) liked by every one; pleasing to all; popular. লোকগণক (noun) census enumerator. লোক গণনা (noun) census. লোকগতি (noun) way of the world; actions of men. লোকগাথা (noun) verse/song handed down orally; ballad. লোক গুরু (noun) teacher of the world; instructor of the people. লোকচক্ষু(noun) eyes of men; eye of the world; the sun. লোকচক্ষুতে (adjective) in the eyes of the people/public. লোকচক্ষুর আগোচরে (adverb) underhand; underhandedly; under cover. লোক চক্ষুরসমক্ষে (adverb) publicly; openly. লোকচর (adjective) wondering through the worlds. লোক চরিত্র (noun) way/proceedings of the world; human character. লোকজ (adjective) of the community. লোক জন (noun) people (at large); one’s followers/ associates/ supporters; suite; train of followers; retinue. লোকজিৎ (adjective) winning conquering the world/any region; winning/ heaven. (noun) conqueror of the world; name of Buddha. লোকজ্ঞ (adjective) knowing the world; understanding men. লোকজ্ঞতা (adjective) knowledge of mankind/the world. লোকত, লোকতঃ (adverb) by men; from people; in the eyes/ opinion or from the viewpoint of the public; as usual/customary in the world. লোকধর্মত (adverb) in the eyes/opinion of people and religion; from the point of view of religion as popularly understood. লোকতন্ত্র (noun) system/course of the world. লোকতন্ত্রবাদ (noun) democracy. লোকত্রয় (noun) (plural) the three worlds (heaven, earth and atmosphere/lower regions). লোকদেখানো (adjective) falsely demonstrative: false; makebelieve; phoney; feigned; simulated; sham; for effect; ostentatious; superficial; hollow. লোকধর্ম (noun) worldly matter/condition. লোকনায়ক (noun) leader of men. লোকনিন্দা (noun) public scandal/ censure; infamy; reproach/ censure of the world; public shame; obloquy. লোকনিন্দিত (adjective) generally censured; infamous. লোকনীতি = লোকাচার. লোকপরম্পরা (noun) succession of generations; transition from generation to generation of people/from man to man; tradition. লোকপরম্পরাগত (adjective) transmitted/handed down from generation to generation of people; traditional. লোকপাবক (noun) redeemer/purifier of the world. লোকপাল (noun) guardian of the world; king; (mythology) any one of the eight presiding deities of the eight corners of the universe. লোকপালক (adjective) protecting the world. (noun) king; sovereign. লোক পালন করা (verb intransitive) look after the welfare of the people/subjects; rule; administer. লোক পিতামহ (noun) great forefather of mankind; (according to Hindu notion) Brahma. লোক পূজিত (adjective) honoured by the world; universally revered. লোক প্রবাদ (noun) popular talk; common saying; commonly used expression; hearsay; rumour. লোক প্রশাসন (noun) public administration. লোক প্রসিদ্ধ (adjective) celebrated in the world; universally known. লোক প্রসিদ্ধ (noun) universal establishment/ reception (of a custom, etc); general prevalence; universal fame. লোক প্রিয় (adjective) popular. লোকপ্রিয়তা (noun) popularity. লোক বন্ধু (noun) friend of all; philanthropist. লোকবল (noun) strength of one’s supporters/ followers; one’s men/supporters collectively; manpower. লোক বহির্ভূত (adjective) lying outside the human society; not to be found amongst men; unusual; rare; uncommon. লোক বচন, লোকবাদ (noun) public rumour; people’s talk; talk of the world. লোক বার্তা (noun) world’s news; popular report/rumour. লোকবাহিত (adjective) drawn/ pulled by men. লোক বাহ্য (adjective) 1 excluded from the world/society; excommunicated. 2 singular; eccentric. 3 to be pulled/ drawn by men. লোকবিদ্বিষ্ট (adjective) hated by the people. লোকবিরাগ (noun) aversion/ displeasure of the people. লোকবিশ্রুত (adjective) universally celebrated; famous. লোকবিশ্রুতি (noun) worldwide fame; notoriety. লোকব্যবহার = লোকাচার. লোকমত (noun) public opinion. লোকবৃত্তান্ত (noun) events/ occurrences of the world; course/proceedings of the world. লোকব্রত (noun) general practice; general mode of life. লোক ব্যবহার = লোকাচার. লোকমত (noun) public opinion. লোকমাতা (noun) (feminine) mother of the world; goddess Lakshmi. লোক যশ = লোকবিশ্রুতি. লোকযাত্রা (noun) business and traffic of men; worldly affairs; conduct of men. ordinary actions; worldly existence; career in life; support of life. লোকরক্ষা (noun) protection of the people. লোকরঞ্জক (adjective) popular. লোকরঞ্জন (noun) pleasing the world; satisfying men; gaining public confidence; public entertainment. লোকলজ্জা (noun) tear of public disgrace. লোকলশকর, লোকলস্কর (noun) retinue; following; attendants. লোকলীলা (noun) worldly activities. লোকলৌকিকতা (noun) social formalities/ amenities. লোক শিক্ষক = লোকগুরু. লোক শিক্ষা (noun) mass education; public instruction. লোকশ্রুতি (noun) 1 = বিশ্রুতি. 2 popular report. লোক সংখ্যা (noun) population. লোক সঙ্গীত (noun) folk-song. লোকসভা (noun) house of the people. লোকসমাকীর্ণ (adjective) crowded; teeming with people; thickly populated. লোক সমাগম (noun) gathering/collection of people; assemblage. লোক সমাজ (noun) human society; public; community. লোক সাধারণ (noun) (general) public; common man. (adjective) common (as a topic). লোক সাহিত্য (noun) folk literature. লোকসিদ্ধ (adjective) world established; current among the; people; usual; common; universally admitted; generally received. লোক সীমান্তবর্তী (adjective) passing beyond ordinary limits; extraordinary; supernatural. লোক সেবক (noun) social welfare worker. লোক সেবা (noun) social (welfare) service. লোক স্থিতি (noun) 1 duration/ existence of the world. 2 human society/habitation. 3 universal law; generally established rule. লোকহিত (noun) public welfare/good. লোক হিতকর (adjective) beneficial to the world/mankind/public; promoting the wellbeing of the people. লোক হিতকর কার্য (noun) public welfare service/work. লোক হিতব্রত (noun) philanthropy; devotion to the service of mankind. (adjective) (also লোক হিতব্রতী) dedicated to public service; devoted to public welfare work; benevolent; philanthropic. লোক হিতৈষণা (noun) benevolence; altruism; philanthropy. লোক হিতৈষী (adjective) benevolent; altruistic; philanthropic. লোক হিতৈষিণী (feminine) = লোক হিতৈষী . লোকাকীর্ণ = লোক সমাকীর্ণ. লোকাচার (noun) usage/ practice of the world; general/ popular custom; common/ popular/ practice. লোকাচার-বিরুদ্ধ (adjective) contrary to popular practice; opposed to prevalent custom/ usage. লোকাতিগ/ লোকাতিশয় = লোক সীমান্তবর্তী. লোকাতীত (adjective) extraordinary; uncommon; extramundane; supernatural; superhuman; miraculous. লোকানুরাগ (noun) love of mankind; universal love/benevolence. লোকান্তর (noun) another/the next world; future life; the hereafter; death. লোকান্তরগত, লোকান্তরগামী adjective(s) dead; deceased. লোকান্তরগতা, লোকান্তরগামিনী (feminine) = লোকান্তরগত, লোকান্তরগা. লোকান্তরগতি, লোকান্তরগমন noun(s) going to the other world; eternal journey; death. লোকান্তরপ্রাপ্ত, লোকান্তরিত = লোকান্তরগত লোকান্তরপ্রাপ্তা, লোকান্তরিতা (feminine) = লোকান্তরপ্রাপ্ত, লোকান্তরিত =. লোকান্তরিত হওয়া (verb intransitive) die; pass away. লোকান্তরপ্রাপ্তি = লোকান্তরগতি. লোকাপবাদ = লোকনিন্দা. লোকাভাব (noun) want of men/workers; thin population. লোকাভিলষিত (adjective) universally; coveted; generally liked. লোকায়ত (adjective) materialistic; atheistic; secular. (noun) materialist; system of atheistic philosophy (taught by Charvaka); materialism. লোকায়ত রাষ্ট্র (noun) secular state. লোকায়তিক (adjective) materialistic. (noun) materialist; atheist. লোকারণ্য (noun) vast crowd of people; great concourse of people. (লোকে) লোকারণ্য হওয়া (verb intransitive) teem with a vast multitude of people; be crowded/ packed/ swarming with. লোকালয় (noun) human habitation/ settlement; colony; town; village; human society. লোকালয়ে মুখ দেখানো (verb intransitive) have the face to move in society; show one’s face to the public. লোকালোক (noun) 1 the world and the non-world. 2 (mythology) a belt/circle of mountains surrounding the outermost of the seven seas and dividing the visible world from the region of darkness. 3 horizon.
- Bengali Word লোকনEnglish definition(noun) act of seeing/looking/viewing.
- Bengali Word লোকমাEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) morsel; mouthful; bit.
- Bengali Word লোকসানEnglish definition(noun) loss; damage; harm; detriment. লোকসান করা (verb intransitive) cause/suffer a loss; damage; harm; লোকসান দেওয়া (verb transitive) suffer/incur a loss; lose.
- Bengali Word লোকাল বোর্ডEnglish definition[English] (noun) local board.
- Bengali Word লোকিতEnglish definition(adjective) seen; be beheld; viewed.
- Bengali Word লোকেশEnglish definition(noun) 1 lord of the world; Brahma. 2 king.
- Bengali Word লোকোত্তরEnglish definition(adjective) unusual; uncommon; extraordinary; phenomenal; exceptional; outstanding; prodigious.
- Bengali Word লোকোপকারEnglish definition(noun) good of the people; public benefit/advantage.
- Bengali Word লোচনEnglish definition(noun) 1 eye. 2 seeing; looking; viewing. 3 illuminating; commentary. লোচন গোচর (noun) range/horizon of the eye. (adjective) being within the range of the eye; visible. লোচন পথ (noun) = লোচনগোচর. লোচন প্রান্ত (noun) corner of an eye. লোচনরঞ্জন (noun) pleasing to the eye; lovely. লোচন লোভন (adjective) eye catching; attractive; extremely beautiful. লোচন লোচনানন্দ (noun) delight of the eye; cynosure.
- Bengali Word লোচ্চাEnglish definition= লুচ্চা
- Bengali Word লোটন ১English definition(noun) 1 ground tumbler (pigeon). 2 hair worn in a loosely hanging bun. (adjective) (of hair in a bun) loosely hanging.
- Bengali Word লোটন ২English definition1 লুণ্ঠন. 2 rolling; wallowing; sprawling.
- Bengali Word লোটা ১English definition(verb transitive), (verb intransitive) = লুটা. লোচন নো = লুটানো
- Bengali Word লোটা ২English definition(noun) small pot for holding water.
- Bengali Word লোণাEnglish definition= লোনা
- Bengali Word লোদাEnglish definition(noun) boggy land. (adjective) soft; infirm; soggy; quaggy. লোদা চর (noun) infirm soil.
- Bengali Word লোধ, লোধ্রEnglish definition(noun) a kind of tree; symplocos racemosa. লোধ্ররেণু (noun) a cosmetic powder prepared from the bark of the above tree.