ম পৃষ্ঠা ৭
- Bengali Word মথুরাEnglish definition(noun) an ancient city in India. মথুরাধাম (noun) city of Mathura.
- Bengali Word মথ্যমানEnglish definition(adjective) being churned/stirred up.
- Bengali Word মদEnglish definition(noun) 1 any exhilarating/intoxicating drink; spirituous liquor; wine. 2 hilarity; rapture; excitement. 3 intoxication; inspiration. 4 insanity personified. 5 ardent passion for; sexual desire/ enjoyment; wantoness; lust; ruttishness; rut (especially of an elephant). 6 pride; arrogance; presumption; conceit of/about. 7 fluid/juice that exudes from the rutting elephants/stag’s temples. ৪ semen virile. মদ খাওয়া (verb intransitive) drink wine; drink. মদক (noun) an intoxicant consisting of opium, used for smoking. মদকর (adjective) intoxication. মদকরী (noun) elephant in rut. মদকল (adjective) sounding/singing softly or indistinctly (as if intoxicated); drunk; intoxicated (with liquor/passion); ruttish; furious; mad. মদকল কোকিল কূজিত (noun) warbling of cuckoos during the breeding season. মদকলযুবতী (noun) (feminine) young woman intoxicated with love. মদখোর (adjective) addicted to drinking. (noun) drunkard. মদগন্ধ, মদগন্ধা (noun(s) intoxicating beverage. মদগর্ব (noun) insane vanity/ pride/ arrogance. মদগর্বিত, মদগর্বী (adjective(s)) intoxicated/mad with pride/vanity. মদগর্বিতা, (feminine) = মদগর্বিত. মদজ্বর (noun) fever of passion/pride. মদবারি (noun) temple-juice (of a ruttish elephant). মদবিক্ষিপ্ত (adjective) distracted by passion; ruttish; furious. মদবিহ্বল, মদবিহ্বলিত (adjective(s)) excited by passion; lustful; wanton. মদমত্ত (adjective) 1 wildly intoxicated; dead drunk. 2 drunk/ intoxicated/ mad with vanity/pride. 3 ruttish. মদমত্তা/ মদমত্তহস্তী (noun) elephant in rut; furious elephant. মদমুকুলিত (adjective) half-closed with intoxication. মদমুকুলিতাক্ষী (adjective) with eyes half-closed with passion. মদমোহিত (adjective) stupefied by drunkenness. মদয়িতা (adjective) (feminine) intoxicating. মদলেখা (noun) line formed by the rut-juice (on an elephant’s temples). মদস্রাবী (adjective) emitting temple-juice (as a rutting elephant). মদাকুল (adjective) agitated by passion/lust; furious with rut. মদাচ্য (adjective) rich in/filled with wine; intoxicated; drunk. মদাতঙ্ক, মদাত্যয় (noun) disorder resulting from intoxication (as headache etc). মদান্ধ (adjective) blind through drunkenness/ passion; infatuated; ruttish (as an elephant). মদাবস্থা (noun) state of passion; ruttishness. মদালস (adjective) lazy from drunkenness; indolent; languid; slothful মদালসা (feminine). মদালাপ (noun) sounds of love/joy; amorous conversation. মদালাপী (adjective) uttering sounds of love/ joy মদালাপিনী (feminine).
- Bengali Word মদত, মদৎ, মদদEnglish definition(noun) help; aid; assistance; succour; reinforcement; cooperation. মদত করা/দেওয়া (verb transitive) help; assist; aid; cooperate with; reinforce. মদদগার (noun) helper; ally; protector; assistant. মদদগারি (noun) = মদদ.
- Bengali Word মদনEnglish definition(noun) 1 Hindu god of love. 2 passion; love; sexual desire. 3 season of spring. 4 name of various plants. 5 bee; bumble bee. 6 act of intoxicating/exhilarating. (adjective) intoxicating. মদনা (feminine) 1 any intoxicating drink; spirituous liquor. 2 musk. 3 lustful woman. মদন কণ্টক (noun) erection of hair caused by a thrill of love. মদন-কলহ (noun) love-quarrel. মদনক্লিষ্ট (adjective) pained by love. মদনধর্ম (noun) coitus. মদনপীড়া (noun) pain/ disquietude of love. মদনপীড়িত (adjective) stricken with sexual desire/love; lovesick; lovelorn. মদনপীড়িতা (adjective) (feminine). মদনবশ (adjective) influenced by love; enamoured. মদনবাণ (noun) shaft of Madana; মদনমোহন (noun) ‘infatuater of the god of love’; Sri Krishna. মদনরিপু (noun) ‘enemy of Kamadeva’, Shiva. মদন ললিত amorously sporting/ dallying. মদনলেখা (noun) love-letter. মদনশর = মদনবাণ. মদনাতুর = মদনপীড়িত. মদনাবস্থা (noun) state of love. মদনাশয় (noun) sexual desire.
- Bengali Word মদনোৎসবEnglish definition(noun) festival of Madana; vernal.
- Bengali Word মদনোৎসুকEnglish definition(adjective) pining/languid with love.
- Bengali Word মদিনাEnglish definition1 (literally) city. 2 city where the holy shrine of Prophet Muhammad (sm) is situated.
- Bengali Word মদিরEnglish definition(adjective) intoxicating; exhilarating; delighting; lovely. (noun) wagtail (especially in the breading season). মদির নয়ন, মদিরাক্ষ (adjective) having intoxicating/ fascinating eyes; lovely-eyed. মদির নয়না, মদিরাক্ষী (feminine) (noun) fascinating woman.
- Bengali Word মদিরাEnglish definition(noun) spirituous liquor; any inebriating drink; wine; nectar. মদিরা গৃহ (noun) drinking-house; tavern. মদিরা সব (noun) any intoxicating liquor.
- Bengali Word মদিরেক্ষণাEnglish definition(adjective) = মদিরনয়না ( মদির)
- Bengali Word মদিরোন্মত্তEnglish definition(adjective) drunk with wine/spirituous liquor.
- Bengali Word মদিরোৎকটEnglish definition(adjective) excited/intoxicated with spirituous liquor.
- Bengali Word মদীয়English definition(possessive) (adjective) (old use) my.
- Bengali Word মদো, মোদোEnglish definition(adjective(s) pertaining to wine/spirituous liquor; alcoholic; spirituous; addicted to wine. (noun) drunkard.
- Bengali Word মদোদগ্রEnglish definition(adjective) 1 much excited; furious. 2 arrogant; haughty.
- Bengali Word মদোদ্ধতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 intoxicated. 2 puffed up with pride; arrogant. মদোদ্ধতা (feminine) = মদোদ্ধত.
- Bengali Word মদোন্মত্তEnglish definition(adjective) intoxicated with passion or pride.
- Bengali Word মদোৎকটEnglish definition(adjective) 1 excited by drink; intoxicated. 2 excited by passion; ruttish; furious. 3 arrogant. (noun) elephant in rut.
- Bengali Word মদ্দEnglish definition= মর্দ
- Bengali Word মদ্দনাEnglish definition(noun) (archaic) manliness; virility.
- Bengali Word মদ্দাEnglish definition= মর্দা
- Bengali Word মদ্দানিEnglish definition= মর্দানি
- Bengali Word মদ্যEnglish definition(noun) any intoxicating drink; vinous/spirituous liquor; wine. মদ্যপ, মদ্যপায়ী (adjective) drinking/addicted to intoxicating liquor. (noun(s) drunkard. মদ্যপান (noun) drinking of intoxicating liquors. মদ্য বিক্রেতা (noun) seller of intoxicating liquors; vintner; wine-merchant.
- Bengali Word মদ্রEnglish definition(noun) 1 an ancient country consisting of some districts of the modern Punjab. 2 joy; happiness.
- Bengali Word মদ্গুরEnglish definition= মাগুর
- Bengali Word মধুEnglish definition(noun) 1 honey; nectar. 2 anything sweet (especially if liquid). 3 juice of the soma plant (সোম). 4 any sweet intoxicating drink; wine; spirituous liquor. 5 the month of Chaitra. 6 the season of spring. 7 name of an Asura. 8 liquorice. (adjective) sweet; delicious; pleasant; delightful; charming. মধুক (noun) 1 liquorice. 2 Asoka tree; Jonesia asoka. 3 Mahua tree; Bassia latifolia. মধুকণ্ঠ (adjective) having a melodious/ mellifluous voice; soft-spoken; sweet-voiced. (noun) cuckoo. মধুকর (noun) 1 bee; 2 lover; libertine; 3 the tree Eclipta prostrate (ভৃঙ্গরাজ) মধুকরী (feminine) female bee. মধুকরডম্বর (noun) (plural) swarm of bees. মধু কোদক (noun) milk mixed with water. মধুকোষ (noun) bee-hive; honeycomb. মধুক্রম = মধুকোষ. মধুগন্ধ, মধুগন্ধি, মধুগন্ধিক (adjective) sweet-smelling. মধুগ্রন্থি (noun) (botany) nectary. মধুগ্রহ (noun) libation of honey. মধুঘোষ (noun) cuckoo. মধুচক্র = মধুকোষ. মধুচন্দ্র, মধুচন্দ্রমা, মধুচন্দ্রিমা (noun) honeymoon. মধুচ্ছন্দ (noun) name of the first of Vishvamitra’s one hundred and one sons. মধুজ (adjective) obtained from honey. (noun) earth; wax; sugar made from honey; sugar-candy. মধুজাত (adjective) sprung/produced from honey. মধুজালক = মধুকোষ. মধুজীব (noun) bee. মধুজিহ্ব (adjective) honey-tongued; sweet-tongued; sweetly-speaking. মধুতৃণ (noun) sugar-cane. মধুত্রয় (noun) (plural) the three sweet things (sugar, honey and clarified butter). মধুত্ব (noun) sweetness. মধুদূত (noun) ‘messenger of spring’; mango tree. মধুদ্রুম = 1 মধুদূত. 2 Mahua tree. মধুধারা (noun) stream of honey. মধুনাড়ি (noun) cell in a honeycomb. মধুনিশি (noun) vernal/spring night; delightful night; wedding night. মধুপ (adjective) drinking sweetness; honey-drinking. (noun) large black bee. মধুপর্ক (noun) mixture of honey; oblation of honey, curds and clarified butter. মধুপর্কিক (adjective) presenting the offering of honey, etc. মধুপর্ণী (noun) name of several plants (Omelina arborea, indigofera tinctoria, Cocculus cordifalus, etc). মধুপায়ী = (adjective) drinking sweetness; honey-drinking. মধুপায়িনী (feminine) = মধুপায়ী. মধুপুরী (noun) city of Mathura. মধুপুষ্প (noun) name of various plants (Bassia latifolia, Acacia sirissa, Jonesia asoka, Minusopa elenga). মধুপূর্ণ (adjective) full of honey; honeyed; very delicious; very sweet/charming. মধুপেয় (adjective) sweet to drink. মধু প্রমেহ (noun) diabetes. মধুপ্রাশন (noun) putting a little honey into the mouth of a new-born male child. মধুপ্রিয় (adjective) fond of honey/juice of flowers. (noun) kind of plant (ভূমিজম্বু). মধুবন (noun) 1 Indian cuckoo; 2 pleasure-garden. মধুবর্ণ (adjective) honey-coloured; having an agreeable aspect. মধুবল্লী (noun) liquorice; a kind of grape. মধুবর্ষী (adjective) dropping/ raining sweetness; mellifluous. মধুবহুলা (noun) the creeper Gaertnera racemosa (মাধবীলতা). মধুবীজ (noun) pomegranate tree. মধুব্রত = মধুকর. মধুভাষী (adjective) honey-tongued. মধুভৃৎ = মধুকর. মধুমক্ষিকা (noun) bee. মধুমতী (adjective) (feminine) 1 possessing/containing sweetness; sweet; pleasant; agreeable; 2 rich in honey; mixed in honey; (noun) 1 a particular step/ degree in yoga; 2 name of a river; 3 kind of metre. মধুমান (adjective) (masculine) = মধুমতী. মধুমতীসিদ্ধি (noun) attainment of a particular supernatural power. মধুমত্ত (adjective) drunk with wine/ honey; intoxicated/ excited by the spring. মধুমদ (noun) intoxication with wine. মধুমদ্য (noun) intoxicating drink made from honey or from the blossoms of Bassia latifolia (মহুয়া). মধুময় (adjective) consisting of honey; sweet as honey; luscious. মধুমাধবী (noun) any spring flower abounding in honey; a particular species of flower; kind of intoxicating drink; wine. মধুমাধবীক (noun) any intoxicating drink. মধুমালতী (noun) kind of creeper. মধুমাস (noun) a spring month; month of Chaitra. মধুমিশ্র (adjective) mixed with honey/sweet milk. মধুমূল (noun) edible root of Amorphophallus companulatus (মৌ আলু). মধুমেহ (noun) diabetes mellitus. মধুমেহী (adjective) suffering from diabetes. মধুযষ্টি, মধুযষ্টিকা (noun(s)) sugar-cane; liquorice. মধুযামিনী = মধুনিশি. মধুরস (noun) juice of honey; sweetness; pleasingness; sugar-cane; wine palm (তাল); vine; bunch of grapes. মধুরাতি = মধুনিশি. মধুরিপু (noun) enemy of Madhu; Sri Krishna. মধুরিম (adjective) sweet as honey; very sweet. মধুরিমা (noun) sweetness; suavity; charm. মধুরুচি (adjective) tasting sweet; honeyed. মধুলিট, মধুলেহ, মধুলেহী (adjective) licking honey. (noun(s)) bee. মধুলুব্ধ, মধুলোলুপ (adjective(s) longing after honey. (noun(s)) bee. মধুশর্করা (noun) honey and sugar. মধুশাখ (noun) Bassia latifolia. মধুসখ (noun) friend of spring; god of love. মধুসর্পী (noun) honey and clarified butter. মধুসহায় (noun) ‘having spring for a companion; god of love. মধুসূদন = মধুনিসূদন. মধুস্রব (noun) ‘dropping sweetness’; name of several plants (Bassia latifolia, Sanseviera roxburghiana, etc); liquorice. মধুস্বর = মধুকণ্ঠ.
- Bengali Word মধুরEnglish definition(adjective) 1 sweet; pleasant; delicious; amiable; charming; delightful. 2 sounding sweetly; uttering sweet cries; melodious; mellifluous; honeyed; sugary. (noun) 1 sweetness. 2 molasses. 3 poison. মধুরা (adjective) (feminine) = মধুর. মধুরকণ্ঠ, মধুরকণ্ঠী (adjective(s)) sweet-throated; singing sweetly. মধুরতা, মধুরত্ব (noun) sweetness; suavity; pleasantness; amiability; softness; charm. মধুরনিস্বন (adjective) sweet-voiced. মধুরপ্রকৃতি, মধুরস্বভাব (adjective(s)) sweet-tempered. মধুরভাষী (adjective) speaking sweetly/kindly; soft-spoken. মধুরভাষিণী (feminine) = মধুরভাষী. মধুররাবী (adjective) rumbling sweetly as a cloud. মধুরস্বন (adjective) sweetly-sounding. মধুরস্বর (adjective) sweet-voiced. মধুরাক্ষর (adjective) speaking/sounding sweetly; melodious; mellow. মধুরাম্ল (adjective) sweet and sour. মধুরালাপ (noun) pleasant/ friendly conversation; amorous conversation; sweet/ melodious notes. (adjective) uttering sweet sounds.
- Bengali Word মধূচ্ছিষ্টEnglish definition(noun) bees-wax.
- Bengali Word মধূত্থEnglish definition(noun) bees-wax. মধূত্থবতিকা (noun) wax candle.