ম পৃষ্ঠা ৪৬
- Bengali Word মোসাহেবEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 (originally) companion. 2 flatterer; sycophant; hanger on; toady; fawner; adulator. মোসাহেবি (noun) flattery; adulation; fawning; soft-soap; obsequiousness; blandishments. মোসাহেবি করা (verb intransitive) indulge in flattery; be servile; fawn; carry favour with; adulate; massage somebody’s ego; toady; flatter; pander to.
- Bengali Word মোহEnglish definition(noun) 1 (philosophy) darkness/ delusion of mind (preventing the discernment of truth and leading to believe in the reality of worldly objects); ignorance. 2 loss of consciousness; bewilderment; perplexity; distraction; infatuation; delusion; error; folly. 3 fainting; stupefaction; swoon. 4 deep attachment; dotage. মোহ নিরসন করা (verb intransitive) dispel illusion/ darkness of mind/ folly/ delusion; disillusion; disenchant. মোহক, মোহকর (adjective(s) causing illusion/ ignorance/ folly; infatuating; bewildering; enchanting; fascinating; illusive; causing to faint. মোহগ্রস্ত (adjective) 1 deluded; mentally obsessed; infatuated (by love); 2 stupefied; bewildered; bewitched; enchanted; 3 fascinated; fondly attached; 4 fainted; swooned. মোহঘোর (noun) spell/ darkness of illusion/ delusion/ ignorance/ infatuation/ mental obsession. মোহঘোরে (adjective) under the spell of illusion/ ignorance. মোহজনক = মোহক. মোহজাল (noun) snare/ mesh of (worldly) illusion. মোহ তিমির = মোহঘোর. মোহ নিদ্রা (noun) slumber/ stupor coused by illusion; thoughtless confidence. মোহ পাশ = মোহজাল. মোহবদ্ধ (adjective) caught in the snare of illusion/ infatuation/ ignorance. মোহবন্ধ, মোহবন্ধন (noun(s) bondage of illusion/ ignorance/ worldly attachment/ infatuation. মোহভঙ্গ (noun) disillusionment; disenchantment; recovery from a fainting fit. মোহমদ (noun) pride caused by illusion/ ignorance. মোহমন্ত্র (noun) spell/ charm causing infatuation/ delusion. মোহময় (adjective) illusive; illusory; full of illusious; enchanting; bewitching. মোহমুগ্ধ (adjective) deluded; enchanted; bewitched; infatuated; beguiled. মোহমুদ্গর (noun) ‘hammer of ignorance/ infatuation’, title of a work of Shankaracharya intending to dispel illusion.
- Bengali Word মোহতাজEnglish definition মুহতাজ
- Bengali Word মোহনEnglish definition(noun) 1 charming; enchanting; tempting; temptation; infatuating; seduction; bewitching. 2 the being deluded/ infatuation; enchantment; delusion. 3 stupor. (adjective) infatuating; enchanting; captivating; charming. মোহনা, মোহনী (feminine) = মোহন. মোহন চূড়া (noun) enchanting top-knot/ crest. মোহন ভোগ (noun) kind of Sweetmeat. মোহনমালা (noun) variety of gold necklace. মোহন-মূর্তি (noun) fascinating figure.
- Bengali Word মোহনা, মোহানাEnglish definition(noun(s) mouth (of a river); estuary; outlet.
- Bengali Word মোহনিয়াEnglish definition(adjective) (poetic) মোহন
- Bengali Word মোহনীয় English definition(adjective) producing delusion; exquisite; enchanting.
- Bengali Word মোহন্তEnglish definition মহন্ত
- Bengali Word মোহম্মদEnglish definition মুহাম্মদ
- Bengali Word মোহরEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 gold coin. 2 seal; stamp.
- Bengali Word মোহরতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 ceremonial beginning/ renewal: হিসাবের খাতা মোহরত. 2 opening ceremony: নতুন ছবির মোহরত. 3 practice; skill; experience.
- Bengali Word মোহররমEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 the first month of the Hijra year. 2 the tenth of the month of Muharram, observed in memory of the martyrdom of lmam Hossain and his companions.
- Bengali Word মোহরারEnglish definition= মুহরি ২
- Bengali Word মোহাEnglish definition(verb intransitive) (poetic) মোহিত করা ( মোহিত)
- Bengali Word মোহাজেরEnglish definition= মুহাজির
- Bengali Word মোহাদ্দেসEnglish definition মুহাদ্দিস
- Bengali Word মোহানাEnglish definition মোহনা
- Bengali Word মোহান্তEnglish definition মহন্ত
- Bengali Word মোহান্ধকারEnglish definition= মোহঘোর ( মোহ)
- Bengali Word মোহাফেজEnglish definition মহাফেজ
- Bengali Word মোহাম্মদী, মোহাম্মদীয়English definition(noun), (adjective) Mohammedan; Muslim.
- Bengali Word মোহাররমEnglish definition= মোহররম
- Bengali Word মোহিতEnglish definition(adjective) infatuated; deluded; enraptured; enchanted; charmed; bewitched; fascinated. মোহিত করা (verb transitive) infatuate; delenchant; charm; captivate; bewitch; fascinate; hypnotize. মোহিতা (feminine) = মোহিত.
- Bengali Word মোহিনীEnglish definition(adjective) (feminine) = মোহন. (noun) (feminine) 1 fascinating/ enchanting woman; woman of bewitching beauty/ personal charm. 2 (mythology) an exquisitely bewitching figure of a woman assumed by Narayana to deprive the Asuras of the nectar (অমৃত) churned out of the ocean. 3 (also মোহিনী বিদ্যা) hypnotism; witchcraft; sorcery; enchantment. 4 dancer. মোহিনীমায়া (noun) enchanting illusion. মোহিনীশক্তি (noun) charm; magic spell; hypnotic power; power of enchanting/ bewitching.
- Bengali Word মোহ্যমানEnglish definition মূহ্যমান
- Bengali Word মোহড়াEnglish definition মহড়া
- Bengali Word মোড়English definition(noun) turn; bend; crossing. মোড় নেওয়া (verb intransitive) turn; bend.
- Bengali Word মোড়কEnglish definition(noun) packet; wrapping; wrapper; carton; paper cover.
- Bengali Word মোড়নEnglish definition(noun) 1 wrapping; covering. 2 bending; twisting.
- Bengali Word মোড়লEnglish definition(noun) 1 village headman. 2 (ironical) leader; ring-leader. মোড়লি (noun) 1 position and function of a headman. 2 (ironical) over bearing/ masterful manner; unnecessary bossing; domineering attitude.