ম পৃষ্ঠা ২৮
- Bengali Word মাহEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) month. মাহে রমজান (noun) month of Ramadan.
- Bengali Word মাহতাব, মাহাতাবEnglish definition[Persian] (noun(s) the moon.
- Bengali Word মাহফিলEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) party revelling in music and dance; meeting; musical soiree; assembly; congregation.
- Bengali Word মাহাজনিকEnglish definition(adjective) 1 fit for great personal merchants. 2 relating to a creditor; usurious. 3 commercial.
- Bengali Word মাহাত্মিকEnglish definition(adjective) belonging to an exalted person; glorious; majestic. মাহাত্মিকী (feminine) = মাহাত্মিক.
- Bengali Word মাহাত্ম্যEnglish definition(noun) 1 magnanimity; light-mindedness; exalted state/ position; majesty; dignity; glory; excellence; nobility; greatness; sublimity. 2 peculiar efficacy/ virtue of any divinity/shrine etc; charm: অর্ঘের মাহাত্ম্য.
- Bengali Word মাহাফা, মহাপEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun(s) small covered litter; palanquin.
- Bengali Word মাহিনা, মাহিয়ানাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun(s) monthly wages/salary. মাহিনার/মাইনের চাকর (derogatory) paid servant.
- Bengali Word মাহিষEnglish definition(adjective) belonging/ relating to a buffalo or buffalo-cow.
- Bengali Word মাহিষ্যEnglish definition(adjective) = মাহিষ. (noun) name of a Hindu caste.
- Bengali Word মাহুতEnglish definition(noun) keeper and driver of an elephant; mahout.
- Bengali Word মাহেন্দ্রEnglish definition(adjective) relating/belonging to great Indra. মাহেন্দ্রক্ষণ (noun) (astrology) most auspicious conjunction of stars for commencing any work.
- Bengali Word মাৎসর্যEnglish definition(noun) envy; jealousy; spite.
- Bengali Word মাৎস্যEnglish definition(adjective) relating to/ coming from fish; fish-like; fishy. (noun) = মৎস্যপুরাণ ( মৎস্য). মাৎস্য ন্যায় (noun) the principle according to which larger fishes swallow up smaller ones; anarchy; free-for-all.
- Bengali Word মাড়English definition(noun) starch/scum of boiled rice or any grain. মাড় গালা (verb intransitive) strain out starch (from boiled rice). মাড় দেওয়া (verb transitive) starch.
- Bengali Word মাড়ওয়ারি, মাড়ওয়ারীEnglish definition= মাড়োয়ারি
- Bengali Word মাড়নEnglish definition(noun) pounding; threshing; crushing.
- Bengali Word মাড়াEnglish definition(verb transitive) 1 pound: ঔষধ মাড়া. 2 thresh: শস্য মাড়া. 3 crush: আখ মাড়া. মাড়াই (noun(s) = মাড়ন. মাড়ানো (verb transitive) tread, trample. ছায়া মাড়ানো associate with; frequent; consort.
- Bengali Word মাড়ি ১English definition= মাঢ়ি
- Bengali Word মাড়ি ২English definition(noun) concentrate of fruit-juice: কাঁঠালের মাড়ি.
- Bengali Word মাড়ুয়াEnglish definition(noun) (pejorative) 1 = মাডোয়ারি. 2 a native of Western India; Hindustani.
- Bengali Word মাড়োয়ারিEnglish definition(noun) a native of Marwar/ Rajputana. (adjective) of/ relating to Marwar.
- Bengali Word মাঢ়িEnglish definition(noun) 1 (botany) fibre/ germ of a leaf. 2 (anatomy) gum. মাঢ়ির দাঁত (noun) molar tooth.
- Bengali Word মায়English definitionprep [Arabic] together with; with; inclusive of; along with; to.
- Bengali Word মায়নাEnglish definition= মাহিনা
- Bengali Word মায়াEnglish definition(noun) 1 illusion; unreality; material world; physical/ phenomenal nature; Maya. 2 hallucination; delusion; unreal/ illusory image; phantom; apparition. 3 deception; deceit; fraud; duplicity; trick. 4 witchcraft; magic. 5 disguise. 6 affection; attachment. 7 fascination; infatuation. 8 compassion. মায়া করা (verb intransitive) think/ treat with affection; be attached to; have/ take compassion on; be filled with compassion for; be reluctant to lose: চাকরির মায়া করা. মায়ায় ভোলা (verb intransitive) be duped by sorcery/illusion; be beguiled/ infatuated/ charmed. মায়াউপবন (noun) enchanted garden. মায়াকর, মায়াকার (noun(s) conjurer; juggler. মায়াকানন = মায়া উপবন. মায়াকান্না (noun) affected sympathy/ sorrow; crocodile tears. মায়াগতি (noun) bond(s) of affection. মায়াঘোর (noun) spell of illusion/ delusion/ infatuation/ enchantment. মায়াজাল (noun) network/ cobweb/ spell 0f illusion/ infatuation/ enchantment. মায়াজীবী (noun) conjurer; magician; juggler. মায়াডোর (noun) bond of affection/ attachment. মায়াত্মক (adjective) (essentially) illusory; delusive; disguised; illusive. মায়াদণ্ড (noun) magic wand. মায়াধর, মায়াধারী (adjective(s) possessing illusion; skilled in magic; disguised; hypocritical. মায়াপাশ = মায়াজাল. মায়াবদ্ধ (adjective) strongly held under illusion; greatly attached/infatuated. মায়াবন্ধন (noun) bond of illusion/ affection/ attachment/ infatuation. মায়াকল (noun) power of illusion. মায়াবশ (adjective) fondly attached; under the spell of illusion/ infatuation; subject to attachment/ affection. মায়াবাদ (noun) the doctrine affirming the world to be illusion. মায়াবাদী (adjective) upholding the doctrine of Maya; illusionistic. (noun) illusionist. মায়াবিদ্যা (noun) magic; sorcery; jugglery. মায়াবী (adjective) 1 possessing illusion/ magical powers; employing deceit; deceiving/ deluding others. 2 illusory; creating illusions. 3 enchanting; infatuating: মায়াবী আলো. (noun) enchanter; conjurer; juggler; wizard; magician; sorcerer. মায়াবিনী (feminine) enchantress; witch; sorceress. মায়ামমতা (noun) love and attachment/ affection; affection and compassion. মায়াময় (adjective) consisting of illusion; formed of/creating illusion; illusive; unreal; magical; deceptive; enchanting; infatuating; bewitching মায়াময়ী (feminine). মায়ামুক্ত freed from affection/ attachment; disenchanted; disillusioned. মায়ামৃগ (noun) illusory antelope; phantom deer. মায়ামোহ (noun) = মায়াঘোর. মায়ারজ্জু = মায়াডোর. মায়ারাজ্য (noun) realm created by magic; realm of enchantment.
- Bengali Word মায়াবসানEnglish definition(noun) end/expulsion of ignorance.
- Bengali Word মায়াবানEnglish definition(adjective) 1 affectionate; loving; enchanting. 2 having magical powers; employing deceit; sly; cunning. মায়াবতী (feminine) = মায়াবান.
- Bengali Word মায়িকEnglish definition(adjective) illusory; creating illusion; practicing deceit; deceiving others. (noun) conjurer; juggler.
- Bengali Word মায়ীEnglish definition(adjective) 1 artful; skilled in art/enchantment; cunning; deceptive; illusory. 2 subject to illusion. (noun) magician; conjurer; juggler.