ম পৃষ্ঠা ২৪
- Bengali Word মান্দাসEnglish definition(noun) raft; float.
- Bengali Word মান্দ্যEnglish definition(noun) 1 dearth; loss; decrease. 2 slowness; sloth; inertia; laziness; indolence. 3 weakness; dullness; feeble state (as of understanding/ digestion). 4 sickness; disease.
- Bengali Word মান্ধাতাEnglish definition(noun) name of a mythological king. মান্ধাতার আমল (noun) time immemorial; time out of mind. মান্ধাতার আমলের antediluvian; dateless; antiquated; superannuated.
- Bengali Word মান্যEnglish definition(adjective) to be respected/ honoured; worthy of honour; respectable; venerable. (noun) 1 honour; respect; gift of honour; complimentary present; cordial reception: মান্য দেওয়া. 2 compliance; observance. মান্যা (adjective) (feminine) = মান্য. মান্য করা (verb transitive) = মানা ১. মান্যগণ্য (adjective) respectable and important. মান্যত্ব (noun) respectability; worthiness. মান্যবর (adjective) highly respectable/ honourable/ venerable. মান্যবরেষু (used as a polite form of addressing a letter) to highly respectable person.
- Bengali Word মান৫English definitionsuffix meaning; endowed with; possessing: মান বুদ্ধি, কীর্তি মান.
- Bengali Word মাপ ১English definition(noun) 1 measure; weight; dimension. 2 measuring; measurement. 3 pair of scales; balance. মাপ নেওয়া (verb transitive) take measurements of; measure. মাপে হওয়া (verb intransitive) be of a particular measure/size; measure; fit in measurements. মাপক (adjective) serving as a measure of. on weigher. মাপকাটি, মাপকাঠি (noun(s) measuring-rod; measure; standard. মাপজোক, মাপজোখ (noun(s) measurement(s); surveying. মাপজোক করা (verb transitive) measure. (minutely); survey. মাপদড়ি (noun) measuring rope/tape. মাপন (noun) measuring; weighing; sounding; measurement. মাপনদণ্ড (noun) measuring-rod. মাপনযন্ত্র (noun) weighing-machine. মাপনরজ্জু (noun) sounding-line; plumb-line. মাপনী (noun) (geometry) scale; ruler. মাপসই, মাপসহি (adjective), (adverb) conforming to particular measurements.
- Bengali Word মাপ ২English definition[Arabic] (noun) pardon; excuse; exemption; immunity; absolution; remission. মাপ করা (verb transitive) pardon; excuse; forgive; dispense with; exempt; remit (punishment); absolve.
- Bengali Word মাপাEnglish definition(verb transitive) 1 measure; weigh. 2 survey. 3 measure the length of; sound. 4 (figurative) try to assess the importance/ weight of. (adjective) measured; weighed; surveyed; sounded; restrained; restricted; Controlled: মাপা কথা মাপা খাওয়া. মাপা জোকা, মাপাজোখা (adjective(s)) measured; restricted; restrained; controlled; moderate. (noun) measuring; surveying. মাপানো (verb transitive) cause to measure/survey/weigh/sound.
- Bengali Word মাফ, মাফিEnglish definition= মাপ ২
- Bengali Word মাফলারEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) muffler.
- Bengali Word মাফিকEnglish definition[Arabic] (adjective) like; conformable; apt; analogous; concordant; conforming/according to. মাফিক সই, মাফিক সহি (adjective) 1 measured; made to measure; befitting. 2 according to; suitable; appropriate.
- Bengali Word মাবুদ, মা’বূদEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) one of the appellations of Allah; (literally) one to be worshipped. (adjective) worshipped; adored.
- Bengali Word মাভৈঃEnglish definition(interjection) be not afraid; don’t fear. (adjective) expelling fear: মাভৈঃ মন্ত্র.
- Bengali Word মামদোEnglish definition(also মামদো ভূত) (noun) (in fairy tales) ghost of a Muslim. মামদো বাজি (noun) bluster; bullying; rowdism.
- Bengali Word মামলতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 affair; business; transaction; negotiation; design; purpose: মামলত হাসিল করা. 2 case/ suit in law. 3 substance; money.
- Bengali Word মামলাEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) = 1 affair; business; transaction; negotiation; design; purpose: মামলত হাসিল করা. 2 case/ suit in law. 3 substance; money. মামলা করা bring/file a law-suit; proceed (against)/ enter into litigation. মামলাদার (noun) plaintiff. মামলাবাজ (adjective) litigious. মামলাবাজি (noun) litigiousness. মামলা মকদ্দমা (noun) litigation.
- Bengali Word মামা ১English definition(noun) brother/ cousin of one's mother; maternal uncle; uncle. মামাত, মামাতো (adjective(s) descended from one’s maternal uncle; avuncular. মামাত ভাই/ বোন (noun) cousin. মামা বাড়ির আবদার, unreasonable/capricious demand. মামা শ্বশুর (noun) maternal uncle of one’s husband or wife; uncle-in-law. মায়ের কাছে মামা বাড়ির গল্প করা teach one’s grandmother to suck eggs.
- Bengali Word মামা ২English definition[Arabic] (noun) (feminine) maid-servant; mother.
- Bengali Word মামীEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) wife of a maternal uncle; aunt. মামী শ্বাশুড়ি (noun) (feminine) wife of a maternal uncle of one’s husband or wife; aunt-in-law.
- Bengali Word মামুEnglish definition(noun) (dialect or facetious) = মামা১
- Bengali Word মামুদাEnglish definition= মামদো
- Bengali Word মামুরEnglish definition[Arabic] (adjective) 1 full; abundant; replete. 2 inhabited; populated; colonized; prosperous.
- Bengali Word মামুলি, মামুলিEnglish definition[Arabic] (adjective) 1 customary; usual; conventional; traditional; traditionally/ conventionally fixed: মামুলিস্বত্ব easement. 2 common; ordinary; banal; hackneyed; trite; stock: মামুলি কথা. 3 paltry; negligible: মামুলি ব্যাপার/ খরচা. 4 current. মামুলি ধরন (noun) usual custom/ practice.
- Bengali Word মামড়িEnglish definition(noun) (noun) scab; slough. (verb intransitive) scab; develop a scab.
- Bengali Word মার ১English definition(noun) 1 death; destruction: সত্যের মার নেই. 2 killing; destroying; slaying. 3 pestilence. 4 beating; striking; flogging; thrashing. 5 loss: টাকা মার যাওয়া. মার খাওয়া (verb intransitive) be beaten/ flogged. মার দেওয়া (verb transitive) beat; flog; thrash. মারকাট (noun) fighting and bloodshed; tumult; tumultuous affray/ brawl; turbulence; uproar; frenzy; feverish haste and fuss. মারকুটে, মারকুটো (adjective(s) given to beating at the slightest pretext; furious. মার খেকো (adjective) (one) who is often flogged; used to beating. মারধর (noun) beating; thrashing; beating and arresting (as by the police). মারপিট (noun) riot; fray; affray; turbulence; mêlée; brawl; beating; flogging. মারমুখী, মারমুখো (adjective) about to strike/hurt; violent; aggressive; belligerent; bellicose; pugnacious; threatening; menacing; jingoistic. মারমূর্তি (noun) aggressive/ menacing/violent appearance; (adjective) about (to hurt/strike; bellicose; violent; threatening.
- Bengali Word মার ২English definition(noun) 1 the Evil of temptation according to the Buddhists. 2 Hindu god of love; passion of love. 3 obstacle; hindrance.
- Bengali Word মারওয়ারিEnglish definition(adjective) of Marwar. (noun) native of Marwar; Marwari; language of Marwar.
- Bengali Word মারকEnglish definition(noun) any deadly disease; plague; pestilence. (adjective) destructive; pestilential.
- Bengali Word মারকতEnglish definition(adjective) belonging to an emerald; having any of the qualities/properties of emerald; coloured like an emerald.
- Bengali Word মারণEnglish definition(noun) 1 killing; slaying; slaughter; death; destruction. 2 a magical ceremony having for its object the destruction of an enemy. 3 calcination. 4 beating. মারণাস্ত্র (noun) weapon of destruction. মারিত (adjective) killed; slain; destroyed.