ভ পৃষ্ঠা ৯
- Bengali Word ভাবানো ১English definition(verb transitive) cause to think; cause to worry; worry.
- Bengali Word ভাবানো ২English definition(verb transitive) 1 steam. 2 cause to thicken; curdle: দই ভাবানো.
- Bengali Word ভাবান্তরEnglish definition(noun) another state or condition; change of mental state/mood.
- Bengali Word ভাবান্বিতEnglish definition(adjective) thoughtful; worried; perturbed ; anxious.
- Bengali Word ভাবাবিষ্টEnglish definition(adjective) lost or absorbed in thought/reverie/ ecstasy; overwhelmed with emotion.
- Bengali Word ভাবাবেশEnglish definition(noun) absorption in thought/ reverie/ ecstasy; rapture; bliss; elation.
- Bengali Word ভাবাভাসEnglish definition(noun) 1 simulation of feeling/emotion. 2 faint hint of an emotion; paucity of emotion.
- Bengali Word ভাবার্থEnglish definition(noun) 1 purport; gist; inner significance; substance. 2 intention; intent; spirit; purpose.
- Bengali Word ভাবালুEnglish definition(adjective) 1 thoughtful; compassionate; softhearted; commiserative. 2 sentimental. ভাবালুতা (noun) sentimentalism; emotionalism.
- Bengali Word ভাবি, ভাবীEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) brother’s wife; sister-in-law. ভাবীজান, ভাবীজি noun(s) (feminine) (usually a form of address) respected sister-in-law.
- Bengali Word ভাবিকEnglish definition(adjective) 1 meaningful. 2 real; natural, 3 full of feeling/sentiment. 4 exciting. 5 future. 6 a figure of speech which consists in describing the part or future so vividly that it appears to be present.
- Bengali Word ভাবিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 worried; anxious; troubled. 2 soaked in: obtained; got. 3 proved; established. 4 made to become; transformed into. 5 purified; cultivated. 6 (medical) rectified; saturated; infused; macerated. 7 perfumed with; scented. 8 thought about; imagined; fancied; conceived; known; contempIated. 9 pervaded/ inspired by; occupied/ engrossed with; devoted to; intent upon.
- Bengali Word ভাবিতাত্মাEnglish definition(adjective) meditative; devout, holy. (noun) saint; sage.
- Bengali Word ভাবিনীEnglish definition(adjective) (feminine) worried; anxious. (noun) (feminine) an attractive women; an emotional or wanton woman.
- Bengali Word ভাবী ১English definition(adjective) about to be; future; imminent; predestined; inevitable; would be. বৈধ ভাবী উত্তরাধিকারী heir-apparent.
- Bengali Word ভাবী ২English definition ভাবি
- Bengali Word ভাবুকEnglish definition(adjective) having a taste for the beautiful/ poetical; thoughtful; imaginative; intellectual; introspective; pensive, reflective. (noun) thoughtful/ reflective person; intellectual; philosopher. ভাবুকতা (noun) thoughtfulness; pensiveness; contemplativeness; imaginativeness. ভাবুকতাত্মক (adjective) impulsive: ভাবুকতাত্মক ভক্তি.
- Bengali Word ভাবুনেEnglish definition(adjective) 1 thoughtful; meditative; imaginative. 2 voluptuous; pleasure-seeking. 3 tongue-in-cheek; quippish; prankish: তোর মতো এমন ভাবুনে দেখিনি. ভাবুনী (feminine) = ভাবুনে.
- Bengali Word ভাবেEnglish definition(used as a suffix) 1 (equivalent to Engineering)-ly: সমান ভাবে; in … way: এই ভাবে. 2 in the sense of: কথাটা কিভাবে বলল, বোঝা গেল না. 3 for … purpose: যে ভাবেই এসে থাক. 4 in the guise of: এই ভাবেই যাও, তোমার পোশাকটা মন্দ কি?
- Bengali Word ভাবোচ্ছ্বাসEnglish definition(noun) outburst of emotion/ passion; surge of feeling; ecstasy; yearnings of the heart; impulses.
- Bengali Word ভাবোদ্দীপকEnglish definition(adjective) thought-provoking; thought-inspiring; stimulating.
- Bengali Word ভাবোদ্দীপনEnglish definition(noun) awakening of an idea/a thought/an emotion.
- Bengali Word ভাবোদ্রেকEnglish definition(noun) = ভাবোদ্দীপন
- Bengali Word ভাবোদয়English definition(noun) rising of emotion/ passion; dawning of a thought/ an idea; inspiration.
- Bengali Word ভাবোন্মত্তEnglish definition(adjective) beside oneself with an emotion/ idea/ a thought; worked up; keyed up; delirious; intoxicated with an idea/emotion; ecstatic.
- Bengali Word ভাবোন্মাদ English definition(adjective) frenzied with emotion. (noun) frenzy; abandon; ecstasy: delirium; ebullience.
- Bengali Word ভাবোন্মেষEnglish definition(noun) = ভাবোদয়
- Bengali Word ভাব্যEnglish definition(adjective) 1 about to be; what ought to be/become; inevitable. 2 conceivable; imaginable.
- Bengali Word ভাবড়া, ভাবরা, ভেবড়া, ভ্যাবড়াEnglish definition(adjective) 1 scared; startled. 2 nonplussed; confused; dumbfounded. ভাবড়ানো (verb transitive) 1 score; startle; frighten. 2 nonplus; confuse; dumbfound.
- Bengali Word ভামEnglish definition(noun) 1 civet or zebet cat.