ভ পৃষ্ঠা ৩
- Bengali Word ভনভনEnglish definition(noun) (onomatopoeia) buzz; humming; drone. ভনভন করা, ভনভনানো (verb intransitive) buzz; drone; hum. ভনভনানি (noun) buzz; drone; humming. ভনভনে (adjective) buzzing; droning.
- Bengali Word ভবEnglish definition(noun) 1 worldly existence; world. 2 being; state of being; existence; life. 3 coming into existence; birth; production; origin. 4 God; deity. 5 Shiva. 6 welfare; prosperity; well-being. 7 obtaining; acquisition. 8 excellence. 9 becoming. (adjective) (used as a suffix) produced; originating from. ভবকারণ (noun) the creator; God; the first cause. ভবকারা (noun) prison of worldly existence. ভবকান্তার wilderness of worldly existence. ভবঘুরে (adjective) roving/roaming about the world; vagrant; wandering; vagabond. (noun) vagabond; vagrant; wanderer; tramp. ভবঘুরেমি (noun) vagabondage; vagabondism; vagrancy; wandering. ভবজল (noun) water (ocean) of worldly existence. ভবতারণ (adjective) delivering from worldly existence; giving salvation ভবতারিণী (feminine) = ভবতারণ. (noun) goddess Durga. ভবত্রয় (noun) world; earthly existence. ভবনাশিনী (adjective) (feminine) destroying worldly existence; delivering from births. ভবপার (noun) deliverance from worldly existence. ভবপারাবার (noun) ocean of worldly existence. ভববন্ধন (noun) bond/bondage of worldly existence. ভববারিনিধি = ভবপারাবার. ভব ভয় (noun) fears of worldly existence/re-birth. ভবভয়তারণ, ভবভয়বারণ (noun), (adjective) (one) who delivers/protects from the evils of worldly existence. ভবভাব (noun) love of worldly existence. ভবভার (noun) burden of the world (as borne by God); burden of worldly existence. ভবভীরু (adjective) afraid of worldly existence/ re-birth. ভবভূত (adjective) being the origin/ source of all being. ভবমোচন (noun) releasing from worldly existence. ভবরস (noun) delight in worldly existence. ভবলীলা (noun) activities of one’s mortal life. ভবলীলা সাঙ্গ করা / ভবলীলা হওয়া (verb intransitive) die; give up the ghost; breathe one’s last; join one’s ancestors. ভবলোক, ভবসংসার noun(s) world; worldly existence. ভবসন্ততি (noun) uninterrupted series of births and transmigration’s. ভবসমুদ্র, ভবসাগর, ভবসিন্ধু noun(s) = ভবপারাবার. ভবান্তর (noun) another existence. ভবার্ণব (noun) = ভবপারাবার. ভবের খেলা = ভবলীলা.
- Bengali Word ভবতীEnglish definition(adjective) (feminine) respectable; venerable.
- Bengali Word ভবদীয়English definition(adjective) your; yours.
- Bengali Word ভবনEnglish definition(noun) 1 place of abode; home; house; dwelling; residence; palace; building. 2 coming into existence; birth; production. 3 (used as a suffix) act of being reduced to: ঘনী ভবন, প্রস্তরী ভবন. ভবনদ্বার (noun) palace-gate. ভবন শিখী (noun) domesticated peacock. ভবনস্বামী (noun) lord of a house; paterfamilias. ভবননীয় (adjective) to be about to become/ be/ happen.
- Bengali Word ভবভূতিEnglish definition(noun) special powers of Shiva.
- Bengali Word ভবাদৃশEnglish definition(adjective) (archaic) any one like your honour/ you. ভবাদৃশী (feminine) = ভবাদৃশ.
- Bengali Word ভবানীEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) Shiva’s wife, goddess Durga.
- Bengali Word ভবারাধ্যEnglish definition(adjective) respected/ worshipped by the whole world. (noun) God.
- Bengali Word ভবিতব্যEnglish definition(adjective) inevitable; ineluctable. (noun) the inevitable; destiny. ভবিতব্যতা (noun) inevitability; inevitable consequence; necessity ; fate; destiny;
- Bengali Word ভবিতাEnglish definition(adjective) becoming; being; what is ought to become/be ; future; imminent. (noun) future. ভবিত্রী (feminine) = ভবিতা.
- Bengali Word ভবিষ্ণুEnglish definition(adjective) 1 what is ought to become/ be; imminent; future. 2 faring well; thriving.
- Bengali Word ভবিষ্যEnglish definition(adjective) future; imminent; impending; coming. (noun) future. ভবিষ্যতহবিল, ভবিষ্য-নিধি noun(s) provident fund. ভবিষ্যপুরাণ (noun) one of the 18 Puranas. ভবিষ্যসূচনা (noun) presage.
- Bengali Word ভবিষ্যদ্দৃষ্টিEnglish definition(noun) foresight; prevision; prescience; farsightedness. ভবিষ্যদ্দ্রষ্টা (noun) seer; prophet; soothsayer; clairvoyant.
- Bengali Word ভবিষ্যদ্বক্তাEnglish definition(noun) prophet; soothsayer; clairvoyant; diviner.
- Bengali Word ভবিষ্যদ্বাক্য, ভবিষ্যদ্বাণীEnglish definition(noun) prophesy; prediction; prognostic; forecast. ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করা (verb transitive) prophesy; predict; forecast; foretell; presage; prognosticate. ভবিষ্যদ্বাদী (adjective) predicting future events; prophesying.
- Bengali Word ভবিষ্যৎEnglish definition(adjective) future; coming; later. (noun) 1 future; futurity; destiny. 2 consequence: এর ভবিষ্যৎ ভালো হবে না. 3 prospect; outlook: ভবিষ্যৎ খোয়ানো. 4 (grammar) future tense. ভবিষ্যৎ কাল (noun) 1 = ভবিষ্যৎ (4). 2 future time. ভবিষ্যতে (adverb) in future.
- Bengali Word ভবীEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) pertinacious person. ভবী ভোলবার নয় A pertinacious person is not amenable to persuasion.
- Bengali Word ভব্যEnglish definition(adjective) 1 well-behaved; polite; courteous; mannerly; well-bred; so suave. 2 quiet; soft- spoken; gentle; affable. 3 honest; righteous; pious. 4 auspicious; fortunate; benefactory. 5 civil; civilized; refined. 6 likely to be; future; about to be/become. ভব্যা (feminine) of ভব্য. ভব্যতা (noun) 1 courtesy; politeness; (good) manners; gentleness; quietness; suavity; good budding; civility; refinement; urbanity; gentility;, affability. 2 futurity. ভব্যরূপ (noun) good figure/ form.
- Bengali Word ভভম, ভভম্ভমEnglish definition(noun) (onomatopoeia) boom; roll; thunder.
- Bengali Word ভরEnglish definition(noun) 1 weight; pressure; burden; load. 2 prop; support. 3 reliance; dependence: ভাগ্যের ওপর ভর. 4 appearance; epiphany: তার উপর ঠাকুরের ভর হয়. 5 domination; influence; possession; control: ভূতের ভর. 6 (physics) mass. 7 excess; abundance; large quantity; bulk; mass; intensity; overabundance: মানভরে, শ্রদ্ধাভরে. (adjective) 1 whole; entire: রাত ভর, ভর সংসার. 2 full; fully stuffed; brimful: ভর পেট, bellyful. 3 advanced; mature: ভর সন্ধ্যা বেলা, ভর পোয়াতি. 4 measuring; amounting to: পোয়া ভর. ভর করা/ দেওয়া (verb transitive) 1 place one’s weight on; support one’s self: লাঠিতে ভর করে দাঁড়ানো. 2 (of spirits, etc) possess; control; occupy: তার উপর জিন ভর করেছে. ভর হওয়া (verb intransitive) be possessed. ভরে (used as a suffix to form adverb(s): আনন্দভরে, gladly, merrily; সাহসভরে, boldly. ভরকেন্দ্র (noun) (geometry) centroid. ভরপুর (adjective) full to the brim; brimful; brimming over with; loaded; laden; packed; teeming ; replete; saturated; suffused; impregnated; imbued; charged. (adverb) to the full; to the utmost extent: ভরপুর খাওয়া. ভরবেগ (noun) (mech) momentum. কৌণিক ভরবেগ (noun) (mech) moment of momentum.
- Bengali Word ভরণEnglish definition(noun) 1 filling; stuffing. 2 supporting; maintaining; nourishing. 3 salary; wages. ভরপোষণ (noun) feeding, clothing and sheltering; maintenance; subsistence. ভরপোষণ করা (verb transitive) provide with food, clothing and shelter; provide for; maintain; support. ভরপোষণকারী (noun) provider; maintainer. ভরপোষণোপায় (noun) means of subsistence/support; support; livelihood. ভরণীয়, ভরণ্য (adjective) to be supported/ maintained/ borne. ভরণী (noun) the second of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy.
- Bengali Word ভরতEnglish definition(noun) skylark.
- Bengali Word ভরতাEnglish definition= ভর্তা
- Bengali Word ভরতিEnglish definition= ভর্তি
- Bengali Word ভরদ্বাজEnglish definition(noun) skylark.
- Bengali Word ভরন ১English definition(noun) bronze.
- Bengali Word ভরন, ২ ভরনাEnglish definition(noun) 1 load; burden; charge. 2 support; prop. ভরন দেওয়া = ভর দেওয়া ( ভর).
- Bengali Word ভরন্তEnglish definition(adjective) full; replete; filled.
- Bengali Word ভরপুরEnglish definition= ভর