ভ পৃষ্ঠা ১৭
- Bengali Word ভূষণEnglish definition(noun) 1 decorating; adorning; ornament; decoration; embellishment. 2 (figurative) glory; ornament: বিদ্বান দেশের ভূষণ. 3 (used as suffix) having anything as ornament; adorned/ decorated with. ভূষণ ভূষণা (feminine): পুষ্প ভূষণ. ভূষণপ্রিয় (adjective) fondness of ornaments. ভূষণপ্রিয়তা (noun) love of ornaments.
- Bengali Word ভূষণীয়English definition(adjective) to be adorned/ decorated.
- Bengali Word ভূষণ্ডীEnglish definition= ভুশণ্ডি
- Bengali Word ভূষাEnglish definition(noun) ornament; decoration.
- Bengali Word ভূষিতEnglish definition(adjective) adorned; decorated; embellished.
- Bengali Word ভূষ্যEnglish definition= ভূষণীয়
- Bengali Word ভূসম্পত্তি, ভূস্বর্গ, ভূস্বামীEnglish definition= ভূ
- Bengali Word ভূয়ঃ, ভূয়English definition(adverb) again and again; repeatedly; exceedingly; in a high degree. (adjective) more; abundant; repeated. (noun) abundance; excess.
- Bengali Word ভূয়সীEnglish definition(adjective) (feminine) profuse; copious; repeated: ভূয়সী প্রশংসা. ভূয়ান (masculine) = ভূয়সী.
- Bengali Word ভূয়াEnglish definition= ভুয়া
- Bengali Word ভূয়ানEnglish definition(adjective) = ভূয়সী
- Bengali Word ভূয়িষ্ঠEnglish definition(adjective) most abundant/ numerous/ great/ important; chief; principal. ভূয়িষ্ঠতা (noun) abundance; plenty; multitude.
- Bengali Word ভূয়োদর্শন, ভূয়োদর্শিতাEnglish definition(noun) experience gathered through repeated direct perception; worldly wisdom; wide experience. ভূয়োদর্শনজনিত (adjective) born of long and wide experience.
- Bengali Word ভূয়োভূয়English definition(adverb) = ভূয়ঃ
- Bengali Word ভৃগুEnglish definition(noun) 1 declivity ; slope; precipice; cliff; tableland; plateau. 2 name of one of the chief Brahminical families. 3 Shiva. 4 Parashuram, one of the three Ramas (son of jamadagni and sixth Avatara of Vishnu). ভৃগুপতি (noun) ‘chief of the Brahmans’; Parashuram. ভৃগুপাত (noun) committing suicide by Precipitating one’s self from a precipice. ভৃগুমান (adjective) steep; sloping. ভৃগুরাম (noun) parashuram. ভৃগুসুত (noun) 1 the planet Venus. 2 Parashuram.
- Bengali Word ভৃঙ্গEnglish definition(noun) 1 a species of large black bee; bumble bee. 2 a spicier of wasp. 3 fork-tailed shrike. 4 libertine. 5 a kind of tree. ভৃঙ্গপ্রিয়া (noun) ‘liked by bee’s; the flowering creeper Gaertnera racemosa. ভৃঙ্গরাজ (noun) 1 ‘bee-king’; bumble bee. 2 a large variety of the fork-tailed shrike; Dissemerus paradises. 3 The medicinal plant Wedelia calendulacca. 4 a famous Ayurvedic hair-tonic. ভৃঙ্গরোল = ভিমরুল
- Bengali Word ভৃঙ্গারEnglish definition(noun) 1 a kind of pitcher or vase. 2 a vase used at the inauguration of a king. 3 cricket.
- Bengali Word ভৃঙ্গারিকাEnglish definition(noun) cricket.
- Bengali Word ভৃঙ্গি, ভৃঙ্গীEnglish definition(noun) one of Shiva’s attendants.
- Bengali Word ভৃতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 borne; carried. 2 gained; acquired. 3 filled; full of. 4 hired; paid. 5 supported; maintained; nourished. 6 filled; full. (noun) hireling; hired servant/ labourer; mercenary. ভৃতক (adjective) hired; receiving wages. (noun) 1 hire; wages. 2 hired labourer; servant; employee.
- Bengali Word ভৃতিEnglish definition(noun) 1 hire; wages; salary. 2 support; maintenance; nourishment. 3 bearing; carrying; bringing; fetching. 4 fullness; plenitude. 5 capital. ভৃতিজীবী, ভৃতিভুক adjective(s) enjoying/ receiving wages; wage-earning; salaried. ভৃতিভুক সম্প্রদায় (noun) salary-drawing class; salariat.
- Bengali Word ভৃত্যEnglish definition(noun) 1 servant; domestic servant; salaried employee. 2 dependent. 3 support; maintenance: wages. (adjective) to be nourished/ maintained. BUjh (noun) (feminine).
- Bengali Word ভৃশEnglish definition(adjective) 1 abundant. 2 much; many; great. 3 frequent.
- Bengali Word ভৃষ্টEnglish definition(adjective) fried; roasted. ভৃষ্টি (noun) frying; roasting. ভৃষ্টান্ন (noun) fried rice.
- Bengali Word ভেঁপুEnglish definition(noun) a kind of wind-instrument; flute; pipe; bugle; horn; hoot. ভেঁপু বাজানো (verb intransitive) blow the above instrument; pipe; flute; whistle; horn; hoot; trumpet; honk.
- Bengali Word ভেংচানি, ভেংচিEnglish definition(noun(s) grimace; mimicry; scowl. ভেংচি কাটা (verb intransitive) = ভেংচানো.
- Bengali Word ভেংচানোEnglish definition(verb intransitive), (verb transitive) make/ pull a face/ faces (at somebody); make grimaces; grimace; grin (at); scowl; mimic.
- Bengali Word ভেউ, ভেউভেউEnglish definition(noun) (onomatopoeia) 1 bow-wow; bark; yap; yelp. 2 loud cry; whine. ভেউ করে কাঁদা (verb intransitive) cry one’s heart/ eyes out; whine; cry bitterly.
- Bengali Word ভেকEnglish definition(noun) frog. ভেকী (feminine) = ভেক. ভেক ভুক (noun) snake.
- Bengali Word ভেক ২English definition ভেক ২