ভ পৃষ্ঠা ১৫
- Bengali Word ভুবঃEnglish definition(noun) (according to Hindu mythology) the second of the seven heavens; the eternal region; sky; firmament; atmosphere.
- Bengali Word ভুবনEnglish definition(noun) 1 world; earth; universe. 2 (mythology) seven heavens and seven underworlds. 3 abode; residence. 4 a being; living creature; man; mankind. ভুবনজয়ী (adjective) world conquering. ভুবনত্রয় (noun) the three worlds (heaven, earth and underworld). ভুবনপাবন (adjective) world-purifying. ভুবনপালক (noun) preserver of the worlds. ভুবনবিখ্যাত (adjective) world-famous. ভুবনবিজয়ী (adjective) = ভুবনজয়ী. ভুবনবিজিত (adjective) known all over the world. ভুবনব্যাপী (adjective) worldwide; universal. ভুবনভুলানো (adjective) enchanting the whole world; holding the world under a spell. ভুবনময় (adverb) all over the world. ভুবন মনোমোহিনী (adjective) (feminine) captivating the minds of all people of the world. ভুবনমোহন (noun) fascinating the whole world. ভুবনমোহিনী (feminine) = ভুবনমোহন. ভুবনহিত (noun) welfare of the world.
- Bengali Word ভুবনেশ্বরEnglish definition(noun) 1 lord of the world. 2 name of a sacred temple and city in India.
- Bengali Word ভুবনেশ্বরীEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) 1 mistress of the world. 2 one of the ten manifestations of the goddess Durga.
- Bengali Word ভুবর্লোকEnglish definition= ভুবঃ
- Bengali Word ভুরEnglish definition(noun) 1 illusion; delusion; error; misconception. 2 pretension; humbug. ভুর ভাঙা (verb transitive) remove a wrong notion ; disillusion; open the eyes of; disabuse (of).
- Bengali Word ভুরভুরEnglish definition(noun) (onomatopoeia) suggesting thorough diffusion with fragrance/ perfume; gratification arising from agreeable scent. ভুরভুর করা (verb intransitive) permeate (through). (adjective) charged/laden with; saturated with: গন্ধে ভুরভুর. ভুরভুরে (adjective) drunk; intoxicated; intoxicating.
- Bengali Word ভুরাEnglish definition(noun) kind of unrefined and coarse sugar. (adjective) powdery; free from moisture.
- Bengali Word ভুরুEnglish definition(noun) eyebrow.
- Bengali Word ভুরোEnglish definition(colloquial) = ভুরা
- Bengali Word ভুলEnglish definition(noun) 1 error; mistake; blunder; howler. 2 omission; oblivion; inadvertence; inattention; oversight; negligence. 3 delirium; wanderings: ভুল বকা. (adjective) erroneous; mistaken; incorrect; wrong; inaccurate; improper; bad: ভুল জবাব. ভুল করা (verb intransitive) be in error; be mistaken; err; blunder; mistake/confess (one for the other); forget; be guilty of omission. ভুল বকা (verb intransitive) become delirious; suffer from delirium; wander. ভুল ভাঙা (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) 1 disillusion; open the eyes of; disabuse. 2 be disillusioned/ disabused; be freed from mistake/ error. ভুল হওয়া (verb intransitive) be mistaken; fall into error; be wrong/incorrect. be inadvertent/ forgetful/ oblivious (of). ভুলক্রমে (adverb) by mistake. ভুলচুক, ভুল ভাটকা, ভুল ভ্রান্তি (noun(s) errors and omissions. ঠিকে ভুল (noun) 1 error in addition; error in fundamentals; silly mistake. 2 mistake in giving the full measure. ভুল করে (adverb) = ভুলক্রমে. ভুলন (noun) forgetfulness; forgetting. ভুলের মাশুল দেওয়া (verb intransitive) pay for one’s mistake/ folly/ thoughtless act.
- Bengali Word ভুলা, ভোলাEnglish definition(verb intransitive), (verb transitive) 1 forget; be forgetful; lose sight of; think no more of; fall/sink into oblivion; let bygones be bygones; efface from the memory; escape/slip one’s memory. 2 omit. 3 mistake; err; blunder. 4 be indifferent/ callous to: আত্মসম্মান ভুলা. 5 be enticed/ lured/ inveigled/ deceived/ tempted: প্রলোভনে ভুলা. 6 be cajoled/ coaxed/ wheedled: মিষ্টিকথায় ভুলা. 7 be charmed/ bewitched/ enchanted: চেহারা দেখে ভুলা. 8 be consoled/ comforted/ soothed/ calmed: প্রবোধবাক্যে মন ভুলবে. ভুলে যাওয়া (verb transitive) forget. ভুলে-যাওয়া (adjective) forgotten; unremembered. ভুলানো, ভোলানো (verb transitive) 1 cause to err/ mistake/ blunder; mislead; lead astray misguide; trip up. 2 cause to forget/omit. 3 entice; dupe; lure; inveigle; be guile; deceive; tempt; delude. 4 cajole; coax; wheedle. 5 charm; bewitch; enchant; put under a magic spell; enthrall. 6 console; comfort; soothe; calm. (adjective) 1 causing to err/mistake. 2 making forgetful. 3 enticing; alluring; tempting; beguiling; taking. 4 coaxing; seductive; bewitching; winning; charming; enchanting; fascinating. 5 consoling; comforting; soothing. ছেলে ভোলা ছড়া (noun) nursery rhyme.
- Bengali Word ভুলানো, ভুলুনেEnglish definition(noun) 1 one who charms/ bewitches/ tempts/cajoler/ wheedles/ entices/ lures. 2 deceiver; swindler; cheat. (adjective) enchanting; charming; insidious; fascinating; seducing; alluring; bewitching; captivating; enticing ভুলানি, ভুলানী, ভুলুনি, ভুলুনী (feminine).
- Bengali Word ভুলোEnglish definition(adjective) 1 forgetful; oblivious; unmindful; absent-minded. 2 inexperienced; clumsy; inept. (noun) (term of endearment) Shiva.
- Bengali Word ভুশEnglish definition(noun) (onomatopoeia) suggesting (a) sound of dry; loose soil subsiding suddenly and easily; plank; b) sound of springing up from under water, mire, etc; the sound made by a porpoise or other cetaceous animal when it rises out of water, also sound made by man/other animal which has dived on its coming to the surface. ভুশ ভুশ (noun) repeated of the above kind sound. ভুশভুশে (adjective) loose; floppy; soundly; friable.
- Bengali Word ভুশণ্ডি, ভুশুণ্ডী, ভুশণ্ড, ভূষণ্ডীEnglish definitionnoun(s) 1 (mythology) an omniscient jackdaw/crow. 2 (usual(ly) facetious) a very long lived person having wide experience.
- Bengali Word ভুষাEnglish definition= ভুসা
- Bengali Word ভুষি, ভুষী, ভুসিEnglish definition(noun) husk; chaff; bran. ভুষি মাল (noun) 1 refuse; waste matter; chaff; rubbish. 2 leguminous seeds like beans, peas, centils; pulse. ভুষি মালের খরিদদার (noun) 1 buyer/ customer of pulse. 2 (derogatory) contemptible customer. ভুষি মালের ব্যাপারী (noun) pulse merchant; pulse-dealer.
- Bengali Word ভুষুণ্ডিEnglish definition(adjective) covered with: ধুলায় ভুষুণ্ডি.
- Bengali Word ভুষুড়িEnglish definition(noun) = ভুতি
- Bengali Word ভুষ্টিনাশEnglish definition(noun) annihilation; destruction; ruin.
- Bengali Word ভুসা, ভুসোEnglish definition(noun) 1 ashes of burnt rice, paper, etc. 2 soft. 3 lampblack (used as a collybrium and applied to eyelashes and eyelids). 4 ink. (adjective) sooty; ashen.
- Bengali Word ভুসিEnglish definition ভুষি
- Bengali Word ভুসুণ্ডি, ভুসণ্ডীEnglish definition(noun) kind of fire-arm.
- Bengali Word ভুড়ভুড়English definition(noun) (onomatopoeia) suggesting sound of something sinking slowly in muddy water; effervescence; bubble.
- Bengali Word ভুড়ভুড়িEnglish definition(noun) effervescence; bubble; bubbling up; froth; foam. ভুড়ভুড়ি ভাঙা (verb intransitive) bubble; effervesce; ferment; bubble up; fizz; froth; foam.
- Bengali Word ভুয়া, ভুয়োEnglish definition(adjective) unsubstantial; false; hollow; empty; unreal; flimsy; baseless; airy; illusory; vaporous.
- Bengali Word ভূEnglish definition(noun) 1 the earth; world; universe; space. 2 underworld. 3 land; ground; soil; landed property: ভূ সম্পত্তি, 4 floor; pavement; piece of ground. 5 sacrificial fire. ভূকম্প, ভূকম্পন noun(s) earthquake. ভূকম্পবিদ্যা (noun) seismography. ভূকম্পলিখ (noun) seismograph. ভূকর্ণ (noun) radius of the equator. ভূকেন্দ্রীয় (adjective) (astronomy) geocentric. ভূকেশ (noun) lichen; moss. ভূখণ্ড (noun) division/part of the earth; region; country. ভূগর্ভ (noun) bowels/ inside of the earth; subterranean region. ভূগর্ভস্থ, ভূগর্ভস্থিত adjective(s) lying in the bowels of the earth; subterranean; underground. ভূগর্ভস্থ রেলপথ (noun) underground railway; tube-railway. ভূগহ্বর (noun) underground cavity/hole; cavern; underground chamber; subterranean. ভূগহ্বরবাসী (adjective) dwelling underground. (noun) dweller in an underground cell. ভূগোল, ভূগোলবিদ্যা noun(s) geography. ভূগোলক (noun) (the terrestrial) globe. ভূচক্র (noun) equator; equinoctial line. ভূচর (adjective) going on/ inhabiting the earth; living/moving on the earth; terrestrial. ভূচাল, ভূচালা, ভূচালি noun(s) earthquake. ভূচিত্র (noun) map. ভূচিত্রাবলী (noun) atlas. ভূ-চুম্বকত্ব (noun) (physics) terrestrial magnetism. ভূচ্ছায়া (noun) 1 shadow of the earth; darkness. 2 eclipse. ভূতত্ত্ব, ভূতত্ত্ববিদ্যা noun(s) geology. ভূতত্ত্ববিদ, ভূতাত্ত্বিক noun(s) geologist. ভূতত্ত্বীয় (adjective) geological. ভূতল (noun) 1 surface of the earth; face/floor of the earth; ground. 2 the nether world. ভূতলশয়ন (noun) lying on the ground. ভূতলশায়ী (adjective) laid/lying upon the bare ground; fallen/prostrated on the round; floored; knocked to ground. ভূতলশায়িনী (feminine) = ভূতলশায়ী . ভূতলস্থ, ভূতলস্থিত adjective(s) standing/being on the surface of the earth; terrestrial; earthly. ভূতাত্ত্বিক (adjective) geological. ভূদান (noun) gift of land. ভূত্বক (noun) (geology) rust of the earth. ভূদেব (noun) divinity upon earth; Brahmin. ভূধন (noun) “whose property is the earth”; king. ভূধর (noun) 1 ‘earth-supporting’ mountain. 2 serpent-demon Shaheshanaga. ভূনিম্ন (noun) the region underground. (adjective) underground. ভূনিম্ন তার (noun) underground cable. ভূপটল (noun) (geog) crest of the earth. ভূপ (noun) ‘earth-protector’; king; prince. ভূপতি (noun) ‘lord of the earth’; king; monarch; prince. ভূপতিত (adjective) fallen to the earth. ভূপতিত হওয়া (verb intransitive) fall on/to the ground; prostrate oneself on the ground. ভূপদ (noun) tree. ভূপরিধি (noun) circumference of the earth. ভূপর্যস্ত (adjective) thrown on the ground. ভূপাত (noun) 1 following on the ground; falling down. 2 (geology) landslide; Iandslip. ভূপতিত = ভূপর্যস্ত. ভূপাতিত করা (verb transitive) pull down/fell to the ground; knock to the ground; floor. ভূপাল (noun) ‘earth-guardian’; king; prince. ভূপুত্র (noun) the planet Mars. ভূপৃষ্ঠ (noun) surface of the earth. ভূপেন্দ্র (noun) the greatest among kings. ভূপ্রদক্ষিণ (noun) going around the earth; circumnavigation. ভূপ্রদক্ষিণ করা (verb intransitive) ambulate/ travel round the earth; rotate round the earth; circumnavigate. ভূপ্রকৃতি (noun) (geog) configuration. ভূবলয় (noun) equator; circumference of the earth. ভূবাসন (noun) settlement. ভূবিদ্যা (noun) geology. ভূবিদ্যাগত (adjective) geological. ভূবিদ্যাবিদ (noun) geologist. ভূ-বিষুব (noun) equator. ভূ-বিষুবরেখা (noun) terrestrial equator. ভূবৃত্ত (noun) equatorial circle; equator. ভূভার (noun) burden of the earth; burden of sins committed by mankind; burdensome charge of administering and protecting the earth. ভূভার হরণ করা (verb transitive) redeem/ absolve the sins of mankind. ভূভারত (noun) 1 India; all India. 2 earth; world. ভূভারতে (adverb) any where. ভূভৃৎ (noun) ‘earth-supporter’; mountain; king; prince. ভূমণ্ডল (noun) terrestrial globe; orbis terrarium. ভূরুহ (noun) tree. ভূলতা (noun) earth worm. ভূলুণ্ঠিত (adjective) fallen/ prostrated on the ground; rolling/ wallowing on the ground ভূলুণ্ঠিতা (feminine) = ভূলুণ্ঠিত. ভূলুণ্ঠিত হওয়া (verb intransitive) roll/wallow on the ground; fall to the ground; prostrate oneself on the ground. ভূলেপন (noun) cow-dung; swabbing with a solution of cow-dung. ভূলোক (noun) terrestrial world; earth. ভূশায়িত (adjective) lying/ fallen on the earth. ভূশয্যা (noun) couch on the bare ground; base ground as one’s bed. ভূশায়িত (adjective) laid/ knocked to the ground; lying upon the bare ground; floored ভূশায়িতা (feminine) = ভূশায়িত. ভূশায়ী (adjective) lying on the bare ground ভূশায়িনী (feminine) = ভূশায়ী. ভূসংস্কার (noun) ground-preparation. ভূসংস্থান (noun) topography. ভূসম্পত্তি (noun) landed property; real estate. ভূসুত (noun) the planet mars. ভূসুতা (noun) (feminine) Sita, wife of Rama. ভূস্তর (noun) (geology) stratum of the earth. ভূস্পন্দ (geog) earth-tremor. ভূস্বর্গ (noun) heaven on earth ; earthly paradise. ভূস্বামী (noun) landlord; landholder ভূস্বামিনী (feminine) = ভূস্বামী.
- Bengali Word ভূঁইEnglish definition(noun) = ভুঁই. ভূঁই আমলকি (noun) the plant Flacourita cataphracta. ভূঁই কদম্ব (noun) a kind of kadamba. ভূঁই-কামড়ি (noun) plant that creeps along the ground. ভূঁই-কুমড়া (noun) liquorice. ভূঁই ছাতি (noun) mushroom. ভূঁই জাম (noun) a species of plant; Premna herbacea. ভূঁই পটোকা (noun) fire-works.
- Bengali Word ভূঁইয়াEnglish definition= ভুঁইঞা