ভ পৃষ্ঠা ১১
- Bengali Word ভাশুরEnglish definition(noun) elder brother or cousin of one’s husband; brother-in-law. ভাশুর ঝি (noun) (feminine) daughter of such a brother-in-law. ভাশুরপো (noun) brother of such a brother-in-law. ভাশুর-ভাদ্রবৌ সম্পর্ক (figurative) from the rigid custom of Hindu women to keep themselves away from the sight of the elder brothers of their husbands.
- Bengali Word ভাষEnglish definition(noun) 1 saying; statement; utterance; assertion; declaration; comment; speech. 2 commentary; annotation. ভাষক (noun) speaker; talker. ভাষিকা (feminine).
- Bengali Word ভাষণEnglish definition(noun) act of speaking; talking; speech; utterance; talk; lecture; statement. ভাষণ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) speak; deliver a speech/give a talk; lecture; give a lecture.
- Bengali Word ভাষা ১English definition(noun) 1 language; speech. 2 common or vernacular speech; dialect; any Indian Language other than Sanskrit. 3 expression. 4 statement; utterance; mode of speaking. ভাষা চিত্রক (noun) play on words; conundrum. ভাষাজ্ঞ (adjective) versed in languages. ভাষাজ্ঞান (noun) language proficiency; command/ mastery of a language. ভাষাতত্ত্ব (noun) philology; linguistics. ভাষাতত্ত্বজ্ঞ, ভাষাতত্ত্ববিৎ, ভাষাতত্ত্ববিদ adjective(s) versed in philology/ linguistics. (noun) philologist; linguist. ভাষাতাত্ত্বিক (adjective) philological; linguistic. (noun) philologist; linguist. ভাষাতীত (adjective) beyond language/speech; ineffable; indescribable; inexpressible. ভাষান্তর (noun) translation; rendering into another language. ভাষান্তরিত (adjective) translated. ভাষান্তরিত করা (verb transitive) render into another language; translate. ভাষাবিজ্ঞান (noun) linguistics. ভাষাবিজ্ঞানী (noun) linguist. চলিতভাষা (noun) colloquial speech; one of the two modes of literary Bengali. দেশীভাষা (noun) 1 native language. মৃতভাষা (noun) dead language.
- Bengali Word ভাষা ২English definition(verb transitive), (verb intransitive) (poetic) 1 express. 2 speak; sing; say; tell; announce; declare. 3 explain; comment.
- Bengali Word ভাষাসমEnglish definition(noun) bilingualism; a sentence so arranged that it may be either Sanskrit or Prakrit.
- Bengali Word ভাষিতEnglish definition(adjective) spoken; uttered; said. (noun) speech; language; talk.
- Bengali Word ভাষীEnglish definition(adjective) (often used as a suffix) speaking; saying: বহু ভাষী, মন্দ ভাষী, ইংরেজি ভাষী.
- Bengali Word ভাষ্যEnglish definition(noun) 1 an explanatory work; commentary; exposition; explanation; annotation. 2 version. কর্তৃপক্ষের ভাষ্য. (adjective) to be spoken/ said/ exposed/ expressed. ভাষ্যকার (noun) writer of any commentary; commentator.
- Bengali Word ভাস ১English definition1 light; ray of light; lustre; brightness. 2 glory; splendour; majesty; beauty.
- Bengali Word ভাস ২English definition(noun) 1 cormorant. 2 vulture. 3 cock.
- Bengali Word ভাসন্ত ১English definition(adjective) splendid; beautiful.
- Bengali Word ভাসন্ত ২English definition(adjective) floating; drifting; afloat; adrift; buoyant.
- Bengali Word ভাসমান ১English definition(adjective) = ভাসন্ত ১. ভাসমানা (feminine) = ভাসমান ১.
- Bengali Word ভাসমান ২English definition(adjective) = ভাসন্ত ২. ভাসমানা (feminine) = ভাসমান ২.
- Bengali Word ভাসাEnglish definition(verb intransitive) 1 float, drift; swim; hover; be buoyant; be flooded/ inuhdated/ submerged (with): মাঠ বন্যার পানিতে ভাসছে. 2 rise; occur to; strike/appear in: মনে ভাসা. 3 (figurative) be overflowing with. (adjective) floating, drifting; adrift. ভাসা ভাসা (adjective) 1 superficial; shallow; half-baked: ভাসা ভাসা জ্ঞান. 2 large; wide; fascinating and lovely. ভাসা ভাসা চোখ, ভাসা ভাসা জ্ঞান (noun) superficial knowledge.
- Bengali Word ভাসাজালEnglish definition(noun) kind of large fishing net.
- Bengali Word ভাসানEnglish definition(noun) 1 floating. 2 immersion (as an image of a deity). 3 (also ভাসানগান) kind of folk-song celebrating activities of some deities.
- Bengali Word ভাসানোEnglish definition(verb transitive) 1 float; waft; put a boat afloat/ adrift; launch a ship. 2 flood; inundate; overflow; bear down as the torrent does. 3 cause to rise/ appear/ strike. 4 immerse (as an image of a deity). ভাসিয়ে নেওয়া (verb transitive) sweep (away).
- Bengali Word ভাসীEnglish definition(adjective) shining; brilliant.
- Bengali Word ভাসুরEnglish definition= ভাশুর
- Bengali Word ভাস্করEnglish definition(noun) 1 the sun. 2 sculptor. 3 fire.
- Bengali Word ভাস্কর্যEnglish definition(noun) sculpture.
- Bengali Word ভাস্বতীEnglish definition(adjective) (feminine) shining; luminous resplendent; bright; brilliar. ভাস্বন mas. ভাস্বর (noun) shining; brilliant, resplendent bright; incandescent. ভাস্বতীদীপ (noun) incandescent lamp.
- Bengali Word ভাস্মনEnglish definition(adjective) made/consisting of ashes; ashy.
- Bengali Word ভাড়াEnglish definition(noun) 1 hire; rent: গাড়ি ভাড়া, বাড়ি ভাড়া. 2 freight: রেল ভাড়া. 3 wages: কুলি ভাড়া. 4 capital; resource. (adjective) hired; rented; hackney. ভাড়া করা (verb transitive) hire; rent; book ভাড়া খাটা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) hire (out); let on hire; work for hire. ভাড়া দেওয়া (verb transitive) 1 hire (out); let on hire let something (to); put out on hire. 2 pay hire/ rent/charges/ freight/ wages/ fare. ভাড়া নেওয়া (verb transitive) = ভাড়া করা. ভাড়া পাওয়া (verb intransitive) obtain the use or services of in return for fixed payment; be available on hire. ভাড়াটে (adjective) hired; rented; tenanted; hackney; mercenary. (noun) hireling; tenant of a hired/rented house; lessee. ভাড়াটে গাড়ি (noun) hackney-carriage; hackney-coach; cub.
- Bengali Word ভায়English definition(verb intransitive) (poetic) 3rd per 1 appear(s); seem(s). 2 shine(s); appear(s)/ seem(s) pleasing/ likable.
- Bengali Word ভায়রা, ভায়রা ভাইEnglish definition(noun(s) husband of one’s wife’s sister; brother-in-law.
- Bengali Word ভায়াEnglish definition(noun) brother: friend; comrade.
- Bengali Word ভায়াদEnglish definition(noun) kinsmen.