ব পৃষ্ঠা ৬৭
- Bengali Word বুঝEnglish definition(noun) 1 understanding; gumption. 2 consolation; solace; comfort. 3 mutual understanding; agreement. 4 explanation; manipulation: হিসাবের বুঝ. বুঝ থাকা (verb intransitive) have (mutual) understanding. বুঝ দেওয়া (verb transitive) 1 console; comfort; give solace. 2 manipulate; explain apparently; persuade somebody to believe what one says. বুঝ মানা (verb intransitive) be consoled/ comforted/ /solaced. বুঝ সুঝ (noun) gumption; understanding; discernment; percipience.
- Bengali Word বুঝা, বোঝাEnglish definition(verb intransitive), (verb transitive) 1 understand; comprehend; grasp; realize: সে আগে বোঝেনি. 2 know; divine: আমি তার মন বুঝি. 3 test; sound: তার মন বোঝার চেষ্টা করো. 4 get; follow; figure out; make head or tail of; fathom: তুমি কি তার কথা কিছু বুঝলে? 5 deliberate: বুঝে জবাব দেওয়া. বোঝানো (verb transitive) 1 make one understand/ comprehend/ realize. 2 console; solace; comfort: তাকে কতো বোঝালাম, কিন্তু সে কেবলই কাঁদছে. 3 explain; expound: সমস্যা / হিসাব বোঝা. 4 admonish; advise; persuade; exhort. 5 বোঝাপড়া , বোঝাবুঝি (noun) (mutual) understanding; accord; agreement; confrontation; fight; struggle. বোঝাপড়া করা (verb intransitive) settle one’s account (with); come to terms; arrive at a mutual understanding (with); compromise; confront; fight.
- Bengali Word বুঝি, বুঝিবাEnglish definition(adverb) perhaps; may be; probably; possibly: তাই বুঝি তুমি উঠে গেলে? বুঝিবা সে চলে গেছে, তাই বুঝি is; it so? তুমি বুঝি আবার আসবে? You’re coming back, l suppose. বুঝে (adverb) knowingly; consciously; deliberately.
- Bengali Word বুট ১English definition(noun) chick-pea; gram.
- Bengali Word বুট ২English definition[English] (noun) boot.
- Bengali Word বুটা, বুটিEnglish definition(noun) flower/flowery pattern worked on cloth; embroidery. বুটি তোলা (verb transitive) work flowers/flowery pattern on cloth; embroider. বুটিদার (adjective) embroidered; flowered.
- Bengali Word বুঢ্ঢাEnglish definition(adjective), (noun) (colloquial) = বুড়া
- Bengali Word বুতEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) idol; image. বুত পরস্ত (adjective), (noun) idol-worshipping; idol-worshipper; idolator.
- Bengali Word বুদ্দুEnglish definition(adjective) (noun) fool; devoid of sense.
- Bengali Word বুদ্ধEnglish definition(adjective) enlightened; awakened; wise. (noun) Gautama Buddha, the founder of the Buddhist religion. বুদ্ধত্ব (noun) condition/ rank of a Buddha; supreme enlightenment/wisdom.
- Bengali Word বুদ্ধিEnglish definition(noun) 1 intelligence; intellect; reason; understanding; discernment; judgement; perception. 2 mind; talent; gumption. 3 counsel; advice. 4 device; scheme. 5 propensity; tendency: দুষ্ট বুদ্ধি. বুদ্ধি করা (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) plan; scheme; contrive; consult/confer with. বুদ্ধি খাটানো (verb intransitive) apply one’s mind (to something/to doing something); have recourse to a contrivance; make use of one’s intelligence. বুদ্ধি দেওয়া (verb transitive) advise; counsel; show the ropes; show somebody the way; instigate; encourage. বুদ্ধি নেওয়া (verb intransitive) seek/take advice; call in; consult; take one’s use from; confer with; be advised by; take counsel with. বুদ্ধি হারানো (verb intransitive) be at one’s wits end; loose one’s senses; be confused/ perturbed/ blustered. বুদ্ধিকৃত (adjective) acted wisely. বুদ্ধিকৌশল (noun) brilliance; mental agility. বুদ্ধিগম্য, বুদ্ধিগ্রাহ্য (adjective) to be apprehended by the intellect; intelligible; conceivable. বুদ্ধিচাতুর্য (noun) cleverness; wits; sagacity. বুদ্ধিজীবী (adjective) subsisting by intelligence; intelligent. (noun) intellectual. বুদ্ধিজীবী সম্প্রদায় (noun) intelligentsia. বুদ্ধিদাতা (noun) adviser; counsellor বুদ্ধিদাত্রী (feminine). বুদ্ধিনাশ (noun) loss of understanding; folly; deficiency of intellect/ intelligence . বুদ্ধিপূর্ব (adjective) premeditated; intentional; wilful. বুদ্ধিবল (noun) strength of intelligence. বুদ্ধিবিলাস (noun) play of the mind /fancy. বুদ্ধিবৃত্তি (noun) faculty of understanding; intellect; reasoning; sense; discernment. বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিমূলক (adjective) intellectual; rational. বুদ্ধিবৃদ্ধি, বুদ্ধিবিকাশ (noun) growth/ development of intellect; growth of understanding/wisdom. বুদ্ধিবৈভব (noun) strength/force of understanding. বুদ্ধিভ্রংশ (noun) = বুদ্ধিনাশ. বুদ্ধিভ্রম (noun) disturbance/aberration of mind. বুদ্ধিভ্রষ্ট (adjective) mentally deranged/ unhinged; out of one’s senses/mind/head; of unsound mind; stupid; foolish; bewildered. বুদ্ধিমত্তা (noun) intelligence; wisdom; understanding. বুদ্ধিমান (adjective) intelligent; learned; wise; shrewd; clever; sagacious বুদ্ধিমতী (feminine). বুদ্ধিমোহ (noun) confusion of mind. বুদ্ধিযুক্ত (adjective) endowed with understanding; intelligent. বুদ্ধিযোগ (noun) intellectual union with the Supreme Spirit. বুদ্ধিলাঘব (noun) lightness/levity of judgment. বুদ্ধিলোপ (noun) loss of understanding; folly; deficiency of intellect/ intelligence . বুদ্ধিশক্তি (noun) intellectual faculty. বুদ্ধিশুদ্ধি (noun) purification of the mind; good sense. বুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন (adjective) = বুদ্ধিযুক্ত. বুদ্ধিস্থ (adjective) fixed in/ present to the mind. বুদ্ধিহত, বুদ্ধিহারা adjective(s) = বুদ্ধিভ্রষ্ট. বুদ্ধিহীন (adjective) destitute of understanding; foolish; ignorant; stupid. বুদ্ধিহীনা (feminine) = বুদ্ধিহীন. বুদ্ধিহীনতা (noun) stupidity; foolishness; folly. বুদ্ধির অতীত beyond the reach of the understanding. বুদ্ধির ঢেঁকি (noun) (figurative) thick-head; addlehead; thickwit; dunderhead; blockhead. বুদ্ধীন্দ্রিয় (noun) organ of sense/ perception.
- Bengali Word বুদ্বুদEnglish definition(noun) bubble. বুদ্বুদ ওঠা (verb intransitive) effervesce; rise in bubbles; send up bubbles; bubble. বুদ্বুদন (noun) effervescence.
- Bengali Word বুধEnglish definition(noun) 1 the planet Mercury. 2 wise/ learned man. বুধবার (noun) = Wednesday (1).
- Bengali Word বুননEnglish definition(noun) 1 sowing. 2 weaving; knitting. বুননি (noun) = বুনানি.
- Bengali Word বুনাEnglish definition(verb intransitive), (verb transitive) 1 sow. 2 weave; knit. (adjective) sown; woven; knitted. বুনাট, বুনানি (noun) 1 sowing. 2 weaving; knitting. 3 charger for sowing or weaving/knitting. 4 texture.
- Bengali Word বুনিয়াদEnglish definition= বনিয়াদ. বুনিয়াদি = বনিয়াদি
- Bengali Word বুনুনিEnglish definition(noun) (colloquial) = বুনানি ( বুনা)
- Bengali Word বুনোEnglish definition(adjective) = বন্য
- Bengali Word বুবুEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) an elder sister.
- Bengali Word বুভুক্ষাEnglish definition(noun) desire of enjoying anything; hunger; appetite. বুভুক্ষিত, বুভুক্ষু adjective(s) hungry;starving; ravenous; desirous of worldly enjoyment.
- Bengali Word বুরুচEnglish definition[English] (noun) broach.
- Bengali Word বুরুজEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 bastion; turret; tower. 2 kind of card-game.
- Bengali Word বুরুশEnglish definition[English] (noun) brush: বুরুশ করা, বুরুশ দিয়ে ঝাড়া, বুরুশ লাগানো (verb transitive) brush.
- Bengali Word বুর্জোয়াEnglish definition[French] (noun), (adjective) bourgeois.
- Bengali Word বুলক, বুলাকEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) an ornament worn in nose.
- Bengali Word বুলন্দEnglish definition[Persian] (adjective) high; lofty; elevated; sublime; raised; exalted; tall; loud. বুলন্দ আওয়াজ (noun) loud sound/voice. বুলন্দ করা (verb transitive) lift; elevate; exalt; raise up. বুলন্দনসিব (adjective) lucky; fortunate; privileged.
- Bengali Word বুলবুল, বুলবুলিEnglish definition(noun) nightingale; bulbul.
- Bengali Word বুলাEnglish definition(verb transitive) (archaic; poetic) roam; stroll; walk.
- Bengali Word বুলানো, বুলানEnglish definition(verb transitive) pass (one’s hand, a brush, a pen, etc) lightly across/over/through something. চোখ বুলানো pass one’s eye; glance. তুলি বুলানো touch lightly with a brush.
- Bengali Word বুলিEnglish definition(noun) 1 word; speech; language; idiom; phrase; parlance. 2 lingo; jargon. 3 dialect; patois: দেহাতি বুলি. 4 animal cry; prattle; babble: পাখির/ শিশুর বুলি. 5 stereotyped phrase; slogan; catch phrase; crammed speech; cant; cliché. 6 maxim; motto; principle. বুলি আওড়ানো/ঝাড়া (verb intransitive) prattle; babble; blather; rant; use clichés; talk jargon; utter a stereotyped phrase/ maxim/slogan. বাঁধা-বুলি (noun) stereotyped/ hackneyed phrase; cant; cliché.