ব পৃষ্ঠা ৬০
- Bengali Word বিলুলিতEnglish definition(adjective) shaken; agitated; disarranged; disordered.
- Bengali Word বিলেখনEnglish definition বিলিখন
- Bengali Word বিলেপ, বিলেপনEnglish definition(noun) 1 anointing; plastering; smearing. 2 ointment; unguent; perfume for the person (as saffron, camphor etc); balm; salve; plaster. বিলেপন করা (verb transitive) anoint; smear; plaster; spread over.
- Bengali Word বিলোকনEnglish definition(noun) act of looking/ seeing; looking at; regarding; observing; contemplating; observation; staring; look; glance; stare. বিলোকনীয় (adjective) to be looked at/ observed; worthy to be looked at; beautiful; lovely.
- Bengali Word বিলোকিতEnglish definition(adjective) looked at; seen; beheld; observed; noticed.
- Bengali Word বিলোচনEnglish definition(noun) 1 seeing; viewing. 2 eye; sight.
- Bengali Word বিলোপ, বিলোপনEnglish definition(noun) 1 extinction; death. 2 destruction; abolish; ruin; annihilation. 3 disappearance; passing away. বিলোপ/ বিলোপসাধন করা (verb transitive) destroy; nullify; render null; ruin; blot out; abolish; abrogate; obliterate; annihilate. বিলোপপ্রাপ্ত হওয়া (verb intransitive) cease to exist; be/ become extinct; die out; disappear; vanish; fade; dissolve; pass away; perish; be abolished/ abrogated/ destroyed.
- Bengali Word বিলোভনEnglish definition(noun) beguiling; seduction; temptation; tempting. (adjective) very tempting; enticing; alluring.
- Bengali Word বিলোমEnglish definition(adjective) turned in the opposite direction; turned the wrong way; inverted; contrary to the usual/ proper course; opposed; reversed; inverse; produced in reverse order; refractory. (noun) 1 reverse order; opposite course; reverse. 2 water-wheel/ machine for raising water from a well. 3 (music) descending from a higher tone to a lower one. বিলোম কেন্দ্র (noun) (geometry) centre of inversidn. বিলোম ক্রিয়া (noun) 1 (geometry) inversion. 2 reverse action; doing anything in reverse order or backwards. বিলোমজ, বিলোমজাত adjective(s) born of a mother belonging to a higher caste than the father. বিলোমতা (noun) perverseness. বিলোমবিধি (noun) (arithmetic) rule of inversion. 2 inverted rite; reversed ceremony. বিলোম ব্যাসার্ধ (noun) (geometry) radius of inversion.
- Bengali Word বিলোমাঙ্কEnglish definition(noun) (geometry) constant of inversion.
- Bengali Word বিলোলEnglish definition(adjective) 1 moving to and fro from side to side; unsteady; rolling; waving; quivering; flickering: বিলোল কটাক্ষ. 2 very greedy; covetous; wistful; lustful; yearning; hungry: বিলোল দৃষ্টি. 3 dishevelled; rumpled; disarranged ; বিলোল বসনভূষণ. বিলোলতা (noun) tremulousness; unsteadiness; rolling (of the eyes). বিলোল কটাক্ষ (adjective) with tremulous glance. বিলোল তারক (adjective) with rolling (pupils of the) eyes. বিলোল দৃষ্টি. বিলোল লোচন adjective(s) with rolling/ tremulous/ covetous/ leering eyes. বিলোলিত (adjective) moved hither and thither; shaken; agitated; tossed about.
- Bengali Word বিলোড়নEnglish definition(noun) stirring up; churning; splashing (in water); agitating; agitation. বিলোড়িত (adjective) stirred up churned; splashed; agitated.
- Bengali Word বিল্টিEnglish definition[English] (noun) bill of fading; bill of fare.
- Bengali Word বিল্বEnglish definition(noun) wood-apple (tree); Aegle marmelos.
- Bengali Word বিল্লিEnglish definition(noun) (facetious) cat.
- Bengali Word বিলয়English definition(noun) 1 destruction (especially of the world). 2 dissolution; liquefaction; annihilation; disappearance; death. (adjective) (music) unmeasured. বিলয়ন (noun) dissolving; liquefying.
- Bengali Word বিশEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) twenty. বিশ বাঁও পানি great trouble.
- Bengali Word বিশঙ্কEnglish definition(adjective) 1 fearless; confident. 2 apprehensive; alarmed; fearful. বিশঙ্কমান (adjective) apprehensive; suspicious.
- Bengali Word বিশদEnglish definition(adjective) 1 clear; evident; manifest; intelligible; lucid: বিশদ আলোচনা. 2 white: বিশদ বস্ত্র; 3 clean; spotless; pure; brilliant; shining; splendid. (noun) white (the colour). বিশদ করা (verb transitive) elucidate; elaborate; explain clearly; clarity. বিশদতা (noun) clearness; lucidity. বিশদভাবে (adjective) clearly; lucidly; elaborately. বিশদিত (adjective) purified; elaborated; clarified; explained clearly; elucidated.
- Bengali Word বিশল্যEnglish definition(adjective) freed from an arrow-head; healed of an arrow-wound; freed from pain; without trouble/ care/ pain. বিশল্যকরণী (noun) a particular herb with wonder-working properties.
- Bengali Word বিশাEnglish definition(adjective) (dialect) = বিশে
- Bengali Word বিশাইEnglish definition(noun) (dialect) = বিশ্বকর্মা
- Bengali Word বিশাখEnglish definition(adjective) branchless; handless. (noun) name of the Hindu god Kartikeya.
- Bengali Word বিশাখাEnglish definition(noun) the sixteenth of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy.
- Bengali Word বিশারদEnglish definition(adjective) 1 experienced/ skilled/ proficient in; conversant With. 2 learned; wise; erudite. 3 famous; celebrated. 4 clever; expert. বিশারদা (feminine) = বিশারদ.
- Bengali Word বিশালEnglish definition(adjective) 1 huge; enormous; immense; gigantic; colossal; monumental. 2 spacious; extensive; broad; wide; vast. 3 excessive: পশ্চাতে ঢোলের বাদ্য বাজায় বিশাল. 4 magnanimous; lion-hearted; generous. 5 great; important; powerful; mighty; illustrious; eminent. বিশালতা (noun) hugeness; vastness; enormity; immensity; great extent; spaciousness; greatness; eminence; majesty; distinction. বিশালনয়না, বিশাললোচনা adjective(s)(feminine) having large eyes. বিশাল হৃদয় (adjective) large-hearted; magnanimous.
- Bengali Word বিশালাক্ষEnglish definition(adjective) large-eyed. (noun) 1 the Hindu god Shiva. 2 Garuda. বিশালাক্ষী (adjective) (feminine) of বিশালাক্ষ. (noun) goddess Durga.
- Bengali Word বিশিখEnglish definition(noun) 1 arrow; shaft. 2 spear; javelin. 3 (ironical) crow. (adjective) 1 flameless. 2 devoid of the top-knot/ tuft of hair (left on the hair after tonsure). বিশিখা (feminine) 1 bald. 2 unfeathered (as an arrow).
- Bengali Word বিশিষ্টEnglish definition(adjective) 1 distinguished; pre-eminent; prominent; excellent; excelling in: বিশিষ্ট লেখক/ লোক. 2 educated; cultured; remarkable: বিশিষ্ট ভদ্রলোক. 3 distinct; particular; especial: বিশিষ্ট স্থান. 4 peculiar; specific; characteristic: বিশিষ্ট লক্ষণ. 5 (used as the later member of a compound word) characterized by; possessing; containing: গুণ বিশিষ্ট, দন্ত বিশিষ্ট. বিশিষ্টা (feminine) = বিশিষ্ট. বিশিষ্টতা (adjective) distinction; excellence; superiority; specialty; peculiarity; characteristic; prominence; remarkability; conspicuousness.
- Bengali Word বিশিষ্টাদ্বৈতবাদEnglish definition(noun) (philosophy) the doctrine that the spirits of men have a qualified identify with the one spirit; doctrine of qualified non-duality.