ব পৃষ্ঠা ৪৯
- Bengali Word বিধবাEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) widow. বিধবা করা (verb transitive) bereave (a woman) of her husband. বিধবা বিবাহ (noun) widow marriage.
- Bengali Word বিধর্মা, বিধর্মীEnglish definition(adjective) Professing a different religion/ creed. (noun) devotee of another religion; infidel.
- Bengali Word বিধাEnglish definition(noun) 1 sort; kind; type; variety. 2 manner; form; mode; arrangement.
- Bengali Word বিধাতাEnglish definition(noun) 1 God; Providence; Brahma. 2 distributor; disposer; arranger; accomplisher; maker; author; creator; granter; giver; bestower: ভাগ্য বিধাতা, disposer of men’s fate. (adjective) distributing; arranging; disposing; ordering: বিধাতা পুরুষ providence personified. বিধাত্রী (feminine) = বিধাতা.
- Bengali Word বিধাতৃEnglish definition= বিধাতা
- Bengali Word বিধানEnglish definition(noun) 1 scriptural prescript/ ruling; prescription: ধর্মের বিধান. 2 provision, arrangement: সুখ বিধান. 3 order; measure; disposition; arrangement; regulation; rule; law; legislation; precept; method; manner: আইনের বিধান. 4 medical prescription/ regulation; diet. 5 fate; destiny. 6 creating; creation: বিশ্ব বিধান. 7 means; expedient. 8 performance (especially of prescribed acts or rites); execution; making; doing; accomplishing. 9 enumeration; statement of particulars. 10 system’: নব বিধান. 11 (grammar) affixing; prefixing; taking as an affix. 12 (anatomy) structure (of body). বিধান করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) provide for; prescribe; dispose; order; decide; execute; accomplish. বিধান দেওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) prescribe; issue a ruling; rule. বিধানকর্তা (noun) disposer; provider; regulator; controller; director; law-giver; legislator; one who knows how to arrange বিধানকর্ত্রী (feminine). বিধানজ্ঞ (noun), (adjective) (one) who knows rules or precepts; teacher. বিধানত (adverb) according to rule/ precept; de jure. বিধানতন্তু (noun) (anatomy) tissue. বিধানতন্ত্র (noun) code of laws; system of legislation. বিধান পরিষদ (noun) legislative council. বিধানবিদ (adjective) versed in rules/ precepts. বিধানমণ্ডল (noun) legislature. বিধানশাস্ত্র (noun) jurisprudence; law. বিধানসংসদ (noun) parliament. বিধান সংহিতা (noun) a treatise on jurisprudence; a law-book. বিধান সভা (noun) legislative assembly
- Bengali Word বিধানিকEnglish definition(adjective) legislative. বিধানিক ক্ষমতা (noun) legislative power. বিধানিক প্রণালী (noun) legislative procedure. বিধানিক বিবাহ (noun) civil marriage.
- Bengali Word বিধায়English definitionprep on account of; owing to; because of; for; due to: স্থানের অসঙ্কুলান বিধায়.
- Bengali Word বিধায়কEnglish definition(adjective) legislating; enacting; enjoining; performing; controlling; regulating; directing; prescribing; issuing a rule; making provision/ arrangements for; providing for; causing; occasioning; bringing about; securing. (noun) legislator; provider; disposer বিধায়িকা (feminine).
- Bengali Word বিধায়ীEnglish definition(adjective) = বিধায়ক. বিধায়িনী (feminine) = বিধায়ী.
- Bengali Word বিধিEnglish definition(noun) 1 rule; formula; injunction; ordinance; regulation; statute; precept; law; 2 direction (especially for performance of a rite). 3 (grammar) grammatical rule/ precept. 4 any prescribed act/ rite/ceremony. 5 use employment; application. 6 system; method/ manner/ a way of acting; procedure; mode of life; conduct. 7 means; expedient. 8 creation. 9 fate; destiny; 10 The Creator. 11 any act/ action; performance; accomplishment; contrivance; work; business. বিধি আধিকারিক (noun) law officer. বিধিজ্ঞ (adjective) one who knows the prescribed mode/ form; learned in ritual; conversant with the laws/ rules. বিধিত (adverb) according to rule. বিধিদর্শী (noun) a priest who sees that a sacrifice is conducted according to prescribed rules and corrects any deviation from them বিধিদর্শিনী (feminine)= বিধিদর্শী. বিধিদৃষ্ট prescribed by rule. বিধিদেশক, বিধি নিদের্শক (noun) legal remembrances. বিধি-নিষেধ (noun) commandment and prohibition. বিধিপূর্বক (adjective) according to rule. বিধি-প্রয়োগ (noun) application of a rule/ law. বিধিবৎ = বিধিপূর্বক. বিধিবদ্ধ (adjective) regulated; codified; formal; enacted; in keeping with form/ established mode. বিধিবদ্ধ করা (verb transitive) codify; enact. বিধিবশত (adverb) through the power of fate/ destiny. বিধি-বিড়ম্বনা (noun) deception by fate; irony of fate. বিধি-বিড়ম্বিত (adjective) beguiled by fate; ill-fated. বিধিবিদ্ (adjective) = বিধিজ্ঞ. বিধিবিরুদ্ধ (adjective) contrary to law/ rule; unlawful; irregular. বিধিবিহিত (adjective) established by rule; lawful; regular. বিধিবেত্তা = বিধিজ্ঞ. বিধিবোধিত = বিধিবিহিত. বিধিমতো (adjective) in keeping with scriptural prescripts/ edicts/ rules/laws; rightful; lawful; formal; adequate. বিধিমতে, বিধি মোতাবেক = বিধিপূর্বক বিধিলিপি (noun) prescripts of providence; destiny; lot; fate. বিধিশাস্ত্র (noun) jurisprudence. বিধিসঙ্গত, বিধিসম্মত = বিধিমত. বিধিহীন (adjective) destitute of rule; unauthorized; unlawful; irregular; contrary to rule/ law.
- Bengali Word বিধিৎসাEnglish definition(noun) intention to do; intention/ design/ purpose/ desire for; desire to provide for. বিধিৎসু (adjective) wishing to do/ make; proposing to perform; desirous of making provision/ arrangement for.
- Bengali Word বিধুEnglish definition(noun) the moon. বিধুবদন (noun) moon-like face. বিধুবদনী, বিধুবদনী (adjective) (feminine) moon-faced. (noun) lovely woman. বিধু মুখ = বিধুবদন. বিধুমুখী = বিধু বদনী.
- Bengali Word বিধুত, বিধূতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 shaken/ tossed about; vibrated; fluttered; trembling; tremulous. 2 shaken off; dispelled; removed. 3 abandoned; relinquished. বিধুত করা (verb transitive) shake; set trembling; flutter; shake off; dispel; remove.
- Bengali Word বিধুনন, বিধূননEnglish definition(noun) 1 trembling; shaking; vibration; fluttering; agitation; waving. 2 shaking off; removal; repulsion. 3 abandonment.
- Bengali Word বিধুনিত, বিধূনিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 shaken; fluttered; trembling; set to tremble; shivering. 2 abandoned; relinquished. 3 overwhelmed; agitated. 4 frightened; alarmed.
- Bengali Word বিধুবনEnglish definition(noun) trembling; tremor.
- Bengali Word বিধুরEnglish definition(adjective) 1 bereft; bereaved (especially of any loved person); alone; solitary; separated from; suffering from want; destitute of; wanting: বিরহ 2 miserable; distressed; afflicted. 3 frightened; troubled; alarmed. 4 helpless; powerless. 5 overwhelmed; perplexed; dejected; depressed. 6 redolent of; surcharged with: গন্ধ বিধুর. বিধুরা (feminine) = বিধুর. বিধুরতা, বিধুরত্ব (noun(s)) loveliness; solitariness; want; distress; trouble; affliction; bewilderment.
- Bengali Word বিধূয়মানEnglish definition(adjective) set to tremble; trembling; fluttering; vibrating; quivering; tremulous.
- Bengali Word বিধৃতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 held fast; firmly caught; seized, arrested; laid hold of; grasped. 2 maintained; held; borne; supported; possessed; saved; preserved; taken one of.
- Bengali Word বিধেয়English definition(adjective) 1 lawful; rightful; proper. 2 to be (or being) enjoined (as a rule); to be performed/ practised/ done; to be stated/ settled/ established. 3 docile; compliant; submissive. (noun) 1 what is to be done; duty; necessity. 2 (grammar) predicate. 3 (philosophy) predicable. বিধেয় পদ (noun) predicate. বিধেয়তা (noun) propriety; fitness; applicability; usefulness; necessity. বিধেয়মার্গ (noun) path of righteousness/ rectitude; right/ rightful way.
- Bengali Word বিধেয়কEnglish definition(noun) draft of a proposed law; bill.
- Bengali Word বিধৌতEnglish definition(adjective) washed; cleansed; washed off; purified; removed. বিধৌতি (noun) washing; cleaning; purifying; purification; cleansing.
- Bengali Word বিধ্বংসEnglish definition(noun) 1 ruin; destruction; devastation; annihilation; demolition; ravage; dilapidation. 2 hurt; injury; offence. বিধ্বংসিত (adjective) ruined; distorted; devastated; fallen to pieces. বিধ্বংসী (adjective) 1 falling to pieces; perishing. 2 causing to fall; ruining; destroying; devastating. বিধ্বংসিনী (feminine) = বিধ্বংসী.
- Bengali Word বিধ্বস্তEnglish definition(adjective) ruined; destroyed; demolished; fallen to pieces; annihilated. বিধ্বস্ত করা (verb transitive) ruin; devastate; destroy; rout; demolish.
- Bengali Word বিনতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 bent; bent down; curved; bowed; stooping; inclined; sunk down; deepened. 2 modest; humble; meek; polite; submissive. বিনতা (feminine) = বিনত. বিনতানন one who has his face bent/ cast down; dejected; dispirited.
- Bengali Word বিনতা ১English definition বিনত
- Bengali Word বিনতা ২English definition(noun) one of Kashyap’s wives (in the Mahabharata). বিনতানন্দন (noun) son of Vinata; Aruna; Garuda.
- Bengali Word বিনতিEnglish definition(noun) 1 bowing; obeisance; stooping. 2 modesty; decency; good conduct; politeness. 3 good breeding; discipline. 4 entreaty; solicitation; earnest request; supplication; begging. 5 submissiveness; meekness. 6 (physics) dip.
- Bengali Word বিননি, বিননীEnglish definition= বিনুনি