ব পৃষ্ঠা ৪১
- Bengali Word বিঘট্টিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 stirred, shaken. 2 analyzed, separated. 3 blended; whipped; thrashed. 4 move, set In motion.
- Bengali Word বিঘাEnglish definition(noun) a measure of land (= 6400 sq cubits = 0.33 acre approx). বিঘা কালি (noun) (arithmetic) square-measure in terms of bighas.
- Bengali Word বিঘাতEnglish definition(noun) 1 destruction; ruin. 2 stroke; blow, 3 obstacle; impediment; hindrance; opposition. (adjective) struck; beaten; smitten. বিঘাতী (adjective) 1 opposing; hindering; preventing; interrupting. 2 hindered; impeded; opposed. 3 destroyed; ruined. 4 slaying; fighting. (noun) fighter; slayer. বিঘাতক (noun) destroyer; killer; slayer.
- Bengali Word বিঘূর্ণনEnglish definition(noun) swaying to and, fro; thorough revolution; rotation; wild/ dreadful rolling: অক্ষি বিঘূর্ণন; reeling: মস্তক বিঘূর্ণন.
- Bengali Word বিঘূর্ণিতEnglish definition(adjective) thoroughly rotated/ revolved; rotating; wildly/ dreadfully rolling: বিঘূর্ণিত ক্ষেত্র; reeling: বিঘূর্ণিত মস্তক; rolled about; shaken; agitated. বিঘূর্ণিত করা (verb transitive) roll; revolve; rotate. বিঘূর্ণিত হওয়া (verb intransitive) roll; whirl about; be agitated; rotate. মস্তক বিঘূর্ণিত করা (verb transitive) make one giddy; turn one’s head; make one’s head swim; dizzy; make swollen-headed;
- Bengali Word বিঘোরEnglish definition= বিঘোর
- Bengali Word বিঘোষণEnglish definition(noun) act of proclaiming about; proclamation. বিঘোষিত (adjective) proclaimed loudly; cried; widely publicized. বিঘোষণ করা (verb transitive) proclaim; announce extensively; publicized widely.
- Bengali Word বিঘ্নEnglish definition(noun) obstacle; impediment; hindrance; difficulty; trouble; hitch. বিঘ্নকর (adjective) causing any obstacle/ interruption; impeding; obstructing. বিঘ্নকারক, বিঘ্নকারী (adjective), (noun) = বিঘ্নকর; impediment; obstacle. বিঘ্ননাশক, বিঘ্ননাশন, বিঘ্নবিনাশন adjective(s) who/what removes obstacles or difficulties. বিঘ্ননাশন (noun) removal of obstacles/ difficulties. বিঘ্নময়, বিঘ্নসঙ্কুল adjective(s) full of/ beset with obstacles/ difficulties. বিঘ্নহর, বিঘ্নহারী = বিঘ্ননাশক.
- Bengali Word বিঘ্নিতEnglish definition(adjective) impeded; hindered; obstructed; prevented.
- Bengali Word বিঘৎ, বিঘতEnglish definition(noun) span (= 9 inches). বিঘৎ প্রমাণ (adjective) equal to as an; nine inches in length.
- Bengali Word বিচ, বীচEnglish definitionprep (dialect) in; inside; within.
- Bengali Word বিচক্ষণEnglish definition(adjective) clever; wise; experienced/ versed (in); clever-sighted; sagacious; judicious; discreet; expert; adroit. বিচক্ষণতা (noun) cleverness; wisdom; discreetness; clear-sightedness; farsightedness; judiciousness; adroitness.
- Bengali Word বিচক্ষুEnglish definition(adjective) eyeless; blind.
- Bengali Word বিচরণEnglish definitionwandering; roaming; walking; strolling; rambling; loitering. বিচরণ করা (verb intransitive) 1 wander; roam; ramble; loiter. 2 follow; lead (a way of life); take to; practise; abide by; faithful to: ধর্মের/ ন্যায়ের পথে বিচরণ করা. বিচরণ ক্ষেত্র, বিচরণ ভূমি, বিচরণ স্থান noun(s) ground/place for walking or strolling; (figurative) hunting ground.
- Bengali Word বিচরাEnglish definition(verb intransitive) (poetic) roam; wander; stroll; walk.
- Bengali Word বিচর্চিকাEnglish definition(noun) form of cutaneous eruption; skin disease (eg herpes, scabies, itch, eczema).
- Bengali Word বিচলEnglish definition(adjective) restless; restive. (noun) deviation; violation. চল বিচল (noun) deviation; violation; falling; কথার চল বিচল হবে না. বিচলন (noun) 1 agitation; restlessness; unsteadiness. 2 deviation; departure; straying; swerving; wavering; falling off/ down.
- Bengali Word বিচলিতEnglish definition(adjective) agitated; perturbed; exited; nervous; jelleny; troubled. 2 deviated; swerving; deviating; strayed; departed: সত্যের পথ থেকে বিচলিত. 3 motionless বিচলিতা (feminine) = বিচলিত. বিচলিত করা (verb transitive) 1 agitate; excite; perturb; shake; stir up; trouble. 2 lead astray; cause to swerve/ deviate/ stray. বিচলিত হওয়া (verb intransitive) 1 be excited/ agitated/ perturbed/ troubled/ disturbed/ nervous/ jelleny. 2 move away; depart; deviate; fail swerve; desist from; go astray; fall off/ down.
- Bengali Word বিচারEnglish definition(noun) 1 ascertainment/ determination of truth; verification. 2 judgement; decision; verdict. 3 deliberation; consideration; pondering; reflection. 4 examination; investigation; discussion. 5 (judicial) trial; finding; adjudication; settlement. 6 justice: আমি চাই. বিচার আচার (noun) law; justice; authority: দেশে কি কোনো বিচার আচার নেই? বিচার করা iv (verb transitive) consider; deliberate; reflect; ascertain; verify; decide; judge; adjudicate; argue; discuss; examine; infer; try (judicially); put somebody on trial; conduct trial; bring somebody to trial; bring somebody up for trial; settle. বিচারক (noun) judge; Justice; magistrate. বিচারকর্তা (noun) judge; investigator বিচারকর্ত্রী (feminine). বিচারকরণিক (noun) judicial clerk. বিচারক্ষম (adjective) able/ authorized to judge; discerning; acute. বিচার ক্ষমতা (noun) ability to judge; competence/ authority to judge; judgement. বিচারজ্ঞ (adjective) knowing how to discriminate/ judge; able to decide on the merits of case. (noun) judge; jurist. বিচারনীয় (adjective) = বিচার্য. বিচারদেয়ক (noun) court-fee. বিচারপতি a judge; justice. বিচারপতিমণ্ডলী, বিচারপীঠ (noun) the bench বিচারফল (noun) verdict; judgement; finding. বিচার-বিভাগ (noun) judiciary. বিচার-বিভ্রাট (noun) miscarriage of justice; travesty of justice. বিচার-বিহীন (adjective) lacking in judgement; unjust; indiscriminate; inconsiderate. বিচার মল্ল (noun) a great debater/ dialectician/ polemist/ logician. বিচারশীল (adjective) disposed to deliberation/ reflection; considerate; deliberative; discriminating; judicious. বিচার শূন্য = বিচার বিহীন. বিচারস্থল, বিচারস্থান noun(s) place for discussion/ investigation; tribunal; court. বিচারাজ্ঞা (noun) order for trial/ adjudication/ consideration/ deliberation. বিচারাধীন (adjective) on trial; under (judicial) consideration; sub judice; under investigation. বিচারালয় (noun) court; law-court; court of justice. বিচারালয়-রক্ষক (noun) court-overseer. বিচারাসন (noun) seat of judgement; bench.
- Bengali Word বিচারকEnglish definition(noun) judge; Justice; magistrate.
- Bengali Word বিচারণEnglish definition(noun) 1 = বিচার. 2 debate; argument .
- Bengali Word বিচারণাEnglish definition(noun) 1 = বিচার. 2 conception; notion; impression. 3 criticism.
- Bengali Word বিচারিকEnglish definition(adjective) judicial.
- Bengali Word বিচারিতEnglish definition(adjective) considered; deliberated; judged; discussed; decided; ascertained; settled; adjudged; (judically) tried; adjudicated.
- Bengali Word বিচারীEnglish definition(adjective) deliberating; judging; discussing; one who considers/ judges/ settles/ adjudicates.
- Bengali Word বিচার্যEnglish definition(adjective) 1 to be deliberated/ discussed/ judged/ tried/ considered/ settled/ adjudicated/ examined. 2 under discussion/ consideration/ trial.
- Bengali Word বিচাল ১English definition(adjective) 1 with seed. 2 seedy.
- Bengali Word বিচাল ২English definition= বেচাল
- Bengali Word বিচালিEnglish definition(noun) straw (of rice).
- Bengali Word বিচালিতEnglish definition(adjective) set in motion; moved; circulated; agitated; stirred; excited; transferred.