প পৃষ্ঠা ৯
- Bengali Word পরমাদৃতEnglish definition(adjective) highly treasured; greatly loved; received with great cordiality. পরমাদৃতা (feminine) = পরমাদৃত.
- Bengali Word পরমাদ্বৈতEnglish definition(noun) highest being without a second; pure being; Supreme Being.
- Bengali Word পরমানন্দEnglish definition(noun) supreme felicity; beatitude; ecstasy; heavenly bliss; soul of the universe.
- Bengali Word পরমানন্দিতEnglish definition(adjective) greatly/ extremely delighted; blissful; ecstatic.
- Bengali Word পরমান্নEnglish definition(noun) best food; rice boiled in milk with sugar (offered to gods or deceased ancestors).
- Bengali Word পরমাপদEnglish definition(noun) greatest misfortune.
- Bengali Word পরমাবধিEnglish definition(noun) utmost term/ limit.
- Bengali Word পরমারাধ্যEnglish definition(adjective) most venerable/ adorable পরমারাধ্যা (feminine).
- Bengali Word পরমার্থEnglish definition(noun) 1 the highest/ whole truth; highest good; spiritual knowledge; reality; God; religion. 2 excellent/ important object. 3 best kind of wealth. পরমার্থ চিন্তা (noun) meditation about God/ reality; spiritual meditation. পরমার্থতত্ত্ব (noun) highest truth; reality; spiritual truth. পরমার্থবিদ (adjective) who knows the highest truth. (noun) philosopher.
- Bengali Word পরমায়ু(ঃ)English definition(noun) longevity; period of a person’s life. (adjective) reaching to a very advanced age. পরমায়ু(ঃ)ক্ষয় হওয়া (noun) have one’s longevity/ life cut down; have one’s life-blood running out; approach one’s death: to be on the decline; have one’s period of life diminished. পরমায়ু(ঃ). ক্ষয়কর (adjective) diminishing/ wearing away the period of life. পরমায়ু(ঃ) বর্ধিত (adjective) increasing/ contributing to longevity.
- Bengali Word পরমুখEnglish definition(noun) another’s favour/ help. পরমুখাপেক্ষা, পরমুখাপেক্ষিতা (noun) dependence on another/ others. পরমুখাপেক্ষী (adjective) dependent on another/ others. পরমুখাপেক্ষিণী (feminine) = পরমুখাপেক্ষী.
- Bengali Word পরমেশ, পরমেশ্বরEnglish definition(noun) the Supreme Lord; Supreme Being; God. পরমেশ্বরী = পরমা প্রকৃতি ( পরমা).
- Bengali Word পরমৈশ্বর্যEnglish definition(noun) greatest wealth; most valuable treasure/ acquisition; great fortune; pomp and grandeur.
- Bengali Word পরমোন্নতEnglish definition(adjective) developed/ advanced/ elevated/ uplifted to the highest degree; lofty; exalted.
- Bengali Word পরমোন্নতিEnglish definition(noun) towering; sublime; highest elevation; highest attitude; loftiness; highest development; culmination; highest point; sublimity; eminence; exaltation.
- Bengali Word পরমোৎকর্ষEnglish definition(noun) highest excellence; perfection.
- Bengali Word পরমোৎকৃষ্টEnglish definition(adjective) most excellent; perfect.
- Bengali Word পরমোৎসবEnglish definition(noun) great festival/ festivities.
- Bengali Word পরম্পরEnglish definition(adjective) one following the other; successive; serial; proceeding from one to another. পরম্পরা (noun) 1 order; series; succession; continuation. 2 tradition. 3 lineage; progeny. পরম্পরক্রমে, পরম্পরায় (adverb) successively; uninterruptedly; serially; one after another; in regular succession; by tradition; traditionally. পরম্পরাগত (adjective) received by tradition; traditional; hereditary.
- Bengali Word পরম্পরিতEnglish definition(adjective) forming an uninterrupted series; continuous.
- Bengali Word পরম্পরীণEnglish definition(adjective) successive; serial; traditional; hereditary.
- Bengali Word পররশ্মিEnglish definition(noun) (physics) positive ray.
- Bengali Word পররাষ্ট্রEnglish definition(noun) foreign state/ country. পররাষ্ট্র দপ্তর (noun) foreign office. পররাষ্ট্রনীতি (noun) foreign policy. পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয় (noun) ministry of foreign/ external affairs. পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী (noun) minister of foreign/external affairs; foreign minister. পররাষ্ট্র সচিব (noun) foreign secretary.
- Bengali Word পরলোকEnglish definition(noun) the other/ future world; next world; death. পরলোকগত, পরলোকপ্রাপ্ত (adjective(s)gone to heaven/the next world; dead; deceased. পরলোকগমন, পরলোকপ্রাপ্তি (noun(s) dying; passing away; death. পরলোকগমন করা (verb intransitive) pass away; die. পরলোকযাত্রা = পরলোকগমন.
- Bengali Word পরশEnglish definition(noun) (poet) = স্পর্শ. পরশন = স্পর্শন. পরশপাথর, পরশমণি (noun(s) philosopher’s stone.
- Bengali Word পরশু ১English definition(noun) hatchet; axe; battle-axe.
- Bengali Word পরশু ২English definition(noun), (adverb) day after tomorrow; day before tomorrow.
- Bengali Word পরশ্বEnglish definition= পরশু ২
- Bengali Word পরশ্রমজীবীEnglish definition(adjective) living on the labour of others; parasiting; living by exploitation.
- Bengali Word পরশ্রীEnglish definition(noun) another’s good fortune. পরশ্রীকাতর (adjective) envious (of others good fortune): jealous; distressed at another’s glory/prosperity পরশ্রীকাতরা (feminine) = পরশ্রী. পরশ্রীকাতরতা (noun) envy; jealousy.