প পৃষ্ঠা ৪৭
- Bengali Word পীঠ ১English definition(noun) 1 religious student’s seat. 2 alter; case; pedestal; seat. 3 royal seat; throne. 4 place; office. 5 (mythology) any of the fifty-one holy places (where the limbs of Parvati fell after she had been cut to pieces). পীঠস্থান (noun) seat.
- Bengali Word পীঠ ২English definition(noun) (much) base.
- Bengali Word পীড্যমানEnglish definition(adjective) being afflicted/ distressed/ troubled/ hurt/ squeezed; suffering pain.
- Bengali Word পীত ১English definition(adjective) yellow. (noun) yellow colour. পীতকদলী (noun) a species of banana. পীতকন্দ (noun) carrot. পীতকরবী (noun) oleander with yellow flowers. পীতকাষ্ঠ = পীতচন্দন. পীতগন্ধক (noun) yellow sulphur. পীতচন্দন (noun) yellow sandal. পীতচম্পক (noun) yellow champaka. পীতজ্বর (noun) yellow fever. পীতধড়া (noun) yellow loin-cloth. পীতপর্ণী (noun) a species of nettle. পীতপুষ্প (noun) = চম্পক. পীতবাস, পীতাম্বর (noun(s) 1 = পীতধড়া; 2 Sri Krishna. (adjective) wearing a yellow loin-cloth. পীতমণি, পীতরক্ত (noun(s) topaz. পীতবাস (noun) yellowness. (adjective) of a yellow colour.
- Bengali Word পীত ২English definition(adjective) sipped; sucked; drunk; imbibed.
- Bengali Word পীনEnglish definition(adjective) swelling; swollen; full; round; thick; large; fat; fleshy; plump; corpulent. পীনতা (noun) fatness; corpulency; plumpness; compactness; tenseness. পীননিতম্বা (adjective) (feminine) having full/large hips. পীনপয়ো ধরা (adjective) having full/large breast; full-breasted. পীনবক্ষ (adjective) full-breasted; large-chested. পীনশ্রোণী (adjective) (feminine) having swelling hips.
- Bengali Word পীনসEnglish definition(noun) nasal catarrh; coryza.
- Bengali Word পীনোত্তুঙ্গEnglish definition= পীনোন্নত
- Bengali Word পীনোন্নতEnglish definition(noun) (adjective) large and prominent. পীনোন্নত পয়োধরা, পীনোন্নতস্তনী (adjective) (feminine) having large and prominent breasts.
- Bengali Word পীবরEnglish definition(adjective) fat; stout; large; plump; thick; dense; corpulent; bar1ey; well-developed পীবরা, পীবরী (feminine) = পীবর. পীবরত্ব (adjective) thickness; denseness. পীবরস্তনী (noun), (adjective) (woman) with large breasts; (cow) with large udder.
- Bengali Word পীযুষEnglish definition(adjective) 1 nectar (drink of immortality). ambrosia. 2 milk of a cow during the first seven days after calving; beestings. পীযুষ ধারা (noun) stream of nectar. পীযুষপূর্ণ (adjective) full of nectar. পীযুষবর্ষ (noun) shower of nectar. পীযুষবর্ষী (adjective) showering nectar; mellifluent; mellifluous.
- Bengali Word পীরEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) saint; holy man; spiritual guide. পীর ধরা (verb intransitive) be disciple of a saint. পীরজাদা (noun) son of a saint. পীর ভাই (noun) fellow disciple. পীরের দরগা (noun) shrine of a saint.
- Bengali Word পীরিEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) status of a saint.
- Bengali Word পীরিত, পীরিতিEnglish definition(noun(s) পিরিত
- Bengali Word পীলEnglish definition(noun) = পিল ২
- Bengali Word পীলসুজEnglish definition(noun) = পিলসুজ
- Bengali Word পীড়কEnglish definition(adjective) oppressing; persecuting; tormenting; forcing; vexatious. (noun) oppressor; tormentor; persecutor.
- Bengali Word পীড়কাEnglish definition(noun) (ms) eruptions.
- Bengali Word পীড়নEnglish definition(noun) 1 oppression; torment; persecution. 2 pressing; afflicting; molesting. 3 insistence; pressure. 4 squeezing. 5 accepting in marriage. পীড়ন করা (verb transitive) 1 oppress; torment; hurt; persecute; force. 2 press; squeeze: হস্ত পীড়ন করা. 3 accept in marriage: পাণি পীড়ন করা.
- Bengali Word পীড়াEnglish definition(noun) 1 disease; ailment; afflictions: মনঃপীড়া. 2 suffering; vexation; trouble; annoyance; harm; injury; pain; distress; torture. পীড়া দেওয়া (verb transitive) afflict; pain; annoy; distress; trouble; vex; hurt. পীড়া করা (adjective) tormenting; distressing; painful; vexatious; afflicting. পীড়াগ্রস্ত (adjective) ill; sick; ailing; deceased. পীড়াজনক, পীড়াদায়ক (adjective(s) = পীড়াকর.
- Bengali Word পীড়াঁEnglish definition= পিড়াঁ
- Bengali Word পীড়াপীড়িEnglish definition= পিড়াপিড়ি
- Bengali Word পীড়িতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 ill; sick; ailing; diseased; suffering (from). 2 afflicted (with); distressed; troubled; injured; hurt; oppressed. 3 squeezed; pressed. পীড়িতা (feminine) = পীড়িত.
- Bengali Word পুঁইEnglish definition(noun) a creeper used as a vegetable; Basella alba. পুঁইডাঁটা (noun) stem of this creeper.
- Bengali Word পুঁইনEnglish definition(noun) wiping (off); rubbing (off); mopping.
- Bengali Word পুঁইয়াEnglish definition= পুঁই
- Bengali Word পুঁচকেEnglish definition(adjective) tiny; wee; teeny; midget.
- Bengali Word পুঁছা ১English definition(verb transitive) mop; swab; rub off; wipe (away). পুঁছানো (verb transitive) cause a person to mop/wipe (away)/ swab/ rub off.
- Bengali Word পুঁছা ২English definition(verb transitive) 1 (poetic) ask; inquire (after); question. 2 care about; value; invite; attach importance to; pay heed to.
- Bengali Word পুঁজিEnglish definition(noun) capital (money); savings; resources; possessions; belongings; accumulation. পুঁজি পাটরা (noun) one’s movable and immovable possessions; property; assets: savings; wealth; substance.