প পৃষ্ঠা ৪১
- Bengali Word পাহাড়িEnglish definition(adjective) = পাহাড়িয়া. (noun) hill-man; high-lander; hill-tribe.
- Bengali Word পাহাড়ে, পাহাড়িয়াEnglish definition(colloquial) (adjective(s)) 1 of hills and mountains; hilly; mountainous; highland; growing/lying/dwelling on hills/mountains. 2 huge; terrible: পাহাড়ে শরীর.
- Bengali Word পাড় ১English definition(noun) 1 bank; shore; margin: পুকুর পাড়. 2 mound of earth raised round a piece of arable land. 3 well-curb. 4 fur-below; flounce; coloured/ decorated border (of a cloth). পাড় লাগানো (verb intransitive) furbelow; flounce; border with a lace, etc.
- Bengali Word পাড় ২English definition(noun) a beam laid on pillars to support other beams; cross-beam.
- Bengali Word পাড় ৩English definition(noun) act of pedaling a husking-pestle. পাড় দেওয়া (verb transitive) pedal in an up-and-down manner.
- Bengali Word পাড়নEnglish definition(noun) 1 laying down of a carpet/mat on a floor. 2 causing a thing to fall down; collecting of fruits/flowers.
- Bengali Word পাড়া ১English definition(verb transitive) 1 lay a thing down; spread (a carpet on a floor); spread out (a mat). 2 cast/throw down. 3 gather (fruits/flowers); bring down. 4 make: বিছানা পাড়া. 5 knock down: অত বড়ো পালোয়ানকে সে পেড়ে ফেলল. 6 cause to take to one’s bed; be prostrated by; be prostrate with (an illness). 7 lay: ডিম পাড়া. 8 utter; shout: গালি পাড়া, hurl (a stream of) abuse at somebody. 9 invoke; call upon; appeal to: দোহাই পাড়া. 10 remove; clear; এঁটো পাড়া, clear the table.
- Bengali Word পাড়া ২English definition(noun) 1 village; hamlet. 2 locality; quarters/ district (of a town); neighbourhood; canton. পাড়া-কুঁদুলি (adjective) (feminine) given to constant and boisterous brawling with neighbours; cantankerous; quarrelsome; vixenish; shrewish. (noun) (feminine) cantankerous woman; termagant; virago; vixen; shrew. পাড়া-গাঁ (noun) rural area; count side; village. পাড়া-গেঁয়ে (adjective) rural; rustic. পাড়া-পড়শি (noun) neighbour. পাড়া বেড়ানি (noun) (feminine) woman wandering constantly through her neigbourhood or roaming through the neighbourhood for hours on end. পাড়া বেড়ানো (verb intransitive) wander constantly through one’s neighbourhood; roam around in the neighbourhood. পাড়ামাত করা (verb intransitive) win/ captivate the neighbourhood; take neighbourhood by storm. পাড়া মাথায় করা (verb intransitive) raise Cain/hell/the roof; make the rafters ring.
- Bengali Word পাড়ানি(য়া)English definition(adjective) 1 inducing/inductive to: ঘুম পাড়ানি(য়া) গান, lullaby. 2 collecting fruits or flowers (especially from tall trees).
- Bengali Word পাড়ানোEnglish definition(verb intransitive) 1 cause to bring down/gather: আম পাড়ানো. 2 cause to pluck; pick/pluck: ফুল পাড়ানো. 3 induce to sleep. ঘুম পাড়ানো lull to sleep.
- Bengali Word পাড়িEnglish definition(noun) 1 crossing (a river, etc); passing to the opposite side/shore. 2 width/expanse (of a river, etc). পাড়ানো জমানো/পাড়ানো দেওয়া (verb transitive) pass over/cross (a river, etc); turn a boat’s head in order to cross over.
- Bengali Word পায়-পায়English definition(adverb) পা ২
- Bengali Word পায়খানাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 latrine; lavatory; toilet; loo, privy. 2 stool; faeces; motion. পায়খানা করা (verb intransitive) relieve oneself; go to the bathroom; defecate; excrete; move the bowels.
- Bengali Word পায়চারিEnglish definition(noun) walking about; stroll; perambulation. পায়চারি করা (verb intransitive) walk about; perambulate; stroll (around); go for/have a stroll; pace up and down.
- Bengali Word পায়জামাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) trousers; long drawers; pyjamas; slacks.
- Bengali Word পায়দলEnglish definition(adverb) (walking) on foot.
- Bengali Word পায়পড়াEnglish definition(adjective) sycophant; servile.
- Bengali Word পায়রাEnglish definition(noun) pigeon; dove. পায়রী (feminine) = পায়রা. পায়রার খাঁচা/পায়রা বাসা (noun) pigeon-house; dove-cot. পায়রার খোপ (noun) pigeonhole.
- Bengali Word পায়স, পায়সান্নEnglish definition(noun(s)) sort of food made of rice, milk and sugar; frumenty.
- Bengali Word পায়াEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 leg/foot of a piece of furniture; support. 2 leg/foot of an animal. 3 (derogatory) position; rank; dignity. পায়াভারী (noun) vanity (for holding a high post); vainglory; self-importance; conceit. (adjective) vainglorious; full of vainglory; conceited and boastful; self-important. উঁচু পায়া (noun) high post/rank.
- Bengali Word পায়ীEnglish definition(adjective) 1 (used as a suffix) drinking; sucking; sipping: স্তন্যপায়ী. 2 drawing: ধূমপায়ী.
- Bengali Word পায়ুEnglish definition(noun) anus. পায়ুকাম (noun) sodomy.
- Bengali Word পায়েলEnglish definition(noun) anklet of gold or silver.
- Bengali Word পায়েসEnglish definition= পায়স
- Bengali Word পিঁজরাEnglish definition(noun) cage. পিঁজরা পোল (noun) an establishment for keeping disabled cattle; veterinary asylum.
- Bengali Word পিঁজাEnglish definition(verb transitive), (verb intransitive) 1 clean cotton from the seeds; comb (cotton, wool, etc); pick into separate threads; tease; card. 2 (of cloth, clothing, etc) become threadbare: কাপড়টা পিঁজে গেছে. (adjective) worn thin; threadbare; shabby.
- Bengali Word পিঁপীড়াEnglish definition(noun) (old use) = পিঁপড়া
- Bengali Word পিঁপুলEnglish definition(noun) = পিপ্পল
- Bengali Word পিঁপড়া, পিঁপড়েEnglish definition(colloquial) (noun) ant.
- Bengali Word পিঁড়াEnglish definition(noun) 1 raised floor of a house; terrace; portico. 2 veranda. 3 (dialect) (noun) = পিঁড়ি.