প পৃষ্ঠা ২৬
- Bengali Word পহলবিEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) Pahlavi.
- Bengali Word পহেলাEnglish definition(adjective) (especially of days of a month) first: পহেলা বৈশাখ, পহেলা নম্বর. (adverb) first; at first. (noun) the first (day of a month).
- Bengali Word পা ১English definition(noun) 1 leg; foot; paw. 2 leg of a piece of furniture. পা ওঠা (verb intransitive) (of a foot) be raised to kick. পা চলা (verb intransitive) (of a person) be quick-footed. পা চাটা (verb intransitive) lick somebody’s boots; toady. পা-চাটা (adjective) bootlicking; servile; obsequious. (noun) toady; bootlicker; truckler. পা চালানো (verb intransitive) 1 quicken one’s steps; step out. 2 kick; hoof. পা জড়িয়ে পড়া (verb intransitive) falter (because of weakness, fear, modesty, etc); waver; feel faint and tottery. পা টেপা (verb intransitive) massage somebody’s feet. পা তোলা (verb intransitive) raise one’s foot (to kick); set out. পা দেওয়া (verb intransitive) set foot in/ on something; step in; arrive. পা ধরা = পায়ে ধরা. পা ধুতেও না আসা (verb transitive) avoid visiting/ using a place out of sheer contempt/ abomination; deign to visit/ set one s foot in/ on. পা না ওঠা (verb intransitive) dare not proceed/ set out; not have the heart to; feel diffident (about something). পা ফেলা (verb intransitive), step (in); tread; set one’s foot in/ on; set one’s foot down. পা বাড়ানো (verb intransitive) 1 set out; be on the point of setting out/ going/ departing; turn one’s back on; take off. 2 step out; go out; leave. পাভারী হওয়া (verb intransitive) have swollen feet. পা টিপে (টিপে) (adverb) on tiptoe; stealthily. পা-পা (করে) (adverb) step by step. পায়ে ঠেলা (verb intransitive) spurn; reject/ refuse (somebody/ something) scornfully or contemptuously. পায়ে তেল দেওয়া (verb intransitive) toady (to somebody); soft-soap; curry favour (with somebody). পায়ে দলা (verb intransitive) trample something/ somebody (down); trample on something/ somebody; tread something (in/ down/ out); crush something with feet. পায়ে ধরা (verb intransitive) supplicate/ implore/ entreat humbly. পায়ে পড়া (verb intransitive) fall at somebody’s feet in supplication. পায়ে-পায়ে, পায়-পায় (adverb) 1 at every step: পায়ে-পায়ে বাধা. 2 pursuing; dogging somebody's footsteps; following closely: পুলিশ তাদের পায়ে-পায়ে অনুসরণ করছে. 3 with slow but steady steps: পায়ে-পায়ে এগিয়ে যাওয়া. 4 having legs tied together; having one another’s legs tied together. পায়ের উপর পা দিয়ে থাকা (verb transitive) lead a care-free life/ life of ease; be rolling (in money). পায়ের ধূলি (noun) dust of somebody’s feet. পায়ের পাতা (noun) instep; foot. পায়ে রাখা (verb transitive) treat/ shelter graciously. পায়ে হাত দেওয়া (verb intransitive) touch somebody’s feet in obeisance. ধূলা পায়ে (adverb) 1 without washing one’s feet. 2 directly; immediately; at once.
- Bengali Word পা ২English definition(noun) the fifth note of the gamut.
- Bengali Word পা-গাড়িEnglish definition(noun) bicycle.
- Bengali Word পাঁইজEnglish definition(noun) (archaic) = পাঁজ
- Bengali Word পাঁইজরEnglish definition= পাঁয়জোর
- Bengali Word পাঁইটEnglish definition[English] (noun) pint.
- Bengali Word পাঁউরুটিEnglish definition= পাউরুটি
- Bengali Word পাঁকEnglish definition(noun) slime; mud; silt.
- Bengali Word পাঁকাটিEnglish definition= পাকাটি
- Bengali Word পাঁকালEnglish definition(noun) 1 kind of eel. 2 = পান্তাভাত. (adjective) muddy; miry; slimy.
- Bengali Word পাঁকুইEnglish definition(noun) foot-sore caused by mud; chilblain.
- Bengali Word পাঁচEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) five. পাঁচই (adjective) (of the days of a month) fifth. (noun) the fifth day of the month; the fifth. পাঁচ কথা (noun) lot of talking; many and varied topics; harsh words; reproof; rebuke; talking-to. পাঁচজন (noun) 1 (literally) five persons. 2 (figurative) people at large; they others. পাঁচনর (noun) five-stringed necklace. পাঁচনারী (noun) = পাঁচনর. (adjective) five-stringed. পাঁচ-ফোড়ন (noun) five kinds of spices collectively (namely, cumin-seed, black cumin-seed, aniseed, fenugreek seed and parsley). পাঁচমিশালি (adjective) assorted. পাঁচহাতি (adjective) five cubits long: পাঁচহাতি চাদর.
- Bengali Word পাঁচনEnglish definition(noun) medicinal preparation/ decoction ( prepared by boiling five different herbs).
- Bengali Word পাঁচনবাড়ি, পাঁচনিEnglish definition= পাচন বাড়ি
- Bengali Word পাঁচাপাঁচিEnglish definition(noun) altercation; argumentation; affray; quibble.
- Bengali Word পাঁচালি, পাঁচালীEnglish definition(noun) 1 kind of Bengali dramatic poem often set to music. 2 (figurative) long-winding; narrative.
- Bengali Word পাঁচিলEnglish definition(noun) fence; wall.
- Bengali Word পাঁচুইEnglish definition(noun) (adjective) (colloquial) পাঁচই ( পাঁচ)
- Bengali Word পাঁচড়াEnglish definition(noun) scabies; itches.
- Bengali Word পাঁজEnglish definition(noun) 1 skein/roll/wisp of carded cotton. 2 thick wick.
- Bengali Word পাঁজর, পাঁজরাEnglish definition(noun(s)) rib; the ribs; rib-bone; thorax.
- Bengali Word পাঁজা ১English definition(noun) kiln; brick-kiln.
- Bengali Word পাঁজা ২English definition(noun) bundle; faggot; heap; pile. পাঁজা করা (verb transitive) pile; bundle; heap.
- Bengali Word পাঁজা ৩English definition[Persian] (noun) 1 the hand with fingers extended. 2 outspread hands in the form of a stretcher. পাঁজাকোলা (adjective) lifted upon hands outspread in the shape of a stretcher. পাঁজাকোলা করা (verb transitive) lift on hands outspread in the shape of a stretcher.
- Bengali Word পাঁজি, পাঁজীEnglish definition(noun) almanac; calendar. পাঁজি পুঁথি (noun) books (collectively); papers; books and manuscripts. হাতে পাঁজি মঙ্গলবার (figurative) unnecessary anxiety for a solution which is already there.
- Bengali Word পাঁটEnglish definition[English] (noun) pint.
- Bengali Word পাঁঠাEnglish definition(noun) 1 he-goat. 2 (derogatory) fool; ass; body. পাঁঠী (feminine) = পাঁঠা.
- Bengali Word পাঁতিEnglish definition(noun) 1 row; line; range: দাঁতের পাঁতি. 2 scriptural prescription; citation from scriptures: পাঁতি দেওয়া. 3 list. 4 style; manner: কথার পাঁতি. 5 particulars; information about identity: জাতির পাঁতি. 6 letter. পাঁতিপত্র (noun) solemn marriage contract drawn up in black and white. পাঁতিপত্র করা (verb intransitive) draw up a solemn marriage contract in black and white. পাঁতি পাঁতি করে (adverb) thoroughly.