প পৃষ্ঠা ১৫
- Bengali Word পরিত্রাহিEnglish definition(verb intransitive) (imperative) help! to the rescue! পরিত্রাহি ডাক ছাড়া call out/ cry for help; ask for mercy; ask quarter.
- Bengali Word পরিদর্শEnglish definition= পরিদর্শন
- Bengali Word পরিদর্শকEnglish definition(noun) inspector; observer; beholder; visitor supervisor; spectator.
- Bengali Word পরিদর্শনEnglish definition(noun) inspection; supervision; visit; (careful) observation. পরিদর্শন করা (verb transitive) inspect; visit; supervise; observe (carefully); behold.
- Bengali Word পরিদর্শীEnglish definition(adjective) observing; inspecting; visiting; supervising.
- Bengali Word পরিদানEnglish definition(noun) exchange; restitution of a deposit.
- Bengali Word পরিদৃশ্যমানEnglish definition(adjective) visible (all around); conspicuous; manifest; apparent; in (full view; exposed to view; in sight.
- Bengali Word পরিদৃষ্টEnglish definition(adjective) seen; observed; beheld; perceived; noticed; inspected.
- Bengali Word পরিদেবন(া)English definition(noun) 1 lamentation; bewailing; complaint; repentance; wailing.
- Bengali Word পরিদোলকEnglish definition(noun) pendulum.
- Bengali Word পরিধানEnglish definition(noun) putting on; wearing; wrapping round; dressing; clothing; garment; dress; clothes. পরিধান করা (verb intransitive) put on; wear. পরিধানবস্ত্র (noun) garment; clothes.
- Bengali Word পরিধারণEnglish definition(noun) bearing; supporting; enduring.
- Bengali Word পরিধিEnglish definition(noun) circumference; circle; periphery; girth. পরিধিমাপক (noun) perimeter.
- Bengali Word পরিধৃতEnglish definition(noun) borne; supported.
- Bengali Word পরিধেয়English definition(adjective) (fit) to be worn/ put on. (noun) garment; clothes; attire.
- Bengali Word পরিনির্বাণEnglish definition(noun) complete extinction of individuality entire cessation of re-births; nirvana.
- Bengali Word পরিপক্বEnglish definition(adjective) 1 quite ripe; mature. 2 complete cooked/ dressed. 3 accomplished; perfect; highly cultivated; very sharp/ shrewd; seasoned; well experienced; practised; astute. 4 fully digested. পরিপক্বতা (noun) maturity; ripeness; perfection; shrewdness.
- Bengali Word পরিপণEnglish definition(noun) capital; stock.
- Bengali Word পরিপণিতEnglish definition(adjective) pledged; wagered; promised.
- Bengali Word পরিপত্রEnglish definition(noun) circular.
- Bengali Word পরিপন্থকEnglish definition(noun) one who obstructs the way; antagonist; adversary; enemy.
- Bengali Word পরিপন্থীEnglish definition(adjective) standing in the way; hindering; hostile/ inimical to; contrary to; adverse; opposing; unfavourable; adverse.
- Bengali Word পরিপাকEnglish definition(noun) digestion; assimilation. পরিপাক করা (verb transitive) digest; assimilate. পরিপাক-দোষ (noun) digestive trouble. পরিপাকযন্ত্র (noun) digestive organ; stomach. পরিপাকশক্তি (noun) digestive power; power of assimilation.
- Bengali Word পরিপাটি, পরিপাটীEnglish definition(noun(s)) succession; order; method; arrangement; orderliness; trim. (adjective(s) orderly; neat and tidy; in good/ excellent trim; spruce; well-kept; prim.
- Bengali Word পরিপার্শ্বEnglish definition(noun) surroundings; environment; entourage. পরিপার্শ্বচর (adjective) going at/ by somebody’s side.
- Bengali Word পরিপালকEnglish definition(adjective) guarding; keeping; maintaining. (noun) one who brings up; rearer; administrator.
- Bengali Word পরিপালনEnglish definition(noun) fostering; nourishing; bringing up; rearing; protection; care; nurture; administration. পরিপালন করা (verb intransitive) bring up; nourish; nurture foster; rear; support; maintain; guard.
- Bengali Word পরিপালনীয়English definition(adjective) to be brought up/ nurtured/ nourished/ reared/ fostered/ guarded/ maintained/ kept preserved.
- Bengali Word পরিপালিতEnglish definition(adjective) brought up; reared; fostered; nourished; nurtured; maintained.
- Bengali Word পরিপুষ্টEnglish definition(adjective) 1 nourished; cherished; well-fed; amply provided with. 2 well-developed; plump; full-grown; full-blown; stout; well-rounded পরিপুষ্টা (feminine)of পরিপুষ্ট. পরিপুষ্টতা (noun) good development; nourishment; plumpness; rotundity; stoutness. full growth.