ত পৃষ্ঠা ১৮
- Bengali Word তিজারতEnglish definition= তেজারত
- Bengali Word তিত, তিতাEnglish definition= তিক্ত
- Bengali Word তিতকুটেEnglish definition(adjective) slightly bitter.
- Bengali Word তিতিক্ষাEnglish definition(noun) holding oneself in check; forbearance; patience; forgiveness. তিতিক্ষিত (adjective) that has been endured with patience or forgiven. তিতিক্ষু (adjective) showing forbearance and forgiveness.
- Bengali Word তিতিরEnglish definition(noun) a bird somewhat like a partridge; sandpiper; lapwing.
- Bengali Word তিতীর্ষাEnglish definition(noun) desire to cross/get over. তিতীর্ষু (adjective) desirous of going across or being rescued.
- Bengali Word তিথিEnglish definition(noun) (astrology) a lunar day. তিথিকৃত (noun) rituals (according to Hindu tradition) to be performed on a particular lunar day. তিথিক্ষয় (noun) the conjunction of three lunar days occurring on one lunar day. তিথ্যম্তযোগ (noun) an auspicious moment according to Hindu astrology.
- Bengali Word তিনEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) three. তিনকাল (noun) 1 three stages of life-childhood, youth and manhood. 2 three tenses-past, present and future. তিনকুল (noun) the three lineages to which one is connected-that of the father, mother and father-in-law. তিনগুণ (noun) (plural) the three primary elements of human nature according to Indian philosophy – সত্ত্ব, রজঃ and তমঃ — the first being the highest one is marked by knowledge and virtue, the second characterised by activeness and spiritedness, and the lowest one marked by ignorance and vice. (adjective), (adverb) threefold; three times. তিন তালাক (noun) the final dissolution of the marriage tie of a Muslim couple; an irrevocable divorce. তিন সন্ধ্যা (noun) three parts of the day—morning, midday and evening.
- Bengali Word তিনিEnglish definition(pronoun) he (used in reverence in place of সে).
- Bengali Word তিন্তিড়ি, তিন্তিড়ীEnglish definition(noun) the tamarind tree or its fruit.
- Bengali Word তিন্দু, তিন্দুকEnglish definition(noun) the mangosteen tree, its fruits.
- Bengali Word তিপ্পান্ন, তেপ্পান্নEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) three and fifty; fifty-three.
- Bengali Word তিব্বতী, তিব্বতীয়English definition(adjective) of Tibet; Tibetan. (noun) a Tibetan; the language of Tibet ; Tibetan.
- Bengali Word তিমিEnglish definition(noun) the whale, the largest of sea animals, a mammal. (mas the bull-whale, (feminine) the cow-whale). তিমি শাবক (noun) a whale-calf; a calf whale. তিমি শিকার (noun) whale-fishing; whaling; whalery. তিমি শিকারি (noun) (person or ship) whaler; whale-fisher. তিমিতৈল (noun) train-oil; whale-oil.
- Bengali Word তিমিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 wet; drenched; moist; damp. 2 dim; faint.
- Bengali Word তিমিরEnglish definition(noun) 1 darkness. 2 a disease of the eye affecting the crystalline lens; cataract. তিমিরনাশক (noun) the sun. তিমিরনাশ করা (verb intransitive) dispel darkness. তিমির-গর্ভ (noun) the dark bowels or interior; abyss of darkness. তিমিরাবগুন্ঠিত [তিমির + অবগুন্ঠিত] (noun) enveloped in darkness.
- Bengali Word তিরস্কারEnglish definition(noun) 1 rebuke; reproof; reprimand. 2 neglect; slight. 3 censure; blame; reproach. তিরস্কার করা (verb intransitive) take to task; reprove; reprimand; censure; reproach; neglect; slight. তিরস্কৃত (adjective) 1 reproved; reprimanded. 2 censured; reproached. 3 slighted; neglected. তিরস্কৃতা (feminine) = তিরস্কার.
- Bengali Word তিরানব্বই, তিরানব্বুইEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) three and ninety; ninety-three.
- Bengali Word তিরাশিEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) three and eighty; eighty-three.
- Bengali Word তিরিক্ষি, তিরিক্ষেEnglish definition(adjective) 1 angry; wrathful. 2 readily made angry; easily provoked; irritable; peevish; irascible: তিরিক্ষি মেজাজ.
- Bengali Word তিরিশEnglish definition(noun) (adjective) thirty.
- Bengali Word তিরোধান, তিরোভাবEnglish definition(noun) 1 disappearance; passing away; departure. 2 death of a great personality. তিরোধান করা (verb intransitive) 1 disappear; depart; vanish. 2 die.
- Bengali Word তিরোহিত, তিরোভূতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 disappeared; vanished; passed away. 2 dead. তিরোহিতা, তিরোভূতা (feminine) = তিরোহিত, তিরোভূত.
- Bengali Word তির্যকEnglish definition(adjective) 1 neither perpendicular nor parallel; oblique ; slanting: তির্যক রেখা. 2 tortuous; circuitous; roundabout: তির্যকপথ. 3 lower than human beings; sub-human: তির্যক প্রাণী. তির্যক কম্পন (noun) transverse vibration. তির্যক কিরণ (noun) slanting rays. তির্যক দৃষ্টি (adjective) squint-eyed. তির্যক পাতন (noun) the process of distilling; distillation. তির্যকভাবে (adverb) obliquely. তির্যক সংঘাত (noun) (mech) oblique impact.
- Bengali Word তিলEnglish definition(noun) 1 an annual herbaceous plant, the seeds of which yield a fine oil; sesame; sesamum. 2 a small, black or dark-brown protuberance like a grain of sesame on the human body; a mole. 3 eightieth part of a cowry (shell). 4 a small fraction of a thing: আমি এ ঘটনায় তিল মাত্র জানি না. 5 a minute portion of time; a moment: তিল বিলম্ব না করে. 6 a very little space: তিল ঠাঁই আর নাহিরে. তিলকে তাল করা (verb transitive) exaggerate beyond measure; make a mountain of a mole-hill. তিলমাত্র (noun) even an iota. (adjective) even an iota of; slightest. (adverb) 1 even to the slightest amount/ measure/ degree; at all. 2 even for a moment: আমার তিল মাত্র সময় নেই, I cannot spare an instant. তিলে তিলে (adverb) little by little; by very slow degrees. তিলে তিলে মরা die by inches.
- Bengali Word তিলকEnglish definition(noun) 1 mark of sandal-paste on the forehead or upon the bridge of the nose (as painted by Vaishnavas). 2 = তিল (2). (adjective) like an ornament or jewel; pre-eminent: কুল তিলক. তিলক কাটা /তিলক পড়া (verb intransitive) wear marks of sandal-paste. তিলক মৃত্তিকা (noun) clay of holy places with which sectarian marks are painted. তিলক সেবা (noun) daily painting of sectarian marks on the eight places of the body by Vaishnavas.
- Bengali Word তিলক ২English definition(noun) a mark of sandal-paste on the body resembling a sesame blossom: অলকা তিলক.
- Bengali Word তিলাওত, তেলাওতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) the reading or reciting of the Holy Qoran with due reverence.
- Bengali Word তিলাঞ্জলিEnglish definition(noun) offering of water and sesamum as a part of obsequial rites by Hindus; farewell.
- Bengali Word তিলে খচ্চরEnglish definition(adjective) of wicked nature: তিলে খচ্চর লোক.