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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word তিজারতEnglish definition= তেজারত
  • Bengali Word তিত, তিতাEnglish definition= তিক্ত
  • Bengali Word তিতকুটেEnglish definition(adjective) slightly bitter.
  • Bengali Word তিতিক্ষাEnglish definition(noun) holding oneself in check; forbearance; patience; forgiveness. তিতিক্ষিত (adjective) that has been endured with patience or forgiven. তিতিক্ষু (adjective) showing forbearance and forgiveness.
  • Bengali Word তিতিরEnglish definition(noun) a bird somewhat like a partridge; sandpiper; lapwing.
  • Bengali Word তিতীর্ষাEnglish definition(noun) desire to cross/get over. তিতীর্ষু (adjective) desirous of going across or being rescued.
  • Bengali Word তিথিEnglish definition(noun) (astrology) a lunar day. তিথিকৃত (noun) rituals (according to Hindu tradition) to be performed on a particular lunar day. তিথিক্ষয় (noun) the conjunction of three lunar days occurring on one lunar day. তিথ্যম্তযোগ (noun) an auspicious moment according to Hindu astrology.
  • Bengali Word তিনEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) three. তিনকাল (noun) 1 three stages of life-childhood, youth and manhood. 2 three tenses-past, present and future. তিনকুল (noun) the three lineages to which one is connected-that of the father, mother and father-in-law. তিনগুণ (noun) (plural) the three primary elements of human nature according to Indian philosophy – সত্ত্ব, রজঃ and তমঃ — the first being the highest one is marked by knowledge and virtue, the second characterised by activeness and spiritedness, and the lowest one marked by ignorance and vice. (adjective), (adverb) threefold; three times. তিন তালাক (noun) the final dissolution of the marriage tie of a Muslim couple; an irrevocable divorce. তিন সন্ধ্যা (noun) three parts of the day—morning, midday and evening.
  • Bengali Word তিনিEnglish definition(pronoun) he (used in reverence in place of সে).
  • Bengali Word তিন্তিড়ি, তিন্তিড়ীEnglish definition(noun) the tamarind tree or its fruit.
  • Bengali Word তিন্দু, তিন্দুকEnglish definition(noun) the mangosteen tree, its fruits.
  • Bengali Word তিপ্পান্ন, তেপ্পান্নEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) three and fifty; fifty-three.
  • Bengali Word তিব্বতী, তিব্বতীয়English definition(adjective) of Tibet; Tibetan. (noun) a Tibetan; the language of Tibet ; Tibetan.
  • Bengali Word তিমিEnglish definition(noun) the whale, the largest of sea animals, a mammal. (mas the bull-whale, (feminine) the cow-whale). তিমি শাবক (noun) a whale-calf; a calf whale. তিমি শিকার (noun) whale-fishing; whaling; whalery. তিমি শিকারি (noun) (person or ship) whaler; whale-fisher. তিমিতৈল (noun) train-oil; whale-oil.
  • Bengali Word তিমিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 wet; drenched; moist; damp. 2 dim; faint.
  • Bengali Word তিমিরEnglish definition(noun) 1 darkness. 2 a disease of the eye affecting the crystalline lens; cataract. তিমিরনাশক (noun) the sun. তিমিরনাশ করা (verb intransitive) dispel darkness. তিমির-গর্ভ (noun) the dark bowels or interior; abyss of darkness. তিমিরাবগুন্ঠিত [তিমির + অবগুন্ঠিত] (noun) enveloped in darkness.
  • Bengali Word তিরস্কারEnglish definition(noun) 1 rebuke; reproof; reprimand. 2 neglect; slight. 3 censure; blame; reproach. তিরস্কার করা (verb intransitive) take to task; reprove; reprimand; censure; reproach; neglect; slight. তিরস্কৃত (adjective) 1 reproved; reprimanded. 2 censured; reproached. 3 slighted; neglected. তিরস্কৃতা (feminine) = তিরস্কার.
  • Bengali Word তিরানব্বই, তিরানব্বুইEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) three and ninety; ninety-three.
  • Bengali Word তিরাশিEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) three and eighty; eighty-three.
  • Bengali Word তিরিক্ষি, তিরিক্ষেEnglish definition(adjective) 1 angry; wrathful. 2 readily made angry; easily provoked; irritable; peevish; irascible: তিরিক্ষি মেজাজ.
  • Bengali Word তিরিশEnglish definition(noun) (adjective) thirty.
  • Bengali Word তিরোধান, তিরোভাবEnglish definition(noun) 1 disappearance; passing away; departure. 2 death of a great personality. তিরোধান করা (verb intransitive) 1 disappear; depart; vanish. 2 die.
  • Bengali Word তিরোহিত, তিরোভূতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 disappeared; vanished; passed away. 2 dead. তিরোহিতা, তিরোভূতা (feminine) = তিরোহিত, তিরোভূত.
  • Bengali Word তির্যকEnglish definition(adjective) 1 neither perpendicular nor parallel; oblique ; slanting: তির্যক রেখা. 2 tortuous; circuitous; roundabout: তির্যকপথ. 3 lower than human beings; sub-human: তির্যক প্রাণী. তির্যক কম্পন (noun) transverse vibration. তির্যক কিরণ (noun) slanting rays. তির্যক দৃষ্টি (adjective) squint-eyed. তির্যক পাতন (noun) the process of distilling; distillation. তির্যকভাবে (adverb) obliquely. তির্যক সংঘাত (noun) (mech) oblique impact.
  • Bengali Word তিলEnglish definition(noun) 1 an annual herbaceous plant, the seeds of which yield a fine oil; sesame; sesamum. 2 a small, black or dark-brown protuberance like a grain of sesame on the human body; a mole. 3 eightieth part of a cowry (shell). 4 a small fraction of a thing: আমি এ ঘটনায় তিল মাত্র জানি না. 5 a minute portion of time; a moment: তিল বিলম্ব না করে. 6 a very little space: তিল ঠাঁই আর নাহিরে. তিলকে তাল করা (verb transitive) exaggerate beyond measure; make a mountain of a mole-hill. তিলমাত্র (noun) even an iota. (adjective) even an iota of; slightest. (adverb) 1 even to the slightest amount/ measure/ degree; at all. 2 even for a moment: আমার তিল মাত্র সময় নেই, I cannot spare an instant. তিলে তিলে (adverb) little by little; by very slow degrees. তিলে তিলে মরা die by inches.
  • Bengali Word তিলকEnglish definition(noun) 1 mark of sandal-paste on the forehead or upon the bridge of the nose (as painted by Vaishnavas). 2 = তিল (2). (adjective) like an ornament or jewel; pre-eminent: কুল তিলক. তিলক কাটা /তিলক পড়া (verb intransitive) wear marks of sandal-paste. তিলক মৃত্তিকা (noun) clay of holy places with which sectarian marks are painted. তিলক সেবা (noun) daily painting of sectarian marks on the eight places of the body by Vaishnavas.
  • Bengali Word তিলক ২English definition(noun) a mark of sandal-paste on the body resembling a sesame blossom: অলকা তিলক.
  • Bengali Word তিলাওত, তেলাওতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) the reading or reciting of the Holy Qoran with due reverence.
  • Bengali Word তিলাঞ্জলিEnglish definition(noun) offering of water and sesamum as a part of obsequial rites by Hindus; farewell.
  • Bengali Word তিলে খচ্চরEnglish definition(adjective) of wicked nature: তিলে খচ্চর লোক.