গ পৃষ্ঠা ১২
- Bengali Word গুল্ফEnglish definition(noun) the ankle or the heel. গুল্ফ সন্ধি (noun) the ankle-joint.
- Bengali Word গুষ্টি, গুষ্ঠিEnglish definition(noun) 1 family; line of descent; lineage. 2 an undesirable crowd of people: গুষ্টি সুদ্ধ এসেছো. গুষ্টির পিণ্ডি, গুষ্টির মাথা (noun) abusive word expressed in annoyance of an undesirable situation.
- Bengali Word গুহEnglish definition(noun) 1 Hindu deity Vishnu. 2 Hindu deity Kartika. 3 family name of certain Bengali Hindus. গুহষষ্ঠী (noun) the sixth day of the lunar fortnight of Agrahayan or the Hindu ritual connected with it.
- Bengali Word গুহাEnglish definition(noun) 1 a deep natural hole underground with an opening to the surface. 2 a hollow in the side of a cliff or hill; a cave. গুহাবাসী (noun) 1 a person who lived in a cave in very ancient times; a troglodyte; a caveman. 2 a lion or tiger or similar beasts that sleep in a cave. (adjective) dwelling in a cave.
- Bengali Word গুহ্যEnglish definition(adjective) 1 confidential; private; lonely. 2 secret; hidden; concealed. 3 mysterious; esoteric; occult. (noun) the anus: গুহ্যদেশ, গুহ্যদ্বার.
- Bengali Word গুড়English definition(noun) juice of sugarcane, date-palm, etc in the crystallized form; molasses; treacle: খেজুড়ে গুড়. গুড়ে বালি (figurative) circumstance that prevents one to fulfil his tropes; a fly in the ointment.
- Bengali Word গুড়গুড়িEnglish definition(noun) a hookah with a long flexible tube.
- Bengali Word গুড়ুমEnglish definition(interjection) denoting sudden loud report of the booming of a gun or rolling of thunder. গুড়ুম গুড়ুম (noun) roar of artillery.
- Bengali Word গুয়াEnglish definition(noun) the betel-nut or its tree.
- Bengali Word গূঢ়English definition(adjective) 1 (of actions) done secretly, especially for dishonest reasons; surreptitious: গূঢ় অভিসন্ধি. 2 having inner and secret meanings which are understood only by a chosen few; esoteric; mysterious; secret: গূঢ় রহস্য; very deep and difficult; intricate; incomprehensible: গূঢ়তত্ত্ব. গূঢ়ত্ব (noun) secrecy; intricacy; incomprehensibility; inaccessibility. গূঢ়পাদ (noun) a tortoise. গূঢ়পুরুষ (noun) a spy. গূঢ়বৃক্ষ (noun) the oleander tree. গূঢ়মার্গ (noun) a secret path; a tunnel. গূঢ়সাক্ষী (noun) a witness in possession of the secrets of the opposing party.
- Bengali Word গৃধিনীEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) a female vulture.
- Bengali Word গৃধ্নEnglish definition(adjective) greedy; covetous: অর্থ গৃধ্ন.
- Bengali Word গৃধ্রEnglish definition(noun) a vulture.
- Bengali Word গৃহEnglish definition(noun) 1 a house; a home. 2 an abode; a dwelling; a residence. 3 a room; an apartment; a chamber. 4 domestic life; a household: গৃহধর্ম. গৃহকপোত (noun) a tame pigeon. গৃহকর্তা (noun) the master of a house; the chief of a household. গৃহকর্ত্রী (noun) (feminine) the mistress of a house; a housewife. গৃহকর্ম, গৃহকার্য (noun(s)) domestic work. গৃহকলহ, গৃহ বিবাদ 1 (noun(s) dissension in a family. 2 civil strife in a state. গৃহচ্যুত (adjective) ejected/evicted from one’s homestead. গৃহচ্যুত করা (verb intransitive) evict (one) from one’s homestead. গৃহজাত (adjective) home made. home-grown. গৃহত্যাগ 1 act of quitting one’s home/ forsaking one’s family. গৃহত্যাগ করা (verb intransitive) forsake one’s family; renounce worldly life. গৃহত্যাগী (adjective) 1 leading a wandering life. 2 leading the life of an ascetic. (noun) 1 a vagabond. 2 a mendicant. গৃহদাহ (noun) 1 burning of a house, either partly or completely. 2 (figurative) a sudden disaster visiting a family. গৃহদেবতা (noun) a house-hold god worshipped through generations by a Hindu family; a family deity. গৃহধর্ম (noun) domestic life; household duties. গৃহপালিত (adjective) reared in the house; domesticated; domestic; tame. গৃহপ্রবেশ (noun) moving into a newly-built house. গৃহপ্রবেশ করা (verb intransitive) make a formal entry into a newly-built house. গৃহপ্রাঙ্গণ (noun) a courtyard; the premises of a house. গৃহবাগিচা (noun) a garden within the precincts of a house; a garden-house. গৃহবিচ্ছেদ (noun) domestic quarrel; dissension within a family. গৃহবিবাদ = গৃহকলহ. গৃহভেদী (adjective) sowing dissension in a family. গৃহভেদী বিভীষণ one who betrays the family secrets as did the Ramyana character Bibhisana. গৃহমণি (noun) light; lamp. গৃহমার্জন (noun) cleaning a house. গৃহমার্জন করা (verb intransitive) clean a house. গৃহমৃগ (noun) a domestic dog. গৃহযুদ্ধ (noun) war between two sides in a state; a civil war. গৃহলক্ষ্মী (noun) a housewife whose gracious management of the household affairs brings prosperity to the family; (facetious) a wife. গৃহশিক্ষক (noun) a house tutor; a private tutor. গৃহশত্রু (noun) an enemy within the family. গৃহসজ্জা (noun) (plural) furniture and fittings of a house. গৃহস্থ, গেরস্থ, গেরস্ত (noun) the head of a family; a householder. গৃহস্থালি, গেরস্থালি (noun) house-keeping; management of household affairs. গৃহস্থালি করা (verb intransitive) perform household duties; keep a house. গৃহস্বামী = গৃহকর্তা. গৃহস্বামিনী = গৃহকর্ত্রী.
- Bengali Word গৃহাসক্তEnglish definition(adjective) devoted to one’s household: very much house-keeping.
- Bengali Word গৃহিণীEnglish definition(noun) 1 mistress of a house; a housewife; a wife. গিন্নিপানা (noun) 1 the experience and adroitness of a housewife.
- Bengali Word গৃহীEnglish definition(noun) the chief of a household; a householder. 2 a married person; a family man.
- Bengali Word গৃহীতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 that which has been admitted/accepted/ agreed to. 2 received or taken what is offered: প্রস্তাব গৃহীত. 3 passed by a resolution: সিদ্ধান্ত গৃহীত. 4 obtained; acquired. 5 given shelter to; sheltered.
- Bengali Word গেঁজEnglish definition(noun) 1 a shoot of a plant; a sprout. 2 a morbid swelling in some part of the body; a tumour.
- Bengali Word গেঁজানোEnglish definition(verb intransitive) talk trifling without end; chatter garrulously; gossip endlessly.
- Bengali Word গেঁড়া, গ্যাঁড়াEnglish definition(noun) act of stealing/ swindling; misappropriation: গেঁড়া দেওয়া/ গেঁড়া মারা. গেঁড়াকল (noun) racketeering with a view to entrap people for unlawful gains.
- Bengali Word গেঁয়োEnglish definition(adjective) 1 rural; unpolished; uneducated; rustic; vulgar; coarse. 2 of the same village. গেঁয়ো যোগী ভিখ পায় না An anchorite living in the same village with others does not receive due respect.
- Bengali Word গেছো English definition(adjective) living in trees; climbing trees: গেছো ব্যাঙ, গেছো সাপ.
- Bengali Word গেজেটEnglish definition[English] (noun) an official publication, printed by government authority, in which public appointments, promotions and other public notices are recorded; a gazette.
- Bengali Word গেঞ্জিEnglish definition(noun) an under-garment for the upper portion of the body worn by men; a guernsey.
- Bengali Word গেটEnglish definition[English] (noun) a large door or entrance; a gate.
- Bengali Word গেদাEnglish definition(noun) a Child. (adjective) under-aged. গেদী (feminine) = গেদা.
- Bengali Word গেন্দা ১English definition(noun) a Child
- Bengali Word গেন্দা ২, গাঁদাEnglish definition(noun) marigold flower.
- Bengali Word গেরস্তEnglish definition(noun) the head of a family; a householder.