ই পৃষ্ঠা ২
- Bengali Word ইখতিলাফEnglish definition= এখতেলাফ
- Bengali Word ইখতিয়ারEnglish definition= এখতিয়ার
- Bengali Word ইঙ্কার, ইংকারEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 denial; refusal to admit; dishonour (of a trust/commitment). 2 slight; contempt; dislike; detestation; abhorrence. ইঙ্কার করা (verb intransitive) 1 deny; refuse; 2 hate; despise; look down upon.
- Bengali Word ইঙ্গ-ভারতীয়English definition(noun) 1 person of British descent living or having lived in India. 2 person of mixed British and Indian blood; an Anglo-Indian. (adjective) of/pertaining to England and India or Anglo-Indians.
- Bengali Word ইঙ্গবঙ্গEnglish definition(adjective) 1 having a mixture of English and Bengali words; Anglo-Bengali. 2 (of anglomaniacs) Bengalees imitating English way of life; Anglo-Bengalee; Anglophil.
- Bengali Word ইঙ্গিতEnglish definition(noun) 1 expressing (one’s) mind by means of beckoning or gesticulation; a wink; a sign, a hint. 2 sign used for distant communication as an information or warning; signal: ঝড়ের ইঙ্গিত. ইঙ্গিত করা 1 (verb transitive) hint; suggest. 2 (verb intransitive) announce/communicate by signalling. ইঙ্গিতে বলা (verb transitive) hint at; allude to. ইঙ্গিতপূর্ণ (adjective) tending to suggest (something); suggestive; significant; meaningful; allusive. ইঙ্গিতে (adverb) by a hint/ gesture/ allusion.
- Bengali Word ইচ্ছাEnglish definition(noun) 1 faculty by which we determine to do or not to do (something); wish; will, volition: কালই যাওয়ার ইচ্ছা. 2 taste; tendency; inclination; liking: খাওয়ার ইচ্ছা. 3 aim; object; the thing desired/intended: সবই আল্লাহর ইচ্ছা. ইচ্ছা করা (verb transitive) determine by choice; wish; desire; intend. ইচ্ছাকৃত (adjective) wilful; intentional (ইচ্ছাকৃত অপচয়). ইচ্ছাক্রমে (adverb) according to (one’s) desire/wish; at (one’s) will/pleasure. ইচ্ছাকৃত ভাবে (adverb) intentionally; wilfully; with a motive. ইচ্ছাধীন, ইচ্ছানুগ (adjective) that which depends on (one’s) liking; optional. ইচ্ছানুযায়ী, ইচ্ছানুসারে (adverb) as one pleases/desires/wills; according to one’s choice/liking. ইচ্ছানুরূপ, ইচ্ছামতো (adjective), (adverb) to one’s liking/satisfaction. ইচ্ছাপূর্বক (adverb) willingly, voluntarily. ইচ্ছাশক্তি (noun) control exercised over one’s impulses; will-force; will-power. ইচ্ছা থাকলে উপায় হয় where there’s a will, there's a way. ইচ্ছায় হোক আর অনিচ্ছায় হোক (adverb) willingly or unwillingly; willy-nilly.
- Bengali Word ইচ্ছু, ইচ্ছুকEnglish definition(adjective) 1 having a wish; feeling desire; desirous; longing (মিলনেচ্ছু). 2 willing; agreeing; consenting: চুক্তি সম্পাদনে ইচ্ছুক.
- Bengali Word ইচড়English definition= ইঁচড়
- Bengali Word ইছবগুলEnglish definition= ইসবগুল
- Bengali Word ইজতিহাদ, ইজতেহাদEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 effort/exertion for perfection, (especially) in the knowledge of law. 2 method of deducing new laws in the light of the Qoranic principles and prophetic traditions, recognized as one of the sources of law in Islam.
- Bengali Word ইজমা, এজমাEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) (legal) consensus of opinion among the learned in Islamic law.
- Bengali Word ইজমালিEnglish definition= এজমালি
- Bengali Word ইজলাসEnglish definition= এজলাস
- Bengali Word ইজাEnglish definition(noun) (account) the total of receipt or payment of the previous page brought forward to the next page. (adjective) brought forward.
- Bengali Word ইজাবEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) consent given to what is proposed; consent given by a Muslim bride to the proposal of her marriage. ইজাবকবুল (noun) [Arabic] consent of the bride and acceptance by the groom.
- Bengali Word ইজারEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) garment for the lower part of the body; pair of loose trousers; pantaloons. ইজারবন্দ (noun) ribbon or band used for fastening the trousers at the waist.
- Bengali Word ইজারাEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) letting of land for a certain time for a stipulated money payment; a lease or a tenure hold by lease. ইজারাদার [Arabic + Persian] (noun) a tenant under a lease; a lessee; a leaseholder. ইজারা দেওয়া (verb transitive) let on lease; lease out; farm out. ইজারাপাট্টা (noun) lease-deed. ইজারামহল (noun) property held by a lessee.
- Bengali Word ইজিচেয়ারEnglish definition[English] (noun) soft arm-chair designed for rest and relaxation; easy chair.
- Bengali Word ইজ্জত, ইজ্জৎEnglish definition[Arabic] 1 honour; prestige; dignity: ইজ্জতের ভয়. 2 chastity; modesty: নারীর ইজ্জত. ইজ্জত নষ্ট করা (verb transitive) 1 treat with indignity; dishonour. 2 violate (one’s) chastity. ইজ্জতহানি (noun) 1 dishonour, loss of prestige. 2 violation of chastity.
- Bengali Word ইঞ্চি, ইঞ্চEnglish definition[English] (noun) 1 measure of length; a twelfth of a foot; an inch. 2 (of rainfall) a quantity sufficient to cover a surface to the depth of an inch: গতকাল পাঁচ ইঞ্চি বৃষ্টিপাত হয়েছে.
- Bengali Word ইঞ্জিন, এঞ্জিনEnglish definition[English] (noun) machine for converting natural power such as heat, gas, steam, into mechanical energy; an engine: রেল ইঞ্জিন.
- Bengali Word ইঞ্জিনিয়ারEnglish definition[English] (noun) 1 an expert in engineering. 2 person engaged in engineering work.
- Bengali Word ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিংEnglish definition[English] (noun) 1 science concerned with the principles, design and development of engines, manufacture of mechanical, chemical and other scientific products and with the designing and construction of the works of utility like roads, bridges and buildings; engineering. 2 the technology, work or profession of an engineer.
- Bengali Word ইঞ্জিল, ইঞ্জীলEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) the Arabic name for the Bible.
- Bengali Word ইট, ইঁটEnglish definition(noun) block of clay baked hard and used as building stone; brick. ইট পাটকেল (noun) broken pieces of brick; brick-bats. ইট পাটকেল মারা/ছোঁড়া, ইটানো (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) pelt ((somebody)/(something)) with brick-bats. ইটখোলা (noun) field where brick-clay is obtained and moulded into bricks; brick-field; brick-yard. ইটের পাঁজা/ভাটা (noun) kiln for baking bricks; brick-kiln. ইটটি মারলে পাটকেলটি খেতে হয় (prov) an injury for an injury; tit for tat.
- Bengali Word ইতঃপূর্বেEnglish definition(adverb) before this; previously.
- Bengali Word ইতরEnglish definition(adjective) 1 base; mean; vile: ইতর লোক. 2 belonging to the animal kingdom: ইতর জীব. 3 ordinary; common: ইতরজন. 4 other; other than; different from: মানবেতর জীবন, life more like that of an animal than that of a human being. 5 vulgar: ইতর ভাষা, slang. ইতরামি/ইতরামো (noun) meanness; vulgarity. ইতরামি করা (verb intransitive) behave meanly; put up ignoble conduct. ইতর বিশেষ (noun) difference; distinction; disparity. ইতর বিশেষ করা (verb intransitive) make a distinction. ইতর বিশেষ হওয়া (verb intransitive) be different; differ. ইতরেতর (adjective) one with another; mutual; reciprocal: ইতরেতর দ্বন্দ্ব. (adverb) mutually; reciprocally.
- Bengali Word ইতস্ততEnglish definition(adverb) here and there; hither and thither; up and down; all around: ইতস্তত বিক্ষিপ্ত. (noun) hesitation; wavering. ইতস্তত করা (verb intransitive) 1 hesitate; falter; pause doubtfully; show signs of uncertainty/unwillingness. 2 feel delicacy/shy. 3 procrastinate; dilly-dally; be dilatory.
- Bengali Word ইতিEnglish definitionindeclinable word used at the end of a correspondence meaning termination or conclusion. (adverb) this much; this is all. ইতি করা/ইতি টানা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) 1 complete; conclude; finish: এখানেই ইতি টানছি. 2 put an end to (something); settle up: বিবাদের ইতি টানা.