আ পৃষ্ঠা ২৭
- Bengali Word আসা ২, আশাEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 stick; staff; club. 2 ceremonial rod; mace; sceptre. আসানড়ি (noun) stick. আসাবরদার [Arabic + Persian] (noun) person carrying an official mace; mace-bearer. আসাসোঁটা [Arabic + S] (noun) royal mace; ornamental mace carried by a monarch as an emblem of authority; sceptre.
- Bengali Word আসান, আছানEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 relief; mitigation; রোগের আসান. 2 termination; end: মুস্কিল আসান. 3 convenience; advantage : তুমি সাথে থাকলে আমার কাজে অনেকটা আসান হতো.
- Bengali Word আসানিEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) comfort; ease.
- Bengali Word আসাব কাহাফEnglish definition(noun) (plural) according to Semitic tradition, seven people entered a cave and remained asleep for ages and when they woke up and came out they found themselves in a world completely transformed.
- Bengali Word আসামি ১English definition(noun) 1 accused; defendant. 2 debtor.
- Bengali Word আসামি ২, অহমিয়াEnglish definition(adjective) 1 born in Assam. 2 pertaining to Assam. (noun) 1 inhabitant of Assam. 2 language of Assam; Assamese.
- Bengali Word আসাসোঁটাEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 stick; staff; club. 2 ceremonial rod; mace; sceptre. আসানড়ি (noun) stick. আসাবরদার [Arabic + Persian] (noun) person carrying an official mace; mace-bearer. আসাসোঁটা [Arabic + S] (noun) royal mace; ornamental mace carried by a monarch as an emblem of authority; sceptre.
- Bengali Word আসীনEnglish definition(adjective) 1 seated; sitting. 2 placed; situated.
- Bengali Word আসুর, আসুরিকEnglish definition(adjective) 1 of the Hindu mythological demons. 2 like or comparable to the demons. 3 savage; terrible; demoniac. 4 vile; unholy. 5 according to the customs of the mythological demons. আসুরী (feminine) = আসুর, আসুরিক. আসুর বিবাহ (noun) form of marriage in which the bride is purchased for money.
- Bengali Word আসেচনEnglish definition(noun) act of watering; besprinkling with water.
- Bengali Word আসোয়ার, আসওয়ারEnglish definition[Persian] (adjective) mounted; riding. (noun) rider.
- Bengali Word আস্কারা, আশকারাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 indulgence; over-indulgence : তুমি ওকে আস্কারা দিচ্ছ. 2 successful investigation of a crime. আস্কারা করা (verb transitive) unravel a crime; detect a criminal. আস্কারা দেওয়া (verb intransitive) treat with over-indulgence; give undue indulgence.
- Bengali Word আস্তEnglish definition(adjective) 1 whole; entire; unbroken; intact. 2 thorough; stark sheer; out-and-out; downright: আস্ত পাগল. 3 real; hardened: আস্ত চোর. 4 terrible; dangerous: আস্ত কেউটে. আস্তনা রাখা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (figurative) beat up severely. আস্ত পাগলামি (noun) midsummer madness.
- Bengali Word আস্তব্যস্তEnglish definition(adjective) very busy.
- Bengali Word আস্তর, আস্তরণEnglish definition(noun) 1 covering; bed-sheet; bed-cover. 2 lining of a garment. 3 cement plaster. 4 carpet or ornamental cloth used on the back of an elephant for the rider.
- Bengali Word আস্তাঁকুড়English definition(noun) rubbish-dump; dustbin. আঁস্তাকুড়ের পাতা (noun) rubbish; refuse; sweepings; (figurative) undesirable/mean person.
- Bengali Word আস্তাগফেরুল্লাহ্English definition[Arabic] I beg pardon of Allah — expression enjoined on Muslims when guilty of committing a sin.
- Bengali Word আস্তানা English definition[Persian] (noun) 1 haunt; resort: পীরের আস্তানা. 2 abode; dwelling place. আস্তানা গাড়া (verb intransitive) put up somewhere temporarily. আস্তানা গুটানো (verb intransitive) leave/depart from a place for good.
- Bengali Word আস্তাবলEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) stable (for horses, elephants, etc).
- Bengali Word আস্তিকEnglish definition(adjective) one who believes in God and in the life hereafter. (noun) a believer in theism; a theist. আস্তিকতা (noun) belief in the existence of God as the creator and ruler of the universe; theism.
- Bengali Word আস্তিনEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) part of a garment that covers the arm; sleeve. আস্তিন গুটানো (verb intransitive) 1 roll up the sleeves. 2 (figurative) prepare (oneself)/be ready to challenge or fight an opponent/rival.
- Bengali Word আস্তীর্ণEnglish definition(adjective) 1 spread/stretched out. 2 extended; extending. 3 covered by; pervaded/strewn with (কুসুমাস্তীর্ণ).
- Bengali Word আস্তেEnglish definition[Persian] (adverb) 1 slowly: আস্তে ঘুরাও. 2 carefully; lightly: আস্তে রাখো. 3 light-footedly: আস্তে হাঁটো. 4 in an undertone: আস্তে কথা বলো. 5 noiselessly; without being noticed : আস্তে বের হয়ে আসবে.
- Bengali Word আস্তেব্যস্তেEnglish definition(adverb) in a great hurry; in haste; helter-skelter.
- Bengali Word আস্থাEnglish definition(noun) 1 confidence; reliance; trust. 2 faith; devotion: ধর্মে আস্থা. আস্থা রাখা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) have faith/confidence (in); have regard (for); be devoted (to). আস্থাবান (adjective) one who has faith/confidence (in); confident; faithful; devoted. আস্থাভাজন (adjective) 1 worthy of trust/confidence. 2 trustworthy.
- Bengali Word আস্পদEnglish definition(noun) who/what contains. holds or deserves; recipient or object (of) (স্নেহাস্পদ, প্রেমাস্পদ).
- Bengali Word আস্পর্ধাEnglish definition(noun) 1 audacity; arrogance. 2 boast; vaunt; pride.
- Bengali Word আস্ফালনEnglish definition(noun) act of bragging/boasting/vaunting/ brandishing. আস্ফালন করা (verb intransitive) brag; boast; vaunt.
- Bengali Word আস্ফোটEnglish definition(noun) 1 sound of collision or thrashing. 2 act of slapping on one’s own arms (as in wrestling). 3 act of blooming/manifestation.
- Bengali Word আস্বাদEnglish definition(noun) 1 taste; savour; relish. আস্বাদন act of tasting/enjoying/experiencing. আস্বাদনীয় (adjective) to be tasted; enjoyable. আস্বাদিত (adjective) what has been tasted/eaten/enjoyed/relished/experienced.