আ পৃষ্ঠা ১৫
- Bengali Word আব-ই-কওসরEnglish definition(noun) water of the heavenly spring, Qawser (described in the Qoran).
- Bengali Word আব-ই-হায়াতEnglish definition(noun) elixir of life.
- Bengali Word আব-এ-জমজমEnglish definition(noun) water of the holy Zamzam well of Mecca.
- Bengali Word আবওয়াব, আবোয়াব, আবুয়াবEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) illegal cesses/extra charges exacted by landowners from tenants.
- Bengali Word আবকার, আবগারEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 manufacturer of alcoholic spirits; distiller. 2 dealer in intoxicants. আবগারি, আবকারি 1 trade in intoxicating drugs. 2 tax imposed on the manufacture and sale of intoxicants; excise duty. 3 public department in charge of collecting excise duty; excise department. (adjective) 1 relating to alcoholic spirits/intoxicating drugs. 2 relating to excise duty/ department.
- Bengali Word আবখোরা, আফখোরাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) kind of large vessel/cup/glass for drinking.
- Bengali Word আবছাEnglish definition(adjective) indistinct. (adverb) indistinctly: আবছা দেখা.
- Bengali Word আবছায়াEnglish definition(noun) shadowy/ indistinct figure; phantom;
- Bengali Word আবডালEnglish definition(noun) cover; screen; stealth; shelter: আড়ালে-আবডালে.
- Bengali Word আবদার ১English definition(noun) childish insistence on having something; unreasonable/capricious demand (as a child does). আবদার করা (verb intransitive) make an impossible/unreasonable demand. আবদেরে, আবদারে (adjective) insisting obstinately on having (something); importunate.
- Bengali Word আবদার ২English definition[Persian] (adjective) bright; radiant; sparkling; glittering: আবদার মুক্তা.
- Bengali Word আবদারেEnglish definition= আবদার ১
- Bengali Word আবদালEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) a class of Muslim ascetics/ saints.
- Bengali Word আবদেরে English definition= আবদার ১
- Bengali Word আবদ্ধEnglish definition(adjective) 1 besieged; confined: ঘরে আবদ্ধ. 2 closed; shut: আবদ্ধ দরজা. 3 tied; bound (শৃঙ্খলাবদ্ধ). 4 involved; engaged: কাজে আবদ্ধ. 5 pledged; mortgaged. আবদ্ধ করা (verb transitive) shut; confine; bind; involve; mortgage. আবদ্ধ হওয়া (verb transitive) be confined/ bound/involved/pledged/mortgaged.
- Bengali Word আবরণEnglish definition(noun) 1 act of covering/veiling. 2 clothing; garment. 3 covering; lid. আবৃত, আবরিত (archaic) (adjective) covered.
- Bengali Word আবরাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) cover of pillow, quilt, etc.
- Bengali Word আবরু, আব্রুEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 woman’s honour; modesty; chastity. 2 privacy; screen; veil. 3 civility; courtesy; decency. বে-আবরু (adjective) disgraced; insulted; put out of countenance; shameless.
- Bengali Word আবরোঁয়াEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) delicately woven cotton fabric; kind of Muslin cloth that seems watery when wet.
- Bengali Word আবর্জনEnglish definition(noun) 1 act of giving/throwing away; total abandonment. 2 act of bending down/controlling/ regulating. আবর্জিত (adjective).
- Bengali Word আবর্জনাEnglish definition(noun) 1 sweepings; rubbish; waste/refuse matter. 2 undesirable/mean person.
- Bengali Word আবর্তEnglish definition(noun) 1 whirling motion/shape; any ring-like object (দক্ষিণাবর্ত). 2 (of water) circular or spiral movement; whirlpool; vortex; eddy. 3 act of whirling/revolving/rotating. 4 name for whirling cloud: আবর্ত মেঘ. (adjective) that which is revolving/reeling/rolling: আবর্তগতি. আবর্তিত (adjective). আবর্তবাত্যা (noun) cyclone; whirlwind.
- Bengali Word আবর্ত দণ্ডEnglish definition(noun) churning rod; pestle for churning. আবর্তন
- Bengali Word আবর্তন English definition(noun) 1 act of whirling/ revolving/rolling. 2 return; repetition; reappearance; rotation. 3 act of stirring/churning; gyration. আবর্তনী, আবর্ত দণ্ড (noun) churning rod; pestle for churning. আবর্তমান (adjective) that which is whirling/revolving/ rotating/ gyrating. আবর্তিত (adjective) repeated; revolved; rotated; gyrated. আবর্তিত হওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) whirl; revolve; rotate; be repeated.
- Bengali Word আবলতাবলEnglish definition আবোলতাবোল
- Bengali Word আবলী, আবলিEnglish definition(noun) 1 row; line; range (বৃক্ষ + আবলী = বৃক্ষাবলী). 2 series; group; collection (নিয়মাবলী, রচনাবলী).
- Bengali Word আবলুশ, আবলুশEnglish definition[P] (noun) hard dark-coloured wood; ebony: আবলুশ কাঠ আবলুশ-কালো (adjective) deep black; as black as ebony.
- Bengali Word আবশ্যকEnglish definition(noun) need; necessity. (adjective) 1 necessary; important. 2 essential; unavoidable. আবশ্যক ব্যবস্থা necessary action. আবশ্যক হলে if required; if need be. আবশ্যকতা (noun) need; necessity. আবশ্যকীয় (adjective) necessary; essential.
- Bengali Word আবশ্যিকEnglish definition(adjective) what must be done; compulsory: আবশ্যিক পাঠ্য.
- Bengali Word আবহEnglish definition(adjective) 1 carrying; bearing (শোকাবহ). 2 producing; begetting (ভয়াবহ). (noun) 1 the gaseous envelope of the earth; atmosphere; weather. 2 surroundings; circumstances; environment. আবহচিত্র (noun) weather-chart. আবহ বিজ্ঞান/বিদ্যা (noun) meteorology. আবহবিদ, আবহবিৎ (noun) meteorologist. আবহ মণ্ডল (noun) the atmosphere. আবহ-সংবাদ (noun) meteorological/weather report. আবহ-সঙ্গীত (noun) background music. আবহ-সূচনা (noun) weather forecast.