অ পৃষ্ঠা ১৮
- Bengali Word অনর্থকরEnglish definition(adjective) injurious; harmful; full of mischief.
- Bengali Word অনর্থদর্শীEnglish definition(noun) one who believes that everything will turn out for the worst; a believer in the philosophical doctrine of pessimism; pessimist. অনর্থদর্শিনী (feminine) = অনর্থদর্শী.
- Bengali Word অনর্থপাতEnglish definition(noun) occurrence of an accident; disaster; trouble.
- Bengali Word অনলEnglish definition(adjective) fire. অনলপ্রভ (noun) as radiant as fire. অনলবর্ষণ (noun) showering or emitting of fire; (figurative) fiery eloquence. অনলবর্ষী (adjective) showering fire, (figurative) emitting fire of eloquence: অনলবর্ষী বক্তা, fire-brand (speaker).
- Bengali Word অনলসEnglish definition(adjective) not indolent; diligent; industrious. অনলসভাবে (adverb) diligently.
- Bengali Word অনল্পEnglish definition(adjective) not small in quantity /amount.
- Bengali Word অনশনEnglish definition(noun) starvation; fasting. অনশনক্লিষ্ট (adjective) stricken with starvation; famished. অনশন ধর্মঘট (noun) hunger-strike. অনশনব্রত (noun) abstinence from food under a solemn vow.
- Bengali Word অনশ্বরEnglish definition(adjective) not perishable; indestructible; immortal. অনশ্বরতা (noun) indestructibility; immortality.
- Bengali Word অনসূয়English definition(adjective) free from malice or envy. অনসূয়া (feminine) = অনসূয়.
- Bengali Word অনস্বীকার্যEnglish definition(adjective) what cannot but be admitted; undeniable .
- Bengali Word অনহঙ্কার, অনহংকারEnglish definition(noun) absence of pride/ arrogance. অনহঙ্কারী (adjective) not proud/ arrogant/conceited; unassuming; polite; modest.
- Bengali Word অনাEnglish definition(prefix) indicating want, indecency or nastiness (অনাসৃষ্টি).
- Bengali Word অনাকর্ষণীয়English definition(adjective) not attractive. অনাকর্ষণ (noun) want of attraction.
- Bengali Word অনাকারEnglish definition(adjective) 1 having no form, shape or appearance. 2 dense; deep; intense: অনাকার অন্ধকার.
- Bengali Word অনাক্রমণEnglish definition(noun) absence of aggression; non-aggression: অনাক্রমণ চুক্তি.
- Bengali Word অনাক্রম্য, অনাক্রমণীয়English definition(adjective) very hard or difficult to attack; immune from attack.
- Bengali Word অনাগতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 future: অনাগতকাল 2 absent; not yet come: অনাগতজন অনাগতা (feminine) = অনাগত. অনাগত বিধাতা (noun), (adjective) one who makes provision for the future; far-sighted.
- Bengali Word অনাঘ্রাত, অঘ্রাত English definition(adjective) 1 unsmelt: অনাঘ্রাত ফুল. 2 what has not been enjoyed; unenjoyed. 3 undefiled; unstained. অনাঘ্রাতা (feminine).
- Bengali Word অনাচারEnglish definition(noun) 1 immoral/abominable practice. অনাচারী (adjective) 1 given to abominable practice. 2 given to amorous life. 3 transgressing the established code of morality.
- Bengali Word অনাচ্ছাদিতEnglish definition(adjective) uncovered; having no roof; unthatched; bare.
- Bengali Word অনাছিষ্টি English definition= অনাসৃষ্টি
- Bengali Word অনাটনEnglish definition= অনটন
- Bengali Word অনাত্মEnglish definition(adjective) having no personality or individuality; impersonal. অনাত্মজ্ঞ (adjective) ignorant of one's own self; not conscious of one's own position or status.
- Bengali Word অনাত্মীয়English definition(adjective) 1 having no blood relationship or matrimonial connection (with) অনাত্মীয়া (feminine).
- Bengali Word অনাথEnglish definition(adjective) in need of help; helpless; shelterless. (noun) orphan. অনাথা, অনাথিনী (adjective) (feminine) 1 helpless; shelterless. 2 without a husband or protector; widowed. অনাথাশ্রম, অনাথ নিবাস (noun) orphanage; asylum for the helpless; poor-house.
- Bengali Word অনাদরEnglish definition(noun) 1 lack of cordiality or care. 2 inattention; disregard. 3 slight; dishonour. disrespect; humiliation. অনাদর করা (verb transitive) neglect; disregard; slight. অনাদরণীয় (adjective) unworthy of being respected /loved. অনাদৃত (adjective) neglected; slighted অনাদৃতা (feminine).
- Bengali Word অনাদায় [অন + Arabic আদায়]English definition(noun) non-realization; non-recovery. (adjective) unrealized; outstanding; due. অনাদায়ী (adjective) = অনাদায় (adjective). অনাদায়ীপাওনা (noun) debt or dues unlikely to be paid; bad debt.
- Bengali Word অনাদিEnglish definition(adjective) 1 without a beginning; having no cause or origin; self-existent. 2 old; ancient; eternal. অনাদিকাল (noun) time immemorial.
- Bengali Word অনাদৃত English definition= অনাদর
- Bengali Word অনাদেয়English definition(adjective) unrealizable; that cannot be realized.