Bengali Word হায়ওয়ানিয়াতEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) beastliness; brutality; animal nature
Bengali Word হায়নEnglish definition(noun) (calendar) year; era
Bengali Word হায়াতEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) life; existence
Bengali Word আবছায়াEnglish definition(noun) shadowy/ indistinct figure; phantom;
Bengali Word আলোছায়াEnglish definition(noun) Interplay of light and shade
Bengali Word কায়াEnglish definition(noun) physical structure; the body
Bengali Word ছায়াEnglish definition(noun) (1) shade produced by the interception of light.
(2) shadow of a person or object.
(3) similarity; semblance ; resemblance; image.
(4) a haven; a refuge; a shelter: ছত্র ছায়া.
ছায়া মাড়ানো (verb transitive) give company to one.
ছায়া না মাড়ানো (verb transitive) shun one’s company.
ছায়ার ন্যায় like a shadow or inseparable companion.
ছায়াচিত্র (noun) a cinema film.
ছায়াচ্ছন্ন (adjective) abounding in shade; affording shade; shady; shadowy.
ছায়াতরু (noun)
(1) a large tree affording abundant shade.
(2) a banyan tree.
ছায়া দেহ (noun) an incorporeal figure; a phantom; a ghost.
ছায়ানট (noun) a musical mode.
ছায়াপথ (noun) the long luminous track in the heavens, formed by a multitude of stars; the Milky Way; the Galaxy.
ছায়া মণ্ডপ (noun) a place in the open covered by a canopy.
Bengali Word জায়াEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) the consort of a man ; wife
Bengali Word তেপায়াEnglish definition(adjective) three legged
Bengali Word ধুপছায়াEnglish definition(noun) (1) sunshine and shade.
(2) peacock-blue.
(3) kind of variegated cloth.
(adjective) peacock-blue; chiaroscuro.
Bengali Word পায়াEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) (1) leg/foot of a piece of furniture; support.
(2) leg/foot of an animal.
(3) (derogatory) position; rank; dignity.
পায়াভারী (noun) vanity (for holding a high post); vainglory; self-importance; conceit.
(adjective) vainglorious; full of vainglory; conceited and boastful; self-important.
উঁচু পায়া (noun) high post/rank.
Bengali Word প্রচ্ছায়াEnglish definition(noun) (physics) umbra
Bengali Word প্রতিচ্ছায়াEnglish definition(noun) reflection; likeness; image; shadow; phantom; resemblance
Bengali Word বায়াEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) (law) one who sells his rights.
(2) a tabour used by the left hand.
Bengali Word ভায়াEnglish definition(noun) brother: friend; comrade
Bengali Word মায়াEnglish definition(noun) (1) illusion; unreality; material world; physical/ phenomenal nature; Maya.
(2) hallucination; delusion; unreal/ illusory image; phantom; apparition.
(3) deception; deceit; fraud; duplicity; trick.
(4) witchcraft; magic.
(5) disguise.
(6) affection; attachment.
(7) fascination; infatuation.
(8) compassion.
মায়া করা (verb intransitive) think/ treat with affection; be attached to; have/ take compassion on; be filled with compassion for; be reluctant to lose: চাকরির মায়া করা.
মায়ায় ভোলা (verb intransitive) be duped by sorcery/illusion; be beguiled/ infatuated/ charmed.
মায়াউপবন (noun) enchanted garden.
মায়াকর, মায়াকার (noun(s) conjurer; juggler.
মায়াকানন = মায়া উপবন.
মায়াকান্না (noun) affected sympathy/ sorrow; crocodile tears.
মায়াগতি (noun) bond(s) of affection.
মায়াঘোর (noun) spell of illusion/ delusion/ infatuation/ enchantment.
মায়াজাল (noun) network/ cobweb/ spell (0) f illusion/ infatuation/ enchantment.
মায়াজীবী (noun) conjurer; magician; juggler.
মায়াডোর (noun) bond of affection/ attachment.
মায়াত্মক (adjective) (essentially) illusory; delusive; disguised; illusive.
মায়াদণ্ড (noun) magic wand.
মায়াধর, মায়াধারী (adjective(s) possessing illusion; skilled in magic; disguised; hypocritical.
মায়াপাশ = মায়াজাল.
মায়াবদ্ধ (adjective) strongly held under illusion; greatly attached/infatuated.
মায়াবন্ধন (noun) bond of illusion/ affection/ attachment/ infatuation.
মায়াকল (noun) power of illusion.
মায়াবশ (adjective) fondly attached; under the spell of illusion/ infatuation; subject to attachment/ affection.
মায়াবাদ (noun) the doctrine affirming the world to be illusion.
মায়াবাদী (adjective) upholding the doctrine of Maya; illusionistic.
(noun) illusionist.
মায়াবিদ্যা (noun) magic; sorcery; jugglery.
মায়াবী (adjective) (1) possessing illusion/ magical powers; employing deceit; deceiving/ deluding others.
(2) illusory; creating illusions.
(3) enchanting; infatuating: মায়াবী আলো.
(noun) enchanter; conjurer; juggler; wizard; magician; sorcerer.
মায়াবিনী (feminine) enchantress; witch; sorceress.
মায়ামমতা (noun) love and attachment/ affection; affection and compassion.
মায়াময় (adjective) consisting of illusion; formed of/creating illusion; illusive; unreal; magical; deceptive; enchanting; infatuating; bewitching
মায়াময়ী (feminine).
মায়ামুক্ত freed from affection/ attachment; disenchanted; disillusioned.
মায়ামৃগ (noun) illusory antelope; phantom deer.
মায়ামোহ (noun) = মায়াঘোর.
মায়ারজ্জু = মায়াডোর.
মায়ারাজ্য (noun) realm created by magic; realm of enchantment.
Bengali Word সায়াEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) petticoat
Bengali Word সেপায়াEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) tripod
Bengali Word আব-ই-হায়াতEnglish definitionআবে হায়াত (noun) elixir of life
Bengali Word আবে হায়াত, আব-ই-হায়াতEnglish definition [Persian আব + Arabic হায়াত] (noun) elixir of life
আবে হায়াত (noun) elixir of life.
এমনতর (adjective) of this sort: এমনতর বেহায়াপনা বড়োই নিন্দনীয়.