Bengali Word ইন্দিরাEnglish definition(noun) appellation of goddess Lakshmi
Bengali Word উপশিরাEnglish definition(noun) delicate blood-vessel; subsidiary vein: শিরা উপশিরা
Bengali Word একশিরাEnglish definition(noun) disease causing inflamation of one of the testicles; orchitis
Bengali Word কবিরাEnglish definition [Arabic] (adjective) attended with serious consequence; grave.
(noun) a grave sin: কবিরা গুনাহ.
Bengali Word কালিজিরাEnglish definition(noun) a variety of cumin seed; black cumin
Bengali Word খাম্বিরাEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) aromatic tobacco for the hookah
Bengali Word ঘিরাEnglish definition(verb transitive) (1) shut up or a confine on all sides; enclose; inclose: প্রাচীর দিয়ে ঘেরা
Bengali Word ঘেরা, ঘিরাEnglish definition(verb transitive) (1) shut up or a confine on all sides; enclose; inclose: প্রাচীর দিয়ে ঘেরা.
(2) encircle; encompass; besiege; surround.
(3) wrap up; cover.
(noun) (1) a fense; a fencing; a railing.
(2) act of covering or surrounding.
(3) a place surrounded by a fencing.
(adjective) enclosed; shut in; surrounded; besieged.
ঘেরানো (verb transitive) cause to be covered/surrounded.
Bengali Word চেরা, চিরাEnglish definition(verb transitive) (1) split, sever or part asunder.
(2) cut with a saw: কাঠ চেরা.
(3) cut open; operate: পেট চিরে বের করা.
চেরাই (noun) (1) act of sawing.
(2) charge or cost of sawing.
চেরানো (verb transitive) cause to be cut/split/cleft.
পটোল চেরা (adjective) like the longitudinal half of the cylinder-like vegetable tapering at both ends called পটোল.
পটোল চেরা চোখ (noun) wide and very beautiful eyes shaped like the longitudinal half of a পটোল.
Bengali Word জজিরাEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) a Landmass bound by water on three sides; a peninsula.
জজিরা তুল আরব (noun) the Arabian peninsula.
Bengali Word জিরাEnglish definition(noun) carminative seeds of Cuminium cyminum plant, used as spice; cumin; cummin
Bengali Word তজকিরাEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) description; discussion; biography: তজকিরাত-উল আম্বিয়া, biography of saints
Bengali Word ফেরা, ফিরাEnglish definition(verb intransitive) (1) come back; return.
(2) be returned; saved as balance: দশ টাকা থেকে কতো ফিরেছে?
(3) turn: বাড়ির দিকে ফেরা.
অবস্থা ফেরা improve; take a good turn.
ফিরে তাকানো turn back or round.
মন ফেরা become apathetic to; turn away from.
পথে পথে ফেরা wander; roam; loiter.
দ্বার থেকে ফেরা return disappointed.
Bengali Word মদিরাEnglish definition(noun) spirituous liquor; any inebriating drink; wine; nectar.
মদিরা গৃহ (noun) drinking-house; tavern.
মদিরা সব (noun) any intoxicating liquor.
Bengali Word মন্দিরাEnglish definition(noun) kind of small cup-shaped cymbals
Bengali Word রুচিরাEnglish definition(noun) name of a Sanskrit metre
Bengali Word সসেমিরাEnglish definition(adjective) bewildered; stupefied; dazed: সসেমিরা হয়ে থাকা