Bengali Word অরবিন্দEnglish definition(noun) the lotus
Bengali Word অলিন্দEnglish definition(noun) balcony; porch; outer verandah; auricle
Bengali Word আকন্দEnglish definition(noun) sun-plant; swallow-wort
Bengali Word আনন্দEnglish definition 1 joy; delight; cheerfulness: আনন্দের ঢেউ.
(2) happiness; contentment.
(3) pleasure; satisfaction; gratification; propitiation; gladness.
(4) merriment; amusement; hilarity; joviality: আনন্দ করা.
আনন্দ করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) rejoice; make merry.
আনন্দকর (adjective) delightful; pleasant; gladdening.
আনন্দজনক/আনন্দদায়ক (adjective) what causes joy; delightful; pleasant.
আনন্দন (noun) (1) act of producing joy/delight.
(2) greeting; words of welcome.
আনন্দ বিহ্বল (adjective) overwhelmed with joy; beside oneself with joy.
আনন্দময় (adjective) joyful; delightful; happy; cheerful; merry.
আনন্দময়ী (adjective) (1) (feminine) of আনন্দময়.
(2) Hindu goddess Durga.
আনন্দ-লহরি (noun)(1) wave of joy; surge of delight.
(2) one-stringed musical instrument.
Bengali Word খন্দEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) a ditch; a trench.
খানা খন্দ (noun) (plural) ditches and trenches.
Bengali Word গোবিন্দEnglish definition(noun) appellation of Sri Krishna or Vishnu
Bengali Word চিদানন্দEnglish definition(noun) (1) knowledge and delight; cognition and delight of bliss.
(2) the Supreme Being.
Bengali Word জেন্দEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) (1) the language of ancient Parsra.
(2) the language of the scripture of Zoroaster, the Persian religious teacher.
জেন্দাবেস্তা, জেন্দা আবেস্তা (noun) the Zoroastrian scripture Avesta and its language Zend.
Bengali Word তহবন্দEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) a loose indoor lower garment for man; a lungi
Bengali Word দানিশবন্দ, দানিশমন্দEnglish definition [Persian] (adjective(s)) wise; learned; sagacious.
দানিশমন্দি (noun) learning; wisdom; sagacity.
Bengali Word দানেশবন্দEnglish definition = দানিশবন্দ
Bengali Word নিন্দEnglish definition(noun) (poet) = নিদ্রা
Bengali Word নিরানন্দEnglish definition(adjective) joyless; cheerless; dreary; dismal; gloomy.
Bengali Word বদনারবিন্দEnglish definition = বদন-কমল
Bengali Word বন্দEnglish definition(noun) [Persian] 1 (measurement in determining the size of a house) total of length and breadth: পঁচিশের বন্দের ঘর (eg 16+9=25).