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  • Bengali Word সম্পর্কEnglish definition(noun) relation; association; contact; touch; connection; union; intercourse; concern; company; kinship. সম্পর্ক রাখা (verb intransitive) maintain relation; have relations with; keep connection; associate with; keep company with; observe the formalities of kinship. সম্পর্ক না রাখা break of relations; have no dealings. সম্পর্ক স্থাপন করা (verb intransitive) get in contact (with); make contact (with); contact; enter into an alliance. সম্পর্ক শূন্য, সম্পর্কহীন adjective(s) unrelated; irrelevant; unconnected; having no concern (with); having no kinship with.

Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ

  • Bengali Word সম্পতিতEnglish definition (adjective) fallen; flown/ rushed/ run together
  • Bengali Word সম্পত্তিEnglish definition (noun) property; assets; possessions; real estate.
    সম্পত্তিশালী = সম্পৎশালী. চলিত সম্পত্তি (noun) liquid assets.
  • Bengali Word সম্পদ, সম্পৎEnglish definition (noun) (1) good fortune; riches; wealth; prosperity; possessions; treasure; property; belongings; real estate.
    (2) blessing; glory; pride: তিনি আমাদের দেশের সম্পদ. (3) proud/ glorious acquisition; benefit; attainment; advantage: সাহস তার বড়ো সম্পদ. (4) excellence; riches: ভাব সম্পদ. সম্পদশালী (adjective) wealthy; affluent; rich; substantial; prosperous; moneyed; well-to-do. সম্পদশালিনী (feminine) = সম্পদশালী.
  • Bengali Word সম্পন্নEnglish definition (adjective) (1) = সম্পন্নশালী.
    (2) accomplished; completed; effected; performed. (3) excellent; perfect. (4) (used as a suffix) endowed/ furnished with; possessed of; become; turned into: রূপগুণ সম্পন্ন. সম্পন্না (feminine) = সম্পন্ন.
  • Bengali Word সম্পর্কিত, সম্পর্কীয়English definition adjective(s) related; connected/ concerned with; having kinship (with); relating to; having affinity (with).
    সম্পর্কিতা, সম্পর্কীয়া (feminine) = সম্পর্কিত, সম্পর্কীয়.
  • Bengali Word সম্পাতEnglish definition (noun) (1) fall; drop; swift descent: অশনি সম্পাত.
    (2) taking place; happening; occurrence; appearance: বিপদ-সম্পাত. (3) falling upon; incidence: আলোক সম্পাত. (4) collision; concussion. (5) curse; malediction, (6) (astronomy) procession of the equinox. সম্পাত বিন্দু (noun) point of incidence.
  • Bengali Word সম্পাদকEnglish definition (adjective) effecting; performing; accomplishing; executive.
    (noun) (1) performer. (2) editor (of a newspaper). (3) secretary (of an association). (4) executive. সম্পাদিকা (feminine) = সম্পাদক. সম্পাদকতা (noun) editorship.
  • Bengali Word সম্পাদকীয়English definition (adjective) editorial. সম্পাদকীয় স্তম্ভ (noun) editorial column
    সম্পাদকীয় স্তম্ভ (noun) editorial column.
  • Bengali Word সম্পাদনEnglish definition (noun) performance; accomplishment; execution; carrying out; effecting; making.
    সম্পাদন করা (verb transitive) perform; accomplish; carry out; effect; execute. সম্পাদনা (noun) editing. সম্পাদনা করা (verb transitive) edit.
  • Bengali Word সম্পাদনীয়English definition = সম্পাদ্য
  • Bengali Word সম্পাদিতEnglish definition (adjective) (1) performed; carried out; executed; accomplished; fulfilled.
    (2) edited.
  • Bengali Word সম্পাদ্যEnglish definition (adjective) to be performed/ carried out/ executed/ accomplished.
    (noun) (geometry) problem.
  • Bengali Word সম্পীড়নEnglish definition (noun) (1) compression; pressing; squeezing.
    (2) oppression.
  • Bengali Word সম্পূট(ক)English definition (noun) (1) hemispherical bowl.
    (2) round covered case/ box/ casket (for jewellery). (3) screwed receptacle made of paper or tree-leaves; cornet.
  • Bengali Word সম্পূরকEnglish definition (noun) completing; filling; supplementing; supplementary.
    সম্পূরক কোণ (noun) (geometry) supplementary angle; supplement.
  • Bengali Word সম্পূরণEnglish definition (noun) completion; fulfilment; supplementation.
    সম্পূরণ করা (verb transitive) complement; supplement; fulfil; complete.
  • Bengali Word সম্পূরণীয়English definition (adjective) to be filled/ supplemented/ complemented/ fulfilled
  • Bengali Word সম্পূরিতEnglish definition (adjective) filled; quite full; filled with; supplemented
  • Bengali Word সম্পূর্ণEnglish definition (adjective) (1) completed; accomplished; fulfilled; finished; completely filled/ full; full of; completely endowed/ furnished with.
    (2) complete; whole; entire; thorough; total. (3) (derogatory) downright: সম্পূর্ণ বদমাইশি.  (adverb) completely; wholly; entirely; thoroughly; fully; totally; quite. সম্পূর্ণ করা (verb transitive) complete; finish; accomplish; fulfil; fill completely; round off. সম্পূর্ণতর (adjective) more filled; very full; fuller. সম্পূর্ণতা (noun) completion; completeness; fullness; complete fullness; thoroughness; perfection; wholeness; entirety; totality; plenitude. সম্পূর্ণভাবে, সম্পূর্ণরূপে adverb(s) = সম্পূর্ণ.
  • Bengali Word সম্পূর্তিEnglish definition (noun) completion; fulfilment
  • Bengali Word সম্পৃক্তEnglish definition (adjective) (1) related/ connected with; joined/ united with; having concern with; concerned with.
    (2) mixed together; combined; blended; inlaid; interspersed. (3) saturated. সম্পৃক্ততা (noun) relation; connection; concern; union; joining; saturated; inlaying.
  • Bengali Word সম্পৃক্তিEnglish definition = সম্পৃক্ততা.
    অতিসম্পৃক্তি (noun) over-saturation.
  • Bengali Word সম্পোষ্যEnglish definition (adjective) to be well-nourished/ supported
  • Bengali Word সম্প্রচারEnglish definition (noun) wide circulation; broadcast; broadcasting.
    সম্প্রচার কেন্দ্র (noun) broadcasting station.
  • Bengali Word সম্প্রচারিতEnglish definition (adjective) broadcast; widely circulated
  • Bengali Word সম্প্রতিEnglish definition (adverb) now; now-a-days; recently; at this moment; at present; in these days; in present times; of late; just
  • Bengali Word সম্প্রতিপত্তিEnglish definition (noun) (1) correct conception; right understanding.
    (2) agreement; admission; assent; concurrence; acknowledgement; affirmation.
  • Bengali Word সম্প্রতিপন্নEnglish definition (adjective) recognized; acknowledged; agreed upon; assented to
  • Bengali Word সম্প্রতীতিEnglish definition (noun) (1) certain knowledge.
    (2) renown; fame.
  • Bengali Word সম্প্রদত্তEnglish definition (adjective) (1) given over; transmitted; handed down; bestowed; conferred.
    (2) given in marriage. সম্প্রদত্তা (feminine) = সম্প্রদত্ত.
  • ছিন্নকরা (verb transitive) tear; cut off; sever; uproot; remove: সম্পর্ক ছিন্ন করা, sever one’s connection with.
  • দা কুমড়া সম্পর্ক (noun) relationship as between a chopper and a pumpkin; (figurative) implacable antagonism; inveterate hatred; deadly enmity.
  • নব সম্পর্কিত (adjective) newly allied.
  • নিঃসম্পর্ক, নিঃসম্বন্ধ (adjective) without relatives; unrelated; not related by blood; unconnected; detached.
  • পিতৃসম্বন্ধীয়, পিতৃসম্পর্কীয় (adjective(s)s paternal.
  • প্রণয়সম্পর্ক (noun) amorous relationship.
  • ভাশুর-ভাদ্রবৌ সম্পর্ক (figurative) from the rigid custom of Hindu women to keep themselves away from the sight of the elder brothers of their husbands.
  • রক্তমাংসের সম্পর্ক (noun) blood-relation.
  • সাথে নেউলে (সম্পর্ক) (figurative) perpetual enmity as that existing between the snake and the mongoose; eternal enmity.