Bengali Word যুক্ত English definition (adjective) (1) joined; attached; enclosed.Show more (2) fastened; harnessed; yoked.
(3) united; federated; amalgamated.
(4) furnished/ endowed/ filled/ supplied/ provided with; accompanied by; possessed of; invested with; possessing: বারান্দাযুক্ত, শ্রীযুক্ত.
(5) absorbed in; attentive to: চিন্তাযুক্ত.
(6) come in contact with.
(7) added to; increased by: লবণযুক্ত
(8) fitted; adapted: চাকাযুক্ত.
(9) connected with.
(10) employed; engaged in; set to work; occupied with: কর্মে যুক্ত.
(11) absorbed in deep meditation; concentrated; attentive: যোগযুক্ত.
(12) (mathematics) added: পাঁচ যুক্তসাত = বার.
(13) compound: যুক্তাক্ষর.
(14) conforming to: যুক্তি যুক্ত.
(15) (astronomy) being in conjunction with.
(16) seized/ affected/ stricken with: অনুরাগ যুক্ত, ক্রোধ যুক্ত.
(17) containing; having: ত্রুটিযুক্ত, চর্বিযুক্ত.
(noun) (mathematics) plus
যুক্তা (feminine) = যুক্ত.
যুক্ত করা (verb transitive) join; attach; enclose; unite; fasten; furnish/ supply /provide/fill with; invest with ; add; fit; adapt; connect; engage.
যুক্ত হওয়া (verb intransitive) join; be attached to/enclosed in.
যুক্তকর (noun) folded hands.
(adjective) having one’s hands folded.
যুক্ত করে (adverb) with folded hands.
যুক্তদল (adjective) (botany) gamopetalous.
যুক্তপ্রচেষ্টা (noun) joint/united effort.
যুক্তপ্রদেশ (noun) the United Provinces (in India).
যুক্তবৃতি (adjective) (botany) gamocepalous.
যুক্তবেণী (noun) (1) confluence of the Ganges, the Jamuna and the Saraswati near Allahabad.
(2) plaited hair.
যুক্তরাজ্য (noun) the United Kingdom.
যুক্তরাষ্ট্র (noun) the United states (of America).
যুক্তরাষ্ট্রীয় (adjective) federal.
যুক্তরাষ্ট্রীয় বিচারালয় (noun) federal court.
যুক্তশাসন (noun) joint government.
স্বাক্ষর (noun) joint signature.
যুক্তাক্ষর (noun) compound/conjunct letter.
Bengali Word যুক্তি English definition (noun) (1) reasoning; argument; logic; proof; judgement.Show more (2) cause; reason; ground; motive.
(3) induction; deduction from circumstances:
(4) consultation; counsel; advice.
(5) plan; scheme; strategy; contrivance; trick; cunning device.
(6) joining; union; junction; connection; combination.
(7) federation; amalgamation; unification.
যুক্তি আঁটা / যুক্তি করা (verb intransitive) contrive; intrigue together; plan; scheme; consult; take counsel together.
যুক্তি দেওয়া (verb intransitive) (1) argue; adduce reason; give reasons; make out a case for; show; prove one’s point; demonstrate.
(2) counsel; give counsel; advise.
যুক্তি দেখানো = যুক্তি দেওয়া ((1) ).
যুক্তি নেওয়া (verb intransitive) hold/take counsel with somebody; consult; confer with somebody; take advice; take one’s cue from; be advised by.
যুক্তিদাতা (noun) counsellor; adviser; mentor; (derogatory) lnstigator
যুক্তিদাত্রী (feminine) = যুক্তিদাতা.
যুক্তিপূর্বক (adverb) with due deliberation; advisedly; purposely; calculatedly; thoughtfully; after due thought; after careful consideration; after conferring (with).
যুক্তি প্রদর্শন করা = যুক্তি দেওয়া ((1) ).
যুক্তিবাদ (noun) rationalism.
যুক্তিবাদী (adjective) rationalist; reasonable; sensible; rationalistic; amenable to reason.
যুক্তিবাদী লোক (noun) rationalist; freethinker; reasonable person.
যুক্তিবিদ্যা (noun) logic.
যুক্তিবিরুদ্ধ (adjective) unreasonable; irrational.
যুক্তিযুক্ত, যুক্তিসঙ্গত, যুক্তিসম্মত, যুক্তি সহ (adjective(s)) conforming to reason; based on argument; sensible; logical; reasonable; advisable.
যুক্তিযুক্ততা (noun) reasonableness; advisability; suitability; propriety; fitness.
যুক্তিশাস্ত্র (noun) logic .
যুক্তিশূন্য, যুক্তিহীন adjective(s) unreasonable; irrational; groundless; causeless.
যুক্তিসিদ্ধ (adjective) logical; reasonable; valid; sound.
Bengali Word যুক্ত্যাভাস English definition (noun) = rationalization
Bengali Word উগ্রবাদী English definition (noun) extremist.Show more one holding extreme trims or advocating extreme action; extremist.
Bengali Word দ্ব্যাত্মবাদী English definition (adjective) (physics) dualistic.Show more (noun) duelist.
Bengali Word নির্বিবাদী English definition (adjective) of peaceful/ quiet/ amicable disposition; guileless; peaceable; not quarrelsome
Bengali Word পরিবাদী English definition (adjective) blaming; reproaching; slandering; calumniating.Show more (noun) পরিবাদ.
পরিবাদিনী (feminine) = পরিবাদী.
(1) = পরিবাদী.
(2) a seven-stringed musical instrument.
Bengali Word প্রতিবাদী English definition (adjective) protesting; contradicting; contending; dissenting; pleading against; pleading in reply.Show more (noun) (1) protester.
(2) (law) respondent; defendant.
প্রতিবাদিনী (feminine) = প্রতিবাদী.
Bengali Word বিবাদী English definition (adjective) (1) disputing; contending; contesting.Show more (2) under dispute: বিবাদী সম্পত্তি.
(3) opposite; hostile.
(noun) (1) litigant; party in a lawsuit; defendant.
(2) contestant; opponent; opposite party.
(3) (music) a note which is seldom used or altogether discarded in a particular musical mode.
বিবাদিনী (feminine) = বিবাদী.
Bengali Word সংবাদী English definition (adjective) (1) conversing; talking.Show more (2) (music) of a harmonizing with the principal one.
(3) (politics) responsivist.
(noun) interlocutor.
Bengali Word সম্বাদী English definition = সংবাদী যুক্তি আঁটা / যুক্তি করা (verb intransitive) contrive; intrigue together; plan; scheme; consult; take counsel together.যুক্তি দেওয়া (verb intransitive) 1 argue; adduce reason; give reasons; make out a case for; show; prove one’s point; demonstrate.যুক্তি নেওয়া (verb intransitive) hold/take counsel with somebody; consult; confer with somebody; take advice; take one’s cue from; be advised by.যুক্তিপূর্বক (adverb) with due deliberation; advisedly; purposely; calculatedly; thoughtfully; after due thought; after careful consideration; after conferring (with).যুক্তিবাদ (noun) rationalism.যুক্তিবাদী (adjective) rationalist; reasonable; sensible; rationalistic; amenable to reason.যুক্তিবাদী লোক (noun) rationalist; freethinker; reasonable person.যুক্তিবিদ্যা (noun) logic.যুক্তিবিরুদ্ধ (adjective) unreasonable; irrational.যুক্তিযুক্ত, যুক্তিসঙ্গত, যুক্তিসম্মত, যুক্তি সহ (adjective(s)) conforming to reason; based on argument; sensible; logical; reasonable; advisable.যুক্তিযুক্ততা (noun) reasonableness; advisability; suitability; propriety; fitness.যুক্তিশাস্ত্র (noun) logic .যুক্তিশূন্য, যুক্তিহীন adjective(s) unreasonable; irrational; groundless; causeless.যুক্তিসিদ্ধ (adjective) logical; reasonable; valid; sound.