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  • Bengali Word বিভিন্নEnglish definition(adjective) (1) split/ broken into two or more. (2) various; manifold; diverse; of different kinds; different; of a different kind. (3) separated; disunited; living at variance; contradictory. (4) opened; blown. (5) cleft. বিভিন্নতা (noun) state of being broken/ split asunder; difference; diversity; variety. বিভিন্নধর্মা (adjective) following a different religion. বিভিন্ন পথে যাওয়া (verb intransitive) go severally.

Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ

  • Bengali Word অচ্ছিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) not cut or divided; not torn; intact; whole.
    অচ্ছিন্নত্বক (adjective) (of male person) one whose foreskin has not been removed; uncircumcised.
  • Bengali Word অনবচ্ছিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) without break; non-stop; continuous
  • Bengali Word অপরিচ্ছিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) undivided; continuous; incessant; endless; unlimited
  • Bengali Word অবিচ্ছিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) (1) unseparated; unsevered; entire.
    (2) continuous; uninterrupted. (adverb) ceaselessly; continually; incessantly.
  • Bengali Word অভিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) (1) not different/ dissimilar; identical.
    (2) not separate; one and the same. (3) not severed/ detached; undivided. অভিন্নতা, অভিন্নত্ব (noun) identity; sameness; entirety; uniformity; similarity. অভিন্ন পরিবার (noun) joint family. অভিন্ন হৃদয় বন্ধু (noun) bosom friend.
  • Bengali Word উদ্ভিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) (1) sprouted; germinated.
    (2) fully developed; full-blown. উদ্ভিন্ন যৌবন (adjective) in the bloom of youth. উদ্ভিন্ন যৌবনা (feminine) = উদ্ভিন্ন.
  • Bengali Word এতদ্ভিন্নEnglish definition = এতদ্ব্যতীত
  • Bengali Word ছিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) (1) torn apart; split up; rent: ছিন্ন বস্ত্র.
    (2) cut off; lopped off; severed: ছিন্ন মস্তক. (3) pulled up; uprooted: ছিন্নমূল. (4) disconnected; detached; separated; removed; freed: শৃঙ্খল ছিন্ন. ছিন্নকরা (verb transitive) tear; cut off; sever; uproot; remove: সম্পর্ক ছিন্ন করা, sever one’s connection with. ছিন্নদ্বৈধ (adjective) freed from doubt or hesitation; confirmed; convinced. ছিন্নপক্ষ (adjective) (of a bird) having the wings cut off. ছিন্ন প্রায় (adjective) almost torn apart. ছিন্ন বিচ্ছিন্ন (adjective) scattered about. ছিন্নভিন্ন (adjective) (1) in a mess; in disorder and confusion. (2) scattered about. ছিন্ন মস্তক (adjective) having the head cut off; beheaded; decapitated. ছিন্নমস্তা (noun) a truncated manifestation of Hindu Goddess Durga. ছিন্নমূল (adjective) uprooted; displaced: ছিন্নমূল মানুষ, displaced people; floating population. ছিন্না (adjective) (feminine) of ছিন্ন. (noun) a prostitute; a harlot.
  • Bengali Word জন্মাবচ্ছিন্নEnglish definition [জন্ম + অবচ্ছিন্ন] (adverb) throughout life; in (one’s) whole life
  • Bengali Word তদ্ভিন্নEnglish definition = তদ্ব্যতীত
  • Bengali Word নবোদ্ভিন্নEnglish definition = নবোদ্গত
  • Bengali Word নিরবচ্ছিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) (1) close; compact; dense; thick: নিরবচ্ছিন্ন সৌধশ্রেণী.
    (2) incessant; ceaseless; continuous; uninterrupted: নিরবচ্ছিন্ন বৃষ্টিধারা, নিরবচ্ছিন্ন সুখ. নিরবচ্ছিন্নতা (noun) continuity endlessness; compactness; interminability. নিরবচ্ছিন্নভাবে (adverb) ceaselessly; continuously; without interruption; incessantly.
  • Bengali Word নির্ভিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) (1) indistinguished; equal; like.
    (2) separated; cleft. (3) opened; blossomed budded.
  • Bengali Word পরিচ্ছিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) (1) (sharply/ Clearly) defined; determined.
    (2) cut off; divided; detached; confined; limited; circumscribed. পরিচ্ছিন্ন করা (verb transitive) (1) cut off; separate; limit; divide; part. (2) define/ fix accurately; determine; discriminate.
  • Bengali Word প্রক্লিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) moist; humid; putrefied
  • Bengali Word প্রভিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) split asunder; cleft; broken; pierced; opened; blown (as flowers)
  • Bengali Word বিক্লিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) (1) dissolved; saturated; wet; doused.
    (2) worn out; decayed. বিক্লিন্ন হৃদয় (adjective) soft-hearted.
  • Bengali Word বিচ্ছিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) separated; cut/ torn/ cleft/ split/ broken asunder; interrupted; disconnected; detached isolated; estranged; stray; sporadic
    বিচ্ছিন্ন করা (verb transitive) separate; cut/ tear/ cleave/ spilt/ break asunder; cut off; divide; detach; disconnect; interrupt; isolate; estrange‘; alienate. বিচ্ছিন্নতা (noun) separation; detachment; disconnection; isolation; interruption; estrangement; alienation; isolatedness.
  • Bengali Word ব্যবচ্ছিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) (1) (anatomy) dissected.
    (2) cut off; separated; interrupted.
  • Bengali Word ভিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) (1) other; different; separate; distinct; different from; other than.
    (2) split; torn; severed; broken; shattered; pierced; destroyed. (3) separated; isolated; segregated; estranged. (4) detached; disjoined; loosened; disunited; set at variance. (5) parted; partitioned; divided into parts. (6) opened; expanded; blown. ভিন্নক্রম (adjective) out of order/ place; displaced. ভিন্নজাতি (noun) different caste/ race. ভিন্নজাতীয় (adjective) of a different kind/sort; of a different nation/ caste/ tribe/ race. ভিন্নজাতীয়া (feminine) = ভিন্নজাতীয় . ভিন্নতা, ভিন্নত্ব noun(s) difference; otherness; state of being different from. ভিন্নদেহ (noun) (1) another body. (2) wounded body. ভিন্নধাতু (noun) (figurative) different. stamp/ stuff. ভিন্নধাতুর লোক man of a different stamp; man made of a different stuff. ভিন্নপ্রকার (adjective) of a different kind/sort. ভিন্নবর্ণ (adjective) of a different caste/tribe. ভিন্নবর্ণ (noun) different colour. ভিন্নবাসী (adjective) (botany) dioecious. ভিন্নবৃত্তি (noun) different occupation. ভিন্নমত (noun) different opinion. ভিন্নমত (adjective) dissenting; disagreeing in opinion. ভিন্নমতাবলম্বী (adjective) dissenting. (noun) dissenter. ভিন্নমতাবলম্বিনী (feminine) = ভিন্নমতাবলম্বী . ভিন্নরুচি (adjective) having a different taste.
  • Bengali Word সমুচ্ছিন্নEnglish definition (adjective) torn up; uprooted; eradicated; utterly destroyed
  • বিভিন্ন বাহিনী (noun) the fifth column.