Bengali Word পোঁEnglish definition(noun)
(onomatopoeia) imitating many of the sounds in music; wail.
পোঁ করে (adverb)(1) wailing.
(2) in a trice/ jiffy; instantly; very quickly.
পোঁ দৌড় (noun) running heel for leather.
পোঁ ধরা (verb intransitive) fawn/upon; cringe to; dance attendance to; today to.
পোঁ-ধরা (adjective) fawning; cringing.
পোঁ-পোঁ (noun) swish (of swishly moving canes, sticks, etc).
(adjective) very swift.
(adverb) very swiftly.
Bengali Word পোঁচEnglish definition(noun)
coating; coat (of paint).
পোঁচ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) apply a coating/a coat of paint.
পোঁচড়া, পোঁচলা (noun)(1) coating.
(2) brush for whitewashing made of jute fibres.
Bengali Word পোঁছEnglish definition(noun)
mopping; wiping; swabbing.
Bengali Word পোঁছা ১English definition= পুঁছা.
পোঁছানো = পুঁছানো
আপোস করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) compromise; settle amicably.
আপোস-রফা (noun) amicable settlement; compromise.
আপোসহীন মনোবৃত্তি (noun) mentality of not compromising with opposite party; uncompromising attitude.
আশা পোষণ করা cherish hopes; look forward/wait in expectation.
উপোস করে মরা (verb intransitive) starve to death.
এমনই (adjective) so much so; so great: এমনই পোড়া কপাল যে.
কচু-পোড়া খাওয়া (abusive) get nothing after long expectation; be deprived of what was expected.
কপাল পোড়া (verb intransitive) lose the favour of fortune; be unlucky.
কপোত-মিথুন (noun) a pigeon-couple; a pair of male and female doves.
কপোল-কল্পনা (noun) figments of the imagination; fanciful imagery.
কপোল-কল্পিত (adjective) imaginery; fictitious.
কম্পোজ করা (verb transitive) compose or make up words, paragraphs, pages, etc in printing.
কম্পোজিটার (noun) one who composes type for printing; a compositor.
কলা পোড়া খাও (slang) go to the dogs; be down and out; be ruined.
কাঠ খড় পোড়ানো (verb intransitive) (figurative) undergo various troubles and expenses to achieve an end: অনেক কাঠ খড় পুড়িয়ে তবে লাইসেন্সটি পেয়েছি, secured the license for a great amount of trouble and expenses.
খাপ খাওয়ানো (verb transitive) adapt oneself to; adjust to; accommodate: তার পোশাক তার পদমর্যাদার সাথে খাপ খায় না, his dress is not befitting his position; তার মতো লোকের এমন আচরণ খাপ খায় না, such conduct is not becoming of a man of his stature.
খোশ পোশাক (noun) fine clothes; good/elegant dress.
খোশ পোশাকি (adjective) well-dressed; foppish.
গুটি পোকা (noun) the silkworm.
গৃহকপোত (noun) a tame pigeon.
ঘর-পোড়া (adjective) 1 one whose dwelling has been burnt down.
ঘর পোড়া গরু সিঁদুরে মেঘ দেখে ডরায় (literally) a cow that has the experience of a conflagration dreads red clouds in the evening sky (prov); once bitten, twice shy; a scolded dog fears cold water; a burnt child dreads the fire.
ঘর-পোষা (adjective) domesticated; tame.
রূপোর চাকতি (noun) a silver coin.
চার পোয়া four quarters; complete; full; whole; entire.
ছা-পোষা (adjective) one burdened with the responsibility of rearing a good number of children on a small income: ছা পোষা কেরানি.
ছানা পোনা (noun) (plural) young ones.
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