Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
- Bengali Word পালোEnglish definition (noun) starch obtained from zedoary or shathi (শঠি)
- Bengali Word পালোয়ানিEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) heroism; athletic exercise; wrestling; gymnastics; brute force; prowess.
(adjective) of a wrestler/wrestling; gymnastic; heroic; mighty; titanic; burly; athletic.
- Bengali Word গাড়োয়ানEnglish definition (noun) person who drives a hackney carriage; a coachman
- Bengali Word আলোয়ানEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) woollen wrapper; shawl
- Bengali Word জোয়ানEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) (1) a person grown to manhood; adult.
(2) (military) a soldier.
(adjective) full of youth; strong and stout: জোয়ান লোক.
জোয়ানকি (noun) youth.
(adjective) youthful.
জোয়ানি (noun) youthfulness; youth; calf-time.
- Bengali Word দরোয়ানEnglish definition (noun) (1) door-keeper; gate-keeper; gateman; porter; doorman.
(2) janitor.
- Bengali Word দারোয়ানEnglish definition = দরোয়ান
- Bengali Word নৌজোয়ানEnglish definition = নওজোয়ান ( নও)
- Bengali Word পাকোয়ানEnglish definition (noun) cooked/dressed food; victuals fried in butter or oil; cakes; pastry
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