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  • দূরতা, দূরত্ব (noun(s)) distance; remoteness; length; (amount of) difference.
  • বিদূরত্ব (noun) great distance.

Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ

  • Bengali Word দূরEnglish definition (noun) distance; remoteness; long way.
    (adjective) (1) far; remote; distant; far from; long way off; long period back. (2) far-reaching: দূর দৃষ্টি. (3) long; extensive: দূর পথ. (4) removed; expelled; driven away/out: দুঃখ দূর হওয়া. (interjection) hang it; fie; drat it; dash! go to blazes! দূর করা (verb transitive) (1) turn out; expel; banish; drive away/out; dispel; eject. (2) relieve; eliminate: ব্যথা দূর করা. (3) put away; take away: এই বাসনাগুলি দূর করো. দূর হওয়া (verb intransitive) (1) go away; pass out of sight; be off; leave. (2) be removed/expelled; be eliminated/relieved. দূর হও! off with you! দূর হোক (ছাই) (interjection) hang it! damn it! chuck it! দূরক (noun) (astronomy) radius vector. দূরক ক্ষেত্র (noun) (astronomy) sectional area. দূরগ, দূরগামী (adjective) (1) going /travelling far; remote; far-going; long-distance. (2) far-reaching; long; extensive. দূরগা, দূরগামিনী (feminine) = দূর. দূরগত (adjective) gone far away. দূরগমন (noun) travelling far. দূর ছাই করা (verb intransitive) treat contemptuously; pooh-pooh; slight; sneer at; scorn. দূরত (adverb) from afar; at a distance; from a remote place. দূরতম (adverb) remotest; farthest; longest. দূরতা, দূরত্ব (noun(s)) distance; remoteness; length; (amount of) difference. দূরত্ব রক্ষা করা keep one’s distance. দূরদর্শন (noun) (1) long-sightedness; foresight; far-sight; far-sightedness; prudence. (2) television. (adjective) far-seeing; visible only from afar. দূরদর্শী (adjective) far-seeing; long-sighted; farsighted; prudence. (noun) seer; prophet দূরদর্শিনী (feminine) = দূর. দূরদর্শিতা (noun) = দূর দর্শন. দূর-দূর! (interjection) fie! blast it! hang it! damn! দূর দূর করা = দূর ছাই করা. দূর-দূরান্তর (noun) very distant/remote places. দূর-দূরান্তর থেকে from afar. দূর-দূরান্তরে (adverb) far and wide. দূর দৃষ্টি (noun) = দূরদর্শন. দূর দৃষ্টিসম্পন্ন = দূরদর্শী. দূরপাল্লা (noun) long-range/distance. দূরপাল্লার ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র (noun) long-range missiles. দূর প্রসারিত, দূর প্রসারী (adjective) reaching far; far-reaching; far-extending; very long. দূরবর্তিতা (noun) state of being/lying at a distance; remoteness; (figurative) separation by a large margin/great distance. দূরবর্তী (adjective) being in the distance; distant; far-removed; far-off; remote; lying/staying at a distance; (figurative) separated by a large margin; differing to a great extent. দূরবর্তিনী (feminine) = দূরবর্তী. দূরবীক্ষণ (noun) telescope. দূরবেধী (adjective) piercing from afar. দূরব্যাপী (adjective) far-extending; far-reaching. দূরস্থ, দূরস্থিত (adjective) being in the distance; remote; distant, situated/ lying/ located/staying at a distance. দূরে (adverb) at/to a distance; far; afar. দূরে থাকা keep aloof. দূরের কথা (1) an affair of distant future. (2) far from doing something; not to speak of: আপ্যায়ন দূরের কথা, সে ভালো করে কথাই বললো না.
  • Bengali Word দূরাগতEnglish definition (adjective) come from afar; distant
  • Bengali Word দূরান্তEnglish definition (noun) remote/distant/far-off place
  • Bengali Word দূরান্তরEnglish definition (noun) wide space; long distance
  • Bengali Word দূরীকরণEnglish definition (noun) removing; removal; expulsion; elimination; banishment; relief; act of driving out/turning out
  • Bengali Word দূরীকৃতEnglish definition (adjective) expelled; repelled; remove; driven out/away; turned out; banished
  • Bengali Word দূরীভবনEnglish definition (noun) act of being turned out/driven away; removal; expulsion; elimination; dislodgment
  • Bengali Word দূরীভূতEnglish definition (adjective) removed; expelled; turned out; dislodged; ejected; driven away/out
  • Bengali Word দূরেক্ষণEnglish definition (noun) television
  • Bengali Word দূর্বাEnglish definition (noun) (bent/panic) grass.
    দূর্বাদল (noun) blade of grass. দূর্বাদলশ্যাম (noun), (adjective) grass-green.
  • Bengali Word অকর্তৃত্বEnglish definition (noun) lack of authority or controlling power
  • Bengali Word অকৃতিত্বEnglish definition (noun) incapacity; inefficiency; incompetence
  • Bengali Word অমনুষ্যত্বEnglish definition (noun) lack of human qualities; inhumanity.
  • Bengali Word ইন্দ্রত্বEnglish definition (noun) (1) dignity or office of Indra.
    (2) sovereignty over the gods. (3) royalty; supremacy.
  • Bengali Word ঈশিতা, ঈশিত্বEnglish definition (noun) (1) divinity.
    (2) one of the eight attributes of divinity. (3) lordship; mastery; supremacy.
  • Bengali Word উপস্বত্বEnglish definition (noun) income from real property or business
  • Bengali Word একত্বEnglish definition (noun) the state of being one complete whole; oneness; unity: আল্লাহ্‌র একত্ব, unity of Allah
  • Bengali Word কবিত্বEnglish definition (noun) poetic imagination; the genius of a poet: কবিত্ব বিধাতার দান.
    কবিত্বপূর্ণ, কবিত্বময় (adjective) full of poetry/poetical beauty. কবিত্বশক্তি (noun) poetical genius/ talent.
  • Bengali Word কর্তৃত্বEnglish definition (noun) (1) the power or legal right to give orders and be obeyed; authority; mastery; domination.
    (2) one’s right to act independently without reference to others. কর্তৃত্ব করা (verb intransitive) exercise supreme authority. কর্তৃত্ব ফলানো (verb transitive) make people feel one’s authouity by being overbearing and insolent; exercise authority in a lordly and imperious style; domineer. কর্তৃত্বভার (noun) the responsibility attached to a position of authority. কর্তৃত্বাধীন (adjective) under one’s authority/ control/ management.
  • Bengali Word কৃতিত্বEnglish definition (noun) proficiency; skill; achievement
  • দূর হওয়া (verb intransitive) 1 go away; pass out of sight; be off; leave.
  • দূর হও! off with you! দূর হোক (ছাই) (interjection) hang it! damn it! chuck it! দূরক (noun) (astronomy) radius vector.
  • দূরক ক্ষেত্র (noun) (astronomy) sectional area.
  • দূরগ, দূরগামী (adjective) 1 going /travelling far; remote; far-going; long-distance.
  • দূরগত (adjective) gone far away.
  • দূরগমন (noun) travelling far.
  • দূর ছাই করা (verb intransitive) treat contemptuously; pooh-pooh; slight; sneer at; scorn.
  • দূরত (adverb) from afar; at a distance; from a remote place.
  • দূরতম (adverb) remotest; farthest; longest.
  • দূরতা, দূরত্ব (noun(s)) distance; remoteness; length; (amount of) difference.
  • দূরত্ব রক্ষা করা keep one’s distance.
  • দূরদর্শন (noun) 1 long-sightedness; foresight; far-sight; far-sightedness; prudence.
  • দূরদর্শী (adjective) far-seeing; long-sighted; farsighted; prudence.
  • দূর-দূরান্তর (noun) very distant/remote places.
  • দূর-দূরান্তর থেকে from afar.
  • দূর-দূরান্তরে (adverb) far and wide.
  • দূরপাল্লা (noun) long-range/distance.
  • দূরপাল্লার ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র (noun) long-range missiles.
  • দূর প্রসারিত, দূর প্রসারী (adjective) reaching far; far-reaching; far-extending; very long.
  • দূরবর্তিতা (noun) state of being/lying at a distance; remoteness; (figurative) separation by a large margin/great distance.
  • দূরবর্তী (adjective) being in the distance; distant; far-removed; far-off; remote; lying/staying at a distance; (figurative) separated by a large margin; differing to a great extent.
  • দূরবীক্ষণ (noun) telescope.
  • দূরবেধী (adjective) piercing from afar.
  • দূরব্যাপী (adjective) far-extending; far-reaching.
  • দূরস্থ, দূরস্থিত (adjective) being in the distance; remote; distant, situated/ lying/ located/staying at a distance.
  • দূরে (adverb) at/to a distance; far; afar.
  • দূরে থাকা keep aloof.
  • দূরের কথা 1 an affair of distant future.