- Bengali Word দুঃ-English definition (prefix) implying, evil, vile, wicked, bad, difficult, hard, prohibited; inauspicious distressing, sorrowful. badly, slight; inferior, etc
badly, slight; inferior, etc.
- Bengali Word দুঃখিতEnglish definition (adjective) pained; sorry; distressed; afflicted; unhappy; rueful; grieved; sad; sorrowful; suffering; regretful; stricken with sorrow
দুঃখিত চিত্ত, দুঃখিত হৃদয় (adjective) pained at heart; having a sorrowing/ regretful mind/ heart; grief laden; heavy-hearted; sore at heart; broken hearted.
- Bengali Word দুঃখীEnglish definition (adjective) (1) = দুঃখিত.
(2) poor; destitute; poverty-stricken; needy.
(noun) poor person; destitute; pauper; wretch. দুঃখিনী (feminine). দুঃখের দুঃখী (noun) sympathizer.
- Bengali Word দুঃখোক্তিEnglish definition (noun) regrets; lament; rueful/ woeful utterance/ remark
- Bengali Word দুঃশাসনEnglish definition (adjective) (1) difficult to be controlled; unruly; indomitable; intractable; refractory.
(2) misgoverning; tyrannous.
(noun) C]n misgovernment; tyranny.
- Bengali Word দুঃশীলEnglish definition (adjective) badly disposed; ill-behaved; wicked; depraved; vicious.
দুঃশীলা (feminine) = দুঃশীল.
দুঃশীলতা (noun) misbehaviour; wickedness; depravity; bad nature; viciousness.
- Bengali Word দুঃশ্রবEnglish definition (adjective) unpleasant to be heard.
দুঃশ্রবত্ব (noun) cacophony.
- Bengali Word দুঃসংবাদEnglish definition (noun) bad/evil news
- Bengali Word দুঃসমEnglish definition (adjective) unequal; uneven; unfit; perverse
- Bengali Word দুঃসময়English definition (noun) evil days; hard days
- Bengali Word দুঃসহEnglish definition (adjective) unbearable; intolerable; insufferable; severe; insupportable
- Bengali Word দুঃসাধ্যEnglish definition (adjective) difficult; arduous; uphill; difficult to be performed/ accomplished; difficult to be cured.
দুঃসাধ্য কার্য (noun) arduous/ uphill task.
দুঃসাধ্যতা (noun) state of being hard to accomplish; difficulty; formidability.
- Bengali Word দুঃসাহসEnglish definition (noun) audacity; intrepidity; daring; overmuch boldness; foolhardiness; bravado; temerity.
দুঃসাহসিক, দুঃসাহসী (adjective(s) audacious; intrepid; daring; daredevil; adventuresome; impetuous; foolhardy; excessively bold.
দুঃসাহসিকতা = দুঃসাহস
- Bengali Word দুঃসাহস ২English definition (adjective) (1) poor; miserable; indigent; needy; wretched.
(2) distressed; desolate; afflicted; woebegone.
দুঃসাহসতা (noun) poverty; indigence; wretchedness; misery; ill condition.
- Bengali Word দুঃস্থিতEnglish definition = দুঃস্থ, দুঃস্থিতি = দুঃস্থিতি
- Bengali Word দুঃস্পর্শEnglish definition (adjective) difficult to be touched; unpleasant to the touch
- Bengali Word দুঃস্মৃতিEnglish definition (noun) unpleasant memory
- Bengali Word দুঃস্বপ্নEnglish definition (noun) bad/distressing/ inauspicious/ terrifying dream; nightmare
- Bengali Word পরদুঃখEnglish definition (noun) another’s pain/ sorrow/ distress.
পরদুঃখকাতর (adjective) compassionate; commiserative.
পরদুঃখকাতরা (feminine) = পরদুঃখকাতর.
পরদুঃখকাতরতা (noun) compassion; commiseration.
- দুঃখ অপনোদন করা (verb transitive) alleviate suffering.
- দীন দুঃখী (adjective) indigent and distressed.
- পরদুঃখকাতর (adjective) compassionate; commiserative.
- প্রাণের দুঃখ/কষ্ট (noun(s) mental sufferings; anguish.
- (adverb) very; very much; too much; excessively: বড় লেগেছে, বড়ই দুঃখিত.
- (adjective) loaded; laden charged; loaded to the full; filled/ replate (with); burdened (with); crammed; encumbered (with): পানিতে/ পুঁজে বোঝাই, দুঃখে বোঝাই, বোঝাই করা (verb transitive) load (to the full); fill (with); charge; lade; cram; overload; stuff; overstuff; replete (with).
- মনোদুঃখ (noun) heartache; mental affliction.