Bengali Word দস্তরEnglish definition[Persian] (noun)
turban. দস্তরখান (noun) table cloth; piece of cloth spread on the ground on which meat dishes are placed.
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Bengali Word দস্তEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) hand.
দস্তখত (noun) signature.
দস্তখত করা (verb transitive) sign; endorse.
দস্তখতি (adjective) signed; endorsed; written with one’s own hand.
দস্তগির (noun) one who holds the hand (of); helper; protector; saint.
দস্তগিরি (noun) assistance; support; patronage; bossing.
দস্তদরাজ (noun) oppressor; extortioner.
(adjective)openhanded; generous.
দস্তবদস্ত (adjective) hand to hand.
দস্ত বরদার (adjective) renouncing; abstaining.
দস্ত বরদারি (noun) renunciation; withdrawal.
দস্তবস্তু (adjective), (adverb) with folded hands; humbly; respectfully.
দস্ত মুবারক (noun) blessed/hold hands.
(2) (affectionately) = দস্যি.
(3) (old) any outcast/Hindu who has become so by neglect of the essential rites.
দস্যুতা, দস্যুবৃত্তি (noun(s)) robbery; banditry; dacoity; plunder; rape.
দস্যুতা করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) commit robbery/holdup; plunder; rob; pillage; hold up.
দস্যু দল (noun) band/ gang of robbers/ highwayman/ gangsters.
দস্যুপনা (noun) (1) = দস্যুতা.
(2) dare-devilry. দস্যু ভয় (noun) fear of robbers.
জল দস্যু (noun) pirate; buccaneer; corsair; filibuster; privateer.
Bengali Word অনন্তরEnglish definition(adverb)(conjunction) then; thereafter; afterwards
Bengali Word অনুত্তরEnglish definition(adjective) (1) not responding/answering; silent.
(2) what or who has no superior; best; supreme; final.
(3) not belonging to the north; southern.
Bengali Word অন্তরEnglish definition(noun) (1) the heart; the mind.
(2) interior; depth.
(3) distance; intervening space.
(4) difference; contrariety (মতান্তর).
(5) end; termination.
(6) intimate relative: অন্তরতম.
(adjective) different; other (দেশান্তর).
অন্তর টিপুনি (noun) secret pinching of one's heart by another; secret prodding or surreptitious blow; home-thrust.
অন্তরজ্ঞ (adjective) (1) having intuition or introspection.
(2) far-sighted; prudent.
অন্তরস্থ (adjective) lying/ dwelling in one's heart.
অন্তর হওয়া (verb transitive) go away; vanish.
অন্তরে (adverb) at heart; in the depth of.
Bengali Word অন্তস্তরEnglish definition(noun) (geology) a level (stratum) lying beneath another in the earth; sub-stratum. ((plural) sub-strata)
((plural) sub-strata).
Bengali Word অবান্তরEnglish definition(adjective) (1) irrelevant; extraneous; beside the mark
Bengali Word অভ্যন্তরEnglish definition(noun) the interior; the inside/ inner part.
Bengali Word অর্থান্তরEnglish definition(noun) another meaning; different interpretation/meaning/significance.
অর্থান্তর ন্যাস (noun) (rhetorical) figure of speech corroborating the general by the particular or the particular by the general; contrast of ideas; simile; metaphor; antithesis.
Bengali Word আটাত্তরEnglish definition(adjective), (noun) seventy-eight
Bengali Word উত্তরEnglish definition(noun) (1) answer; reply; retort: প্রশ্নের উত্তর, answer to a question; চিঠির উত্তর, reply to a letter; অপমানের সমুচিত উত্তর, the retorting of insult for insult; সমুচিত উত্তর দেওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) retort; make a fitting retort; reply back in retaliation.
(2) response; answer to a call.
(3) the north; the opposite of ‘দক্ষিণ’.
(4) solution of an arithmetical sum; result of working with figures.
(5) (legal) reply to/refutation of a charge or pleading; a rejoinder.
(adjective) (1) future; that is to be/to come: উত্তর পুরুষ, future generation(s).
(2) later; subsequent; succeeding: যুদ্ধোত্তর (যুদ্ধ+উত্তর) পুনর্গঠন, post-war reconstruction.
(3) rare; uncommon; extraordinary; super-human: লোকোত্তর লোক+উত্তর প্রতিভা extra-ordinary genius.
(4) (of a chapter of a book) concluding; last; final: উত্তর কাণ্ড, concluding chapter; final act; fast incident/affair.
(adverb) immediately after; thereafter; afterward: স্বাধীনতা উত্তর কালে, in the post-liberation period.
উত্তর করা (verb transitive) (1) retort; argue.
(2) respond. উত্তর দেওয়া (verb transitive) (1) answer; reply.
(2) respond. উত্তরকাল (noun) the future; the subsequent/succeeding age.
উত্তরকালীন (adjective) of the future/subsequent time: উত্তরকালীন মানুষ, the future generation(s).
উত্তরকালে (adverb) in future; subsequently.
উত্তরক্রিয়া (noun) last rites; funeral obsequies.
উত্তরচ্ছদ (noun) (1) outer garment.
(2) bed-sheet; bed-cover.
(3) a scarf; a wrapper.
উত্তরপত্র (noun) script containing the answers of an examinee; answer-script.
উত্তর পশ্চিম (noun), (adjective) (the) north-west; north-western: উত্তর পশ্চিম সীমান্ত, the north-western frontier.
উত্তর পশ্চিমে (adverb) to or towards the north-west: ঢাকার (৩০) মাইল উত্তর পশ্চিমে, (30) miles north-west of Dhaka.
উত্তর পুরুষ (noun) the descendants; the posterity; the succeeding generation(s).
উত্তর পূর্ব (noun) the north-east.
(adjective) north-eastern.
উত্তর পূর্ব দিকে (adverb) to the north-eastern direction: (২০) মাইল উত্তর পূর্বে অবস্থিত, situated (20) miles north-east.
উত্তর প্রত্যুত্তর (noun) reply and counter-reply; altercation; bandying of words.
উত্তর প্রত্যুত্তর করা (verb intransitive) altercate; wrangle.
উত্তর বেতন (noun) stated monthly allowance drawn by an employee on completion of the term of service; pension.
উত্তর মেরু (noun) the north extremity of the earth‘s axis; the North Pole; the frigid zone round the North Pole.
উত্তর সাধক (noun) (1) a devotee or votary of the later time.
(2) the chief assistant of a ‘Tantrik’ religious teacher.
সাধিকা (feminine) = উত্তর.
উত্তরসূরি (noun), (adjective) spiritual descendant; (poet or wiseman) of the later time.
Bengali Word উত্তরোত্তরEnglish definition(adverb) gradually; by degrees; successively: উত্তরোত্তর শ্রীবৃদ্ধি
Bengali Word উপায়ান্তরEnglish definition(noun) alternative means/course; other means.
উপায়ান্তর না দেখে finding or having no other way/means.