- Bengali Word দম ১English definition(onomatopoeia) expressing a thudding/thumping sound; thump; thud; bang; report of a gun. দম করে (adverb) with a thump/ bang/ thud. দমাদম (adverb) thumping/ banging repeatedly.
- Bengali Word দম ২English definition[P] (noun) (1) breath; breathing: দম বন্ধ হওয়া. (2) vitality; life; energy; spirit: তার আর দম নেই, একেবারে হাঁপিয়ে পড়েছে. (3) moment; instant: এক দমে পৌঁছা. (4) long pull (at); whiff: গাঁজার কল্কিতে দম দেওয়া. (5) breath of life: দম বের হয়ে যাওয়া. (6) deceit; tick; bluff; fib; hoax; wheedling: তার কথা বিশ্বাস কোরো না, ওসব তার দম. (7) winding a machine: ঘড়িতে দম দেওয়া. (8) spring: ঘড়ির দম, দমের গদি. (9) mild heat: খাবার দমে রাখা. (10) a kind of highly seasoned curry: বাঁধাকপির দম. (11) edge (of a sword); point (of a spear). (12) puff of steam; steam-power. দম আটকানো (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (1) gasp; be choked/suffocated; catch one’s breath; be confused. (2) suffocate; choke. দম খিঁচানো (verb intransitive) remain breathless; hold one’s breath; suspend breath; remain silent. দম ছাড়া (verb intransitive) get one’s breath again/back; (be able to) breathe again; exhale; heave a sigh of relief; take/have a breath. দম ছাড়ার অবকাশ (noun) breather; breathing-space; breathing-time. দম টানা (verb intransitive)draw breath; puff (at/on something); puff away at/on; take a long pull at. দম দেওয়া (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) (1) wind (a watch). (2) deceive; coax; wheedle; inveigle; bamboozle. (3) take/have a spell at smoking: গাঁজায় দম দেওয়া. দম নেওয়া (verb intransitive) rest oneself; take breath; have a breather/respite. দম ফাটা (verb intransitive) suffocate; choke. দম ফুরানো (verb intransitive) (1) be breathless; be dying; die; be at one’s last gasp; be cut of breath. (2) (of clocks, etc) require fresh winding. দম ফেলা (verb intransitive) pant; gasp; breathe short; be exhausted. দম বন্ধ করা (verb intransitive) catch/ hold one’s breath. দম বন্ধ করানো (verb transitive) suffocate; choke; cause to catch one’s breath. দম বন্ধ করে মারা (verb transitive) suffocate; strangulate; stifle; smothered; strangle; choke the life out of somebody. দম বন্ধ করা (adjective) suffocating; stifling. দম বন্ধ হওয়া (verb intransitive) be choked/ suffocated; suffocate; stifle. দম বের করা (verb transitive) suffocate; smother; choke the life out of somebody. দম রাখা (verb intransitive) hold one’s breath. দম লাগানো = দম দেওয়া. দম সাধা (verb intransitive) hold one’s breath (like yogis). দমবাজ (adjective) (1) artful; treacherous; bragging; boastful; pompous; inflated; swollen. (noun) (1) deceiver; wheedler. (2) gasbag; windbag; brag; braggart; bluffer; fibber. দমবাজি bragging; bombast; tall talk; hoaxing; fib. দমবেদম (adverb) every moment; continually; constantly; breath by breath . একদমে (adverb) (1) instantly; forthwith; at a gallop; immediately. (2) in the same breath. পুরাদমে (adverb) in full swing; at full speed; headlong.
- Bengali Word দম ৩English definition[Persian] (noun) tail; end.
- Bengali Word দম ৪English definition(noun) control; continence; self-command; self-control; self-restrainted.
- Bengali Word দমক ১English definition(adjective) taming; restraining; subduing. (noun) tamer one who restrains/subdues.
- Bengali Word দমক ২English definition(noun) sudden blast/burst; flash; gust; spell: বাতাসের দমক.
- Bengali Word দমকলEnglish definition(noun) (1) fire-engine; fire-brigade. (2) water-pump. দমকল বাহিনী (noun) fire-brigade.
- Bengali Word দমকাEnglish definition(adjective) (1) gusty: দমকা হাওয়া. ২ unforeseen: unexpected: দমকা খরচ. (noun) gusty wind; fitful; gusts of wind.
- Bengali Word দমদমEnglish definition(onomatopoeia) (1) repeated thud/thump bang. (2) boom (of the guns).
- Bengali Word দমদমাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) (1) mound. (2) raised battery; entrenchment. (3) raised mound of earth or target practice.
- Bengali Word দমনEnglish definition(noun) (1) taming; subduing; overpowering; quelling: বিদ্রোহ দমন. (2) suppression; coercion. (3) restraint; repression: ইদ্রিয় দমন. (4) punishing; check. (5) removal; abatement: রোগ দমন. দমন করা (verb transitive) tame; subdue; quell; restrain; repress; supress; bring under control; punish; overpower; check; remove; abate. দমননীতি (noun) policy of repression/coercion.
- Bengali Word দমনীয়, দম্যEnglish definition(adjective) to be restrained; tamable; restrainable; suppressible; repressible; mitigable; removable; controllable.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
- Bengali Word আদমEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) Adam, the first man
- Bengali Word উদমEnglish definition = উদাম
- Bengali Word একদমEnglish definition [Persian] (adverb) thoroughly; out and out; utterly: একদম বাজে, utterly bad; একদম চলতে পারে না, utterly incapable of walking.একদমে (adverb) in one breath; without stop.
- Bengali Word গন্দমEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) the forbidden fruit of the Heaven spoken of in the Qoran
- Bengali Word দমদমEnglish definition (onomatopoeia) (1) repeated thud/thump bang.(2) boom (of the guns).
- Bengali Word মৎত্রদ্দমEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) translator; interpreter
- Bengali Word সকর্দমEnglish definition (adjective) muddy; soiled
- Bengali Word হরদমEnglish definition = হর ২.(adverb) every moment; always; non-stop; often; incessantly; continuously; every now and then.
- Bengali Word হুড়ুদ্দমEnglish definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) violent movement; romping; commotion; turbulence; rumpus; welter; stir
- অবদমন করা (verb transitive) repress.
- অবদমিত (adjective) repressed.
- অরিন্দম (adjective) one who subdues or conquers enemies.
- আত্মদমন (noun) self-restraint; self-control.
- আত্মদমন করা (verb transitive) restrain one’s passions.
- কালা আদমি (noun) (derogatory) coloured man; blackie.
- আনন্দময় (adjective) joyful; delightful; happy; cheerful; merry.
- আনন্দময়ী (adjective) 1 (feminine) of আনন্দময়.
- আপদমস্তক (adverb) from head to foot; from top to bottom.
- ইন্দ্রিয়জয়, ইন্দ্রিয়দমন, ইন্দ্রিয় সংযম (noun(s)) 1 restraint of the desires and passions; control of the senses/sensual appetites; continence.
- একদমে (adverb) in one breath; without stop.
- (interjection) expressing regret for negligence, lapse of memory, etc: ঐ যা, একদম ভুলে গেছি.
- কদম বুসি [Arabic + Persian] (noun) making obeisance to one by touching his/ her feet.
- কর্দমময়, কর্দমাক্ত (adjective) mud-stained; muddy.
- কাগজপত্র (plural) written records, documents, etc: মোকদ্দমার কাগজপত্র ঠিক আছে তো? কাগজে কলমে (adverb) in writing or in print; in black and while.
- কেলিকদম্ব (noun) (mythology) the kadamba tree at Mathura, the celebrated scene of dalliance between Radha and Krishna.
- খরিদমূল্য (noun) the price at which something is bought; cost price.
- খাপ খাওয়ানো (verb transitive) adapt oneself to; adjust to; accommodate: তার পোশাক তার পদমর্যাদার সাথে খাপ খায় না, his dress is not befitting his position; তার মতো লোকের এমন আচরণ খাপ খায় না, such conduct is not becoming of a man of his stature.
- খেদমতগার (noun) one who waits on/ attends; servant; attendant.
- খেদমতগারি (noun) act of serving/attending.
- খোদাই-খিদমতগার (noun) 1 servant in the way of God.
- চাঁদমুখ (noun) a face as pretty as the moon.
- চিত্ত জয়, চিত্ত দমন (noun(s)) 1 control of the mind; self-restraint.
- জলদমন্ত্র (noun) the grave sound of clouds.
- দম করে (adverb) with a thump/ bang/ thud.
- দমাদম (adverb) thumping/ banging repeatedly.
- দম আটকানো (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) 1 gasp; be choked/suffocated; catch one’s breath; be confused.
- দম খিঁচানো (verb intransitive) remain breathless; hold one’s breath; suspend breath; remain silent.
- দম ছাড়া (verb intransitive) get one’s breath again/back; (be able to) breathe again; exhale; heave a sigh of relief; take/have a breath.
- দম ছাড়ার অবকাশ (noun) breather; breathing-space; breathing-time.
- দম টানা (verb intransitive)draw breath; puff (at/on something); puff away at/on; take a long pull at.
- দম দেওয়া (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) 1 wind (a watch).
- দম নেওয়া (verb intransitive) rest oneself; take breath; have a breather/respite.
- দম ফাটা (verb intransitive) suffocate; choke.
- দম ফুরানো (verb intransitive) 1 be breathless; be dying; die; be at one’s last gasp; be cut of breath.
- দম ফেলা (verb intransitive) pant; gasp; breathe short; be exhausted.
- দম বন্ধ করা (verb intransitive) catch/ hold one’s breath.
- দম বন্ধ করানো (verb transitive) suffocate; choke; cause to catch one’s breath.
- দম বন্ধ করে মারা (verb transitive) suffocate; strangulate; stifle; smothered; strangle; choke the life out of somebody.
- দম বন্ধ করা (adjective) suffocating; stifling.
- দম বন্ধ হওয়া (verb intransitive) be choked/ suffocated; suffocate; stifle.
- দম বের করা (verb transitive) suffocate; smother; choke the life out of somebody.
- দম রাখা (verb intransitive) hold one’s breath.
- দম সাধা (verb intransitive) hold one’s breath (like yogis).
- দমবাজ (adjective) 1 artful; treacherous; bragging; boastful; pompous; inflated; swollen.
- দমবাজি bragging; bombast; tall talk; hoaxing; fib.
- দমবেদম (adverb) every moment; continually; constantly; breath by breath .
- একদমে (adverb) 1 instantly; forthwith; at a gallop; immediately.
- পুরাদমে (adverb) in full swing; at full speed; headlong.