Bengali Word তরকারিEnglish definition(noun)(1) kitchen vegetables.
(2) juicy and spicy dish cooked with or without vegetables; curry.
তরকারি কোটা (verb intransitive) chop vegetables.
Bengali Word তরি-তরকারিEnglish definition(noun)
(plural) kitchen vegetables.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
Bengali Word করকাEnglish definition(noun) hail or snow mingled, with rain; hail-stone.
করকাপাত (noun) fall of hail-stones; hail-storm.
Bengali Word চরকাEnglish definition(noun) a small machine (used especially formerly at home) for spinning thread, in which a foot-driven wheel moves a spindle; a spinning wheel; a spinning jenny.
চরকা কাটা (verb intransitive) spin wool or cotton into thread; spin thread.
চরকা নিজের চরকায় তেল দাও (figurative) oil your own machine; mind your own business.
Bengali Word তারকাEnglish definition(noun) (1) the star.
(2) the pupil of the eye.
(3) the star-mark; an asterisk.
(4) a famous actor or actress of the film; a film-star: চিত্র তারকা.
তারকাখচিত, তারকামণ্ডিত (adjective) bedecked/studded with stars; starry; star-spangled.
তারকা চিহ্নিত (adjective) marked with an asterisk.