- Bengali Word জুলফি, জুলফি, জুলফEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) hair allowed to grow on the sides of a man’s face; side-burns; whiskers.
- Bengali Word জুলফিকারEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) the famous sword of Caliph Ali.
- Bengali Word জুলমাতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) (1) perpetration of tyranny and injustice and consequent disorder, chaos and confusion. (2) indication of a great upheaval.
- Bengali Word জুলাইEnglish definition[English] (noun) the seventh month of the Christian calendar; July.
- Bengali Word জুলাপEnglish definition= জোলাপ
- Bengali Word জুলিEnglish definition(noun) a narrow drain for waste water.
- Bengali Word জুলুEnglish definition[English] (noun) the Zulu tribe of South Africa or their language.
- Bengali Word জুলুমEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) (1) torture; oppression; tyranny. (2) application of force; pressure; violence; intimidation. জুলুমবাজ (adjective) one who uses violent and unjust means to achieve his ends. জুলুমবাজি (noun) taking recourse to oppressive and violent means.
- Bengali Word নজুলEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) descent: শানে-নজুল.
- Bengali Word ফজুলEnglish definition[Arabic] (adjective) (1) excessive; abundant. (2) unnecessary; superfluous.
- Bengali Word বঞ্জুলEnglish definition(noun) (1) a kind of flower and its tree; commonly called অশোক. (2) cane-plant; rattan-plant.
- Bengali Word মঞ্জুলEnglish definition(adjective) beautiful; pleasing; lovely; charming. (noun) (1) bower; arbour. (2) a species of water-hen or gallinule. মঞ্জুলতা (noun) beauty; loveliness.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
- Bengali Word নজুলEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) descent: শানে-নজুল
- Bengali Word ফজুলEnglish definition [Arabic] (adjective) (1) excessive; abundant.(2) unnecessary; superfluous.
- Bengali Word বঞ্জুলEnglish definition (noun) (1) a kind of flower and its tree; commonly called অশোক.(2) cane-plant; rattan-plant.
- Bengali Word মঞ্জুলEnglish definition (adjective) beautiful; pleasing; lovely; charming.(noun) (1) bower; arbour. (2) a species of water-hen or gallinule. মঞ্জুলতা (noun) beauty; loveliness.
- জবর জুলুম [Arabic] (noun) severe oppression; extreme tyranny.
- জুলুমবাজ (adjective) one who uses violent and unjust means to achieve his ends.
- জুলুমবাজি (noun) taking recourse to oppressive and violent means.
- জোরজুলুম (noun) oppression; violence; tyranny.
- জোরজুলুম করা (verb transitive) oppress; tyrannize; use violence.
- রা):তেসরা জুলাই.
- বেফজুল (adjective) useless; superfluous; needless; profuse: বেফজুল খরচ.
- মঞ্জুলতা (noun) beauty; loveliness.
- মিলজুক, মিলজুল (noun(s) harmony; accord; association.
- শানে নজুল/ নযুল (noun) circumstances of revelation (of Qoranic verses).