Bengali Word জাম ১English definition[Persian] (noun)
a cup; a bowl.
জামবাটি (noun) a large cup or bowl made of belt-metal; a big goblet.
Bengali Word জাম ২English definition(noun)
(2) (also কালো জাম) a variety of sweet.
Bengali Word জাম ৩English definition[English] (noun)
state of being squeezed together; tight; tense; jam: জানালাটা জাম হয়ে আছে.
(adjective) overcrowded; forcibly compact; jammed : সভাগৃহ জাম.
Bengali Word জামড়াEnglish definition(noun)
part of the skin hardened by friction; horny hardness; callosity.
Bengali Word জামদানিEnglish definition[Persian] (noun)
a variety of muslin woven in floral designs; jamdani.
(adjective) woven in floral designs.
Bengali Word জামরুদ ১English definition[ Arabic] (noun) precious stone of bright greenish colour; emerald.
Bengali Word জামরুদ ২English definition(noun)
an old fortress near the Khaibar Pass.
Bengali Word জামরুলEnglish definition(noun)
a kind of small greenish-white juicy fruit.
Bengali Word জামাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun)
garment for the upper body; eg shirt, blouse, jacket, etc.
জামা জোড়া (noun) (plural) a suit of garments.
Bengali Word জামাইEnglish definition(noun)
husband of one’s daughter; a son-in-law.
জামাই আদর (noun)(1) cordial entertaining with good food.
(2) reception with care and attention befitting a son-in-law.
জামাইষষ্ঠী (noun)(1) the sixth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Joistha when a son-in-law is received and blessed by his parents-in-law. according to Hindu tradition.
(2) rite connected with this.
ঘর জামাই (noun) a son-in-law who puts up with his parents-in-law.
(2) (history) ruler of Hyderabad; Nizam.
নিজামৎ, নিজামত (adjective) (1) government; administration; office of an administrator; department.
(2) office/rule of a Nizam.